问一下这句英语句子算什么从句he argued that the ultimate goal of politics is to foster a good societyargue后的that引导的是什么从句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 13:09:16

问一下这句英语句子算什么从句he argued that the ultimate goal of politics is to foster a good societyargue后的that引导的是什么从句
he argued that the ultimate goal of politics is to foster a good society

问一下这句英语句子算什么从句he argued that the ultimate goal of politics is to foster a good societyargue后的that引导的是什么从句




宾语从句 希望对你有帮助哦


问一下这句英语句子算什么从句he argued that the ultimate goal of politics is to foster a good societyargue后的that引导的是什么从句 英语:1.He will call you when he comes back.2.he will call you as soon as he comes back.我的问题是1.这两个句子可以做为同意句吗?2.带as soon as的句子是什么从句?前面的主句要用什么时态,后面的从句要用什么 英语从句句子结构分析When he arrived,John went straight to the bank.哪句从句 哪句主句?这是一个主语从句么?是什么类型的从句 为什么?怎么看出的? 英语翻译The nutrients in whatever falls into the ocean quickly become available to other living creatures.翻译一下这句英语句子;顺便解释一下”in”在这个句子中做什么成分,是什么词性,是什么从句(如果此句 问一下这句英语当中从句部分(即空格后边)缺的是什么成分?(主语or宾语?)When changing lanes,a driver should use his signal to let other drivers know _______ lane he is entering. 英语翻译1.这句句子翻译一下2.就是It was just then that he stole out.这句是什么从句?结构是什么?3.还有steal 英语强调句和定语从句有什么区别和联系?It was he who helped me.这是强调句还是定语从句? I am sure he was dead he was dead是句子的什么成份?句中that引导什么从句? 麻烦 帮我分析下这2句英语句子 ,1.He is not the man that he used to be.that在从句中是做什么成分?2.She is all that a teacher should be.这个要怎么翻译呢?为什么大家回答 that在从句中是做什么成分 都是不一 He who laughs last laughs best.分析一下句子结构和它是什么从句,最好照着这个结构造个新句子, 这句英语为什么是定语从句例如He who laughs last laughs best.还有很多这样的句子,who laughs last不是修饰主语he的吗,怎么不是主语从句 英语句子解析People no longer worry about where their next meal come from as they did in the old days.这句能否解析一下有什么语法知识 例如从句之类的 英语句子it is known to all that our teacher is beauful英语句子请问:1,这是一个什么句,强调句还是定语从句?2,that做从句成份吗,做什么成分? 句子He said he was happy where he was中的where引导什么从句?能不能对整个句子进行解析一下呢? 英语:有关形式主语!分析句子成分!Each misfortune i encounter will carry in it the seed of tomorrow 's good luck.我想问一下这是什么句子(宾语从句或是定语从句),还有it在句中的作用,是做形式主语吗? 英语翻译1.请翻译一下这句句子He couldn't stand on his head when school began,but later on he learnt how to do it.2.这句句子运用了哪些句型?He couldn't stand on his head when school began这句是什么从句?3.把这整句句子 求英语高手帮我看一下句子Sometimes we find that we are in trouble.这句语法有错误吗?另外这是宾语从句吗? 请英语达人帮我分析一下这个句子结构Weather she will come or not is unknown 这句是什么从句?是怎样分析出来的呢?