
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 02:13:29


Combination of number and form is a commonly used way
in solving mathematical, it combined algebra and
geometry, conversion between number and form, making
some abstract mathematical problems direct-viewing,
vivid, making abstract thinking into imaginal thinking,
helps to grasp the essence of mathematical
problems.This type of "number" and "form" information
conversion and penetration, can not only solve some
subject simply and fast, but also greatly develop our
problem-solving ideas, opening up an important way of
studying and exploring mathematical problem.This
article will discuss the skillful application of the
combination of number and form ideas in middle school
mathematic education on the following aspects : (1)
application in the congregation;(2) application of
symmetrical problem;(3) application of equations and
inequalities;(4) application of function;(5) application of plural,;(6) application of analytic geometry;(7) the simplification and miscellaneousness of the combination of number and form .Through analysis, comparison and summing up,
the advantages of using the combination of
number and form ideas in solving mathmatic problems will be fully revealed.

英语翻译数形结合是数学解题中常用的思想方法,它将代数与几何相结合,利用数形之间相互转换,使某些抽象的数学问题直观化、生动化,能够变抽象思维为形象思维,有助于把握数学问题的本 解方程x+1+根号x+1=2时,如果设根号x+1=y,那么原方程可化为关于y的整式方程是y方+y-2=0,继续解下去……在解题过程中体现的数学思想或数学方法是( )A数形结合思想 B化归思想 C类比思想 D待定系 浅析如何在小学数学教学中渗透数形结合的思想 小学数学教学中如何应用数形结合思想的研究 运用各种数学思想的题分类讨论思想、数形结合思想、整体代换思想、化归思想 数学中常用的思想方法有几种? 我今年初三,作数学几何题很费劲,尤其是二次函数的数形结合,还有动点题.求解题思想还有基本步骤, 2.数轴是数学的重要内容之一,它体现的数学思想是.A,分类讨论的思想 B,数形结合的2.数轴是数学的重要内容之一,它体现的数学思想是.A,分类讨论的思想 B,数形结合的思想 C,转化的思想 D,方程 高中数学第一册,数形结合的思想在集合中是怎样体现的? 数形结合思想的应用 用到数形结合的思想, (例如:数形结合思想,带入思想.最好是有注解的 小学数学中常用的思想方法有几种? 请问,用英语怎么翻译“数形结合思想在解题中的应用”? 在数学中适用于数形结合的题目类型 什么是数形结合思想 数形结合思想是什么 什么是数形结合思想