英语翻译我只是在浏览的时候对这言论比较好奇,但是没看懂大概意思,所以请高人翻译.这段是:China The great leap forward cost an estimated 50 million chinese lives,yeah you go there government!Becky the truth is that

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 17:52:36

英语翻译我只是在浏览的时候对这言论比较好奇,但是没看懂大概意思,所以请高人翻译.这段是:China The great leap forward cost an estimated 50 million chinese lives,yeah you go there government!Becky the truth is that
China The great leap forward cost an estimated 50 million chinese lives,yeah you go there government!Becky the truth is that if americans really knew how their governments are screwing them every day there just might be a pitchfork and torch scene in every US town/city.In the great Northeastern US (where virtually all government employees are unionized )government employees (Fed,State and Local) enjoy benefits and pay that the average american worker could only imagine after smoking a bong full.
It is amazing how Dems worship government.Your faith in government probably stems from the fact that either you or your husband/dad are government employees.If government is the answer then it follows that the more government we have the better the society.Um.lets see some examples of more government.Soviet Union,wow there was a great success!NAZI Germany,yep just a great place to live and prosper.Cuba,50 years of nothing but government and they are still driving nothing but 1950's cars!China The great leap forward cost an estimated 50 million chinese lives,yeah you go there government!Becky the truth is that if americans really knew how their governments are screwing them every day there just might be a pitchfork and torch scene in every US town/city.In the great Northeastern US (where virtually all government employees are unionized )government employees (Fed,State and Local) enjoy benefits and pay that the average american worker could only imagine after smoking a bong full.Example:
in NY state after only 8 years,state employees receive 4 weeks vacation,15 sick days paid,5 personal days paid and 12 paid holidays.Quick math shows 52 days off a year .that's 1 per week.I would guess that NY state would need about 20% excess employees just to cover the absences.Oh did I mention that NY state has a 17 billion dollar funding shortfall this year but Obama has given $4 billion to keep the workers happy (while not working!) NY is not alone they are just the most egregious offender.Many states award 70 % of salary retirement benefits to long term employees (including teachers that reach 55 years and 30 years service).Becky,are you a teacher?

英语翻译我只是在浏览的时候对这言论比较好奇,但是没看懂大概意思,所以请高人翻译.这段是:China The great leap forward cost an estimated 50 million chinese lives,yeah you go there government!Becky the truth is that

上半部分:中国? 这个飞跃以付出了5000万中国人的生命为代价,事实是,如果美国人人的知道他们的政府每天如何镇压他们,在美国的美一个城市就会是干草和火炬的景象,在伟大的美国东北地区(所有政府雇员联合的地方)政府官员正享受着一个普通美国工人吸完大烟后在能想的利益和报酬
下半部分: 政府越多社会越好,然后用几个国家举例子,苏联(纳粹党一帮),德国(也只不过是个居住的好环境),古巴(开着50年...


上半部分:中国? 这个飞跃以付出了5000万中国人的生命为代价,事实是,如果美国人人的知道他们的政府每天如何镇压他们,在美国的美一个城市就会是干草和火炬的景象,在伟大的美国东北地区(所有政府雇员联合的地方)政府官员正享受着一个普通美国工人吸完大烟后在能想的利益和报酬
下半部分: 政府越多社会越好,然后用几个国家举例子,苏联(纳粹党一帮),德国(也只不过是个居住的好环境),古巴(开着50年代的破车,一无所有,除了政府什么都没有) 文章主要观点是政府官员多不一定好



首先是一堆对社会 主义 国家 的讽刺, 然后说:中国? 大 跃 进 牺牲 了 50m 条命。然后反问你真要这种体制么?

英语翻译我只是在浏览的时候对这言论比较好奇,但是没看懂大概意思,所以请高人翻译.这段是:China The great leap forward cost an estimated 50 million chinese lives,yeah you go there government!Becky the truth is that 英语翻译radii 和 radiuses 这两个在写论文的时候 用那个比较好 我在南京,六级过了,我想提高口语,问一下有没有什么英语教学机构比较好,求推荐~据说南京的新东方不好,而且由于学校课程比较重,我只是想要在周末的时候学习, 英语翻译这是跟客人谈生意的时候说起的,具体怎么翻译比较好? 英语翻译平时喜欢看书和上网浏览信息.我的性格比较开朗,随和.和周围朋友相处融洽,并且对生活充满了信心.在大学期间,我利用平时假期,兼职过促销员和接线员,会计助理,虽然只是兼职,但我 浏览的英语翻译 英语翻译是在收货的时候,里面有张清单,下面就写这句话,该如何翻译比较好? 我想知道“亲爱的”这个词用在什么人身上!外国人怎么用这个词!只是一个跟我聊得比较好的异性对我的称呼 ,但是他从没有说过那些感情的话! 对不起,在你需要我的时候,我还在你伤口上撒盐 英文怎么翻译比较好 有人认为伏尔泰的言论只是“借助孔子进行革命”,是对中国文化的“误读”.谈谈你对这一观点的理解 我会坚持下去,只是,我想念你的时候你会不会也在想我 求这句话的正确英语翻译、谢谢 回答我的问题前请先浏览一下课文英语翻译初二 怎样培养对英语的兴趣,树立学习英语的信心?今年我读高二,各科成绩都比较好,只是英语只考八十多分,高一的时候光顾着玩了,基本没听课,所以导致今天这个情况.我不想因为英语而耽误我的 我最近在做商务英语听力的时候总是听不明白,想问下商务英语听力怎么学比较好? 英语翻译要比较好的 谁的英语翻译比较好? 故宫博物院的问题有去故宫玩过的吗,我打算去,不知道是从故宫正门开始看还是从天安门城楼进比较好?故宫里半天能看完吗?里面一定要看的地方是哪?有浏览路线吗?麻烦说一下,免得到时候去 英语翻译:我是一面镜子,当你对我做鬼脸的时候我也在对你做鬼脸.