
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 19:02:22

摘要:目前,人类生命三大杀手中,心脑血管疾病排在首位,而冠心病又排在心脑血管疾病首位,所以对于冠心病的防治可以说是重中之重了.冠心病是冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病,是由于冠状动脉发生粥样硬化或痉挛而使心肌产生缺血的一种心脏病,对中、老年人的生命威胁很大.在我国该病发病年龄已提前,35 岁以上的人群中冠心病的发病率为3%~5%.流行病学研究表明,饮食结构不合理是导致冠心病的重要原因之一.因此,合理的饮食结构对预防和治疗冠心病有根重要的作用.引起冠心病的危险因素我认为有:高脂血症、高血压、糖尿病、吸烟、体重过重和缺少体力活动.所以,减轻或消除某些危险因素,积极参加体育锻炼、增加体力活动,此外,戒烟、避免精神紧张与情绪波动,积极治疗高血压,糖尿病等,都是防治冠心病的有效措施.下面我就从营养治疗和膳食调配方面,谈谈我的看法.
关键词:冠心病 营养 膳食 参考配方

Coronary disease and nutrition meals
At present,in the human life three big murderers,the heart cerebrovascular disease arranges at the first place,but coronary disease arranges at the heart cerebrovascular disease first place,therefore regarding coronary disease's prevention may say that was the most important.Coronary disease is coronal atherosclerosis heart disease,is because the coronary artery has the gruel type hardening or the convulsion causes the cardiac muscle to produce the ischemia one kind of heart disease,to,senior citizen's life threat is very big.Should sickness morbidity age be ahead of time in our country,in 35 year-old above crowd coronary disease's disease incidence rate is 3%~5%.The epidemiology research indicated that the diet structure unreasonable causes one of coronary disease's substantial clauses.Therefore,the reasonable diet structure to prevents and treats coronary disease to have the root vital role.Causes coronary disease's hazard factor I to think has:The hyperlipemia,hypertension,diabetes,smoking,the body weight overweight and lack the physical strength activity.Therefore,reduces or eliminates certain hazard factors,participates in the physical training,to increase the physical strength activity positively,in addition,the no-smoking,avoids the mental strain and the mood fluctuation,active treatment hypertension,diabetes and so on,prevents and controls coronary disease's effective action.Below I mix the aspect from the nutrition treatment and the meals,chats my view.
冠心病 Coronary disease
营养 nutrition
参考配方reference formula

Coronary heart disease and nutritional meals
At present, the three major killer of human life, cardio-cerebral vascular diseases in the first row, and coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular di...


Coronary heart disease and nutritional meals
At present, the three major killer of human life, cardio-cerebral vascular diseases in the first row, and coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease ranked first in mind, for the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease can be said to be a top priority. Coronary heart disease is coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, is due to coronary atherosclerosis or a spasm而使myocardial ischemia have a heart attack, in the great threat to the lives of the elderly. In the age of onset of the disease has advanced, 35 people over the age of coronary heart disease incidence rate of 3% to 5%. Epidemiological studies show that eating is irrational structure led to an important cause of coronary heart disease. Therefore, a reasonable diet structure on the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease have an important role to root. The cause of coronary heart disease risk factors I think it is: hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, overweight and lack of physical activity. Therefore, to reduce or eliminate certain risk factors, actively participate in physical training, increase physical activity, in addition, stop smoking, avoid stress and emotional volatility, aggressive treatment of hypertension, diabetes, etc., are all effective measures for prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease. Now I am on treatment and nutritional meals from the deployment to talk about my views.


摘要:目前,人类生命三大杀手中,心脑血管疾病排在首位,而冠心病又排在心脑血管疾病首位,所以对于冠心病的防治可以说是重中之重了。冠心病是冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病,是由于冠状动脉发生粥样硬化或痉挛而使心肌产生缺血的一种心脏病,对中、老年人的生命威胁很大。在我国该病发病年龄已提前,35 岁以上的人群中冠心病的发病率为3%~5%。流行病学研究表明,饮食结构不合理是导致冠心病的重...


摘要:目前,人类生命三大杀手中,心脑血管疾病排在首位,而冠心病又排在心脑血管疾病首位,所以对于冠心病的防治可以说是重中之重了。冠心病是冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病,是由于冠状动脉发生粥样硬化或痉挛而使心肌产生缺血的一种心脏病,对中、老年人的生命威胁很大。在我国该病发病年龄已提前,35 岁以上的人群中冠心病的发病率为3%~5%。流行病学研究表明,饮食结构不合理是导致冠心病的重要原因之一。因此,合理的饮食结构对预防和治疗冠心病有根重要的作用。引起冠心病的危险因素我认为有:高脂血症、高血压、糖尿病、吸烟、体重过重和缺少体力活动。所以,减轻或消除某些危险因素,积极参加体育锻炼、增加体力活动,此外,戒烟、避免精神紧张与情绪波动,积极治疗高血压,糖尿病等,都是防治冠心病的有效措施。下面我就从营养治疗和膳食调配方面,谈谈我的看法。
关键词:冠心病 营养 膳食 参考配方
Coronary heart disease and nutritional meals
Abstract: At present, the three major killer of human life, cardio-cerebral vascular diseases in the first row, and coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease ranked first in mind, for the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease can be said to be a top priority. Coronary heart disease is coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, is due to coronary atherosclerosis or a spasm而使myocardial ischemia have a heart attack, in the great threat to the lives of the elderly. In the age of onset of the disease has advanced, 35 people over the age of coronary heart disease incidence rate of 3% to 5%.Bank of studies show that eating is irrational structure led to an important cause of coronary heart disease. Therefore, a reasonable diet structure on the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease have an important role to root. The cause of coronary heart disease risk factors I think it is: hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, overweight and lack of physical activity. Therefore, to reduce or eliminate certain risk factors, actively participate in physical training, increase physical activity, in addition, stop smoking, avoid stress and emotional volatility, aggressive treatment of hypertension, diabetes, etc., are all effective measures for prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease. Now I am on treatment and nutritional meals from the deployment to talk about my views.
Key words: coronary heart disease nutritional meals reference formula


英语翻译冠心病与营养膳食摘要:目前,人类生命三大杀手中,心脑血管疾病排在首位,而冠心病又排在心脑血管疾病首位,所以对于冠心病的防治可以说是重中之重了.冠心病是冠状动脉粥样硬 关于营养与膳食的论文怎么写? 合理营养 平衡膳食 按平衡膳食宝塔,冠心病应多吃应多吃第几层食物? 英语翻译摘要:为了更好的配合我院老年病患者的临床治疗及疾病康复,我科室针对我院100例在院老年患者进行膳食调查及营养评估,并对存在有营养问题的患者提出了合理的膳食建议及相适 《化学与生活》之平衡膳食营养膳食健康文明生活?《化学与生活》之平衡膳食营养膳食健康文明生活高中苏教版选修《化学与生活》拟制高中生一日三餐食谱;人体需要的营养素及其作用; 如何搭配膳食才科学营养 膳食中蛋白质的营养作用. 我国营养学会关于合理膳食提出 合理膳食的营养要求有哪些? 请写出3个膳食营养原则 《化学与生活》之平衡膳食营养膳食健康文明生活高中苏教版选修《化学与生活》拟制高中生一日三餐食谱;人体需要的营养素及其作用;如何合理膳食;促进身体健康的五件事 营养与膳食疑问1、 请简述中国居民平衡膳食宝塔的内容?2、 根据膳食中动物性与植物性食物所占比重的不同,可将世界不同地区的膳食结构分为四种类型,为哪四种类型?每种类型各自有何特 营养膳食宝塔每层分别代表摄取什么 你认为营养膳食应该具有哪些特点 感冒,肝炎,艾滋病,狂犬病,肺结核,天花,细菌性痢疾,冠心病,癌症,足廯都是危害人类健康的疾病,人类在长期与这些疾病作斗争过程中,积累了丰富的经验,尤其是各种抗生素,抗毒素,疫苗的研制 英语翻译摘要:目前,国家正在致力于新农村建设加快推动城乡一体化进程,本文通过理论分析与实践调查相结合的方法来分析南通市城乡一体化进程建设中南通市农村商业银行的基本状况,发 摘要英语翻译 急求.改革开放以来,福建省经济取得了快速的发展,城镇与农村居民的生消费水平都有了很大的提高.但是由于城镇和农村经济发展的不同步,目前福建省城镇和农村经济存在明显