
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 22:10:33


34.find a job as a language teacher 找一份当语言教师的工作
35.What are you going to be when you grow up?你长大了要干什么?
36.I`m going to be a computer programmer.我要成为一名电脑程序设计师.
37.How are you going to do that?你打算怎样去做呢?
38.I`m going to take acting lessons.我要去上表演课.
39.When I grow up,I`m going to do what I want to do.我长大后我要做我想做的事.
40.I`m going to study French at the same time.同时,我要学法语.
41.I`m going to get good grades.我要取得好成绩.
42.We`re going to build a bigger subway .我们要建立一个更大的地铁.
Unit 11
1.take out the trash 把垃圾拿出去
2.make the bed 整理床铺
3.sweep the floor 扫地,清洁地面
4.fold one`s clothes 叠衣服
5.clean the living room 打扫起居室
6.like to do sth.喜欢干……
7.invite… to… 邀请……到……
8.take care of = look after 照顾
9.forget to do sth. 忘记要去干……
forget doing sth.忘记做过某事
10.work on 从事,操作,演算
11.go on vacation 去度假
12.do the dishes 清洗餐具
13.go to a meeting 去参加会议
14.stay out late 在外面呆到很晚
15.do chores = do the housework 做家务
16.do the laundry 洗熨衣服
17.borrow ...from ...从……借来……
18.feed sth.饲养…… ,喂养…… .
19.take ...for a walk 带……去散步
20.need some help 需要帮助
21.get angry (with sb.) 生某人的气
22.Could you please take out the trash?请把垃圾拿出去好吗?
23.---Could I use (borrow) your computer?我能借用一下你的电脑吗?
---Sorry.I`m going to work on it now.抱歉,我正准备用它呢.
24.I hate doing (to do) chores.我讨厌做家务.
25.Could I invite my friends to a party?我能邀请朋友来参加晚会吗?.
26.There are a few other things I want you to do before the party .
Unit 12
1.close to / near home 离家近
2.a movie theater 电影院
3.comfortable seats 舒适的座位
4.do a survey of 做一个…...调查
5.play a piano piece 弹一支钢琴曲
6.the price of ……的价格
7.the radio station 广播电台
8.think about 考虑
9.a talent show 才能展示
10.a boring TV show 乏味的电视节目
11.friendly service 友好的服务
12.make mushroom soup 做蘑菇汤
13.a speech contest 一次演讲比赛
14.a creative job 富有创造性的工作
15.an elementary school 小学
16.in a fun part of town 位于城里的好玩地区
17.clothing store 服装店
18.trendy teens 时尚少年
19.good quality clothes 好质量服装
20.in town 在城镇 in the city 在城市里 in the country 在农村
21.in southern China = in the south of China 在中国的南方
22.in Hainan Province 在海南省
23.cut the price 降价
24.the prize for ...…… 奖
25.200 yuan a night 每晚200元
26.minus 30 degrees Celsius 零下三十度
27.It`s the closest to home.它离家最近.
28.We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned.
29.Last week`s talent show was a great success.上周的才艺展示举办得非常成功.
30.She played a beautiful piano piece.她弹奏了一曲优美的钢琴曲.
31.He danced without music.他跳了一支无音乐伴奏的舞.
32.The price of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night.
Review of units 7一12
1.a leader of a bank 银行领导
2.What kind of bread 什么样的面包?
3.What`s next 下一步呢?
4.World Animal Day 世界动物日
5.lay eggs 生蛋,下蛋
6.not … at all 根本不,完全不
7.tell us on the radio 通过广播告诉我们
8.Beijing is very far from Hainan.北京离海南很远.
9.How do you make mushroom soup?你怎么做蘑菇汤?
10.I don`t like them at all.我根本就不喜欢它们.

