已知数列{an}{bn}满足,对任意n属于正整数,an,bn,an+1成等差数列,且an+1=根号下bnbn+1 1.证明:根号bn是等差已知数列{an}{bn}满足,对任意n属于正整数,an,bn,an+1成等差数列,且an+1=根号下bnbn+11.证明:根号bn

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 18:08:04

已知数列{an}{bn}满足,对任意n属于正整数,an,bn,an+1成等差数列,且an+1=根号下bnbn+1 1.证明:根号bn是等差已知数列{an}{bn}满足,对任意n属于正整数,an,bn,an+1成等差数列,且an+1=根号下bnbn+11.证明:根号bn
已知数列{an}{bn}满足,对任意n属于正整数,an,bn,an+1成等差数列,且an+1=根号下bnbn+1 1.证明:根号bn是等差

已知数列{an}{bn}满足,对任意n属于正整数,an,bn,an+1成等差数列,且an+1=根号下bnbn+1 1.证明:根号bn是等差已知数列{an}{bn}满足,对任意n属于正整数,an,bn,an+1成等差数列,且an+1=根号下bnbn+11.证明:根号bn
所以 a(n)+a(n+1)=2b(n)
a(n)=1 当n=1

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已知数列{an}{bn}满足,对任意n属于正整数,an,bn,an+1成等差数列,且an+1=根号下bnbn+1 1.证明:根号bn是等差已知数列{an}{bn}满足,对任意n属于正整数,an,bn,an+1成等差数列,且an+1=根号下bnbn+11.证明:根号bn 已知数列{an}{bn}满足,对任意n属于正整数,an,bn,an+1成等差数列,且an+1=根号下bnbn+1 1.证明:根号bn是等差已知数列{an}{bn}满足,对任意n属于正整数,an,bn,an+1成等差数列,且an+1=根号下bnbn+11.证明:根号bn 正整数列{an},{bn}满足对任意正整数n,an、bn、an+1成等差数列,bn、an+1、bn+1成等比数列,证明:数列{根号bn}成等差数列 已知正数列{an}和{bn}满足:对任意n(n属于N*),an,bn,an+1成等差数列且an+1=根号下b已知正数列{an}和{bn}满足:对任意n(n属于N*),an,bn,a(n+1)成等差数列且a(n+1)=根号下bn x b(n+1)判断数列根号下bn为 已知数列【an】是首项为a,公差为1的等差数列,数列【bn】满足 bn=(1+an)/an ,若对任意的n∈N,都有bn≥b8成立,则实数a的取值范围______ 已知数列{An}、{Bn}满足a1=1/2 b1=-1/2 且对任意m、n∈N+,有Am+n=Am·An,Bm+n=Bm+Bn已知数列{An}、{Bn}满足A1=1/2 B1=-1/2 且对任意m、n∈N+,有Am+n=Am·An,Bm+n=Bm+Bn(1)求数列{An}{Bn}的通项公式(2)求数列{AnBn}的前n项和 已知正项数列{an}{bn}满足,对任意正整数n,都有an,bn,an+1成等差数列,bn,an+1,bn+1成等比数列且a1=10,a2=15求证:数列(根号Bn)是等差数列求数列{an},{bn}通项公式设Sn=1/(a1)+1/(a2)+1/(a3)+.1/(an)如果对任 已知数列{An}与{Bn}满足:A1=λ,A(n+1)=2/3An+n-4,Bn=(-1)^n*(An-3n+21),其中x为实数,n为...已知数列{An}与{Bn}满足:A1=λ,A(n+1)=2/3An+n-4,Bn=(-1)^n*(An-3n+21),其中x为实数,n为正整数1.对任意数λ,证明数列{an}不是等比数 an=d1+d2+d3+...+d2n数列bn,b1=2,bn的m次方=bm的n次方已知n∈N,数列{dn}满足dn=[3+(-1)的n次方]/2,数列{an}满足an=d1+d2+d3+...d2n,数列{bn}中,b1=2,且对任意正整数m,n,(bn)^m=(bm)^a(1)求数列{an}和数列{bn}的通项公式 已知数列{an}是公比大于1的等比数列,对任意的n∈N*有,an+1=a1+a2+...+an-1+5/2an+1/21.求数列{an}的通项公式2.设数列{bn}满足:bn=1/n(log3(a1)+log3(a2)+...+log3(an)+log3(t))(n∈N*),若{bn}为等差数列,求 数列问题,给我具体的解,谢谢~~~已知数列{an}和{bn}满足:a1=λ,a(n+1)=(2/3)an+n-4,bn=[(-1)^n](an-3n+21),其中为λ为实数,n为正整数.⑴对任意实数λ,证明数列{an}不是等比数列;⑵试判断数列{bn 已知函数f(x)满足:对任意的x∈R,x≠0,恒有f(1/x)=x成立,数列{an}、{bn}满足a1=1,b1=1,且对任意n∈自然数,均有a(n+1)=an*f(an)/(f(an)+2),b(n+1)-bn=1/an求{an}、{bn}通项公式 已知等比数列{an}的同项公式为an=3^n-1,设数列{bn}满足对任意自然数n都有b1/a1+b2/a2+b3/a3+...已知等比数列{an}的同项公式为an=3^n-1,设数列{bn}满足对任意自然数n都有b1/a1+b2/a2+b 已知等比数列{An}的通项公式为An=3^n-1,设数列{Bn}满足对任意自然数n都有b1/a1+b2/a2+b3/a3+...+bn/an=...已知等比数列{An}的通项公式为An=3^n-1,设数列{Bn}满足对任意自然数n都有b1/a1+b2/a2+b3/a3+...+bn/an=2n+1 已知数列{an}和{bn}满足:a1=入,a(n+1)=2/3an+n-4,bn=(-1)Λn(an-3n+21),其中λ为实数,n为整数.(1)对任意实数入,证明数列{an}不是等比数列(2)试判断数列{bn}是否为等比数列,并证明你的结 已知正项数列{an}满足a1=1,Sn是数列{an}的前n项和,对任意n∈N+,有2Sn=2an^2+an-1.记bn=an/2^n求数列bn的前n项和先求an的通项 已知数列a1=λ,a(n+1)=2/3an +n-4,求证对任意实数λ,数列{an}不是等比数列已知数列{an}、{bn}满足:a1=λ,a(n+1)=2/3an +n-4,bn=(-1)^n * (an-3n+21) 其中λ为实数,n为正整数,求证对任意实数λ,数列{an}不是等比数 问道数学题.正数数列{an}和{bn}满足:对任意自然数n,an,bn,a(n+1)成等差数列,bn.a(n+1)成等比数列.证明数列{根号bn}为等差数列