
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/14 21:07:45

3.威尔士(又译为威尔斯,英文:Wales,威尔士文:Cymru)是大不列颠与北爱尔兰联合王国的一个王国,位于大不列颠岛西南部,东界英格兰,西临圣乔治海峡,南面布里斯托尔海峡,北靠爱尔兰海.威尔士的全称为威尔士公国(英语:Principality of Wales,威尔士语:'ywysogaeth Cymru),但目前的威尔士亲王(Prince of Wales,也就是英国的查理斯王子)只是挂名的君主而已,并不具有实际的政治权利.加迪夫是威尔士的首都与第一大城.

1.Relative to the prosperity and urbanization in England and Wales in the natural scenery,local customs and language and culture becomes simple and rural areas of.Wales has a contamination of natural beauty as well as the ever-changing geographical landscape,everywhere in the beauty of the original village.Inside there are three national parks,including in the north,covering England and Wales first peak of the Snowdonia National Park.
2.Wales Wales location east of England,south of Bristol Channel,north and west bordering the Irish Sea,the land area of 20.72 thousand square kilometers,the capital of Cardiff.Wales access to European markets,the traffic is very convenient,but also railways,highways directly to the English Channel Tunnel,the new European rail freight station are also located in Cardiff.
3.Wales (also translated into Welsh,English:Wales,Welsh:Cymru) is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland a kingdom,is located southwest of Great Britain,the East sector of England,west to St.George Strait,south of Brisbane Thor Strait,the north Irish Sea.Wales called the Welsh principality (in English:Principality of Wales,Welsh:'ywysogaeth Cymru),but the current Prince of Wales (Prince of Wales,which is Britain's Prince Charles) only monarch in name only,may not have a practical political rights.
Cardiff is the capital and largest city of Wales.

1. Relative to the prosperity and urbanization in England and Wales in the natural scenery, local customs and language and culture becomes simple and rural areas of. Wales has a contamination of natur...


1. Relative to the prosperity and urbanization in England and Wales in the natural scenery, local customs and language and culture becomes simple and rural areas of. Wales has a contamination of natural beauty as well as the ever-changing geographical landscape, everywhere in the beauty of the original village. Inside there are three national parks, including in the north, covering England and Wales first peak of the Snowdonia National Park.
2. Wales Wales location east of England, south of Bristol Channel, north and west bordering the Irish Sea, the land area of 20.72 thousand square kilometers, the capital of Cardiff. Wales access to European markets, the traffic is very convenient, but also railways, highways directly to the English Channel Tunnel, the new European rail freight station are also located in Cardiff.
3. Wales, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom, a kingdom located in southwest of Great Britain, the East sector of England, west to St. George Strait, south of Bristol Channel, the north Irish Sea. Wales called the Welsh principality, but the current Prince of Wales is only monarch in name only, may not have practical political rights. Cardiff is the capital and largest city of Wales.




3.威尔士(又译为威尔斯,英文:Wales,威尔士文:Cymru)是大不列颠与北爱尔兰联合王国的一个王国,位于大不列颠岛西南部,东界英格兰,西临圣乔治海峡,南面布里斯托尔海峡,北靠爱尔兰海。威尔士的全称为威尔士公国(英语:Principality of Wales,威尔士语:'ywysogaeth Cymru),但目前的威尔士亲王(Prince of Wales,也就是英国的查理斯王子)只是挂名的君主而已,并不具有实际的政治权利。加迪夫是威尔士的首都与第一大城。
1. Relative to the prosperity and urbanization in England and Wales in the natural scenery, local customs and language and culture becomes simple and rural areas of. Wales has a contamination of natural beauty as well as the ever-changing geographical landscape, everywhere in the beauty of the original village. Inside there are three national parks, including in the north, covering England and Wales first peak of the Snowdonia National Park.
2. Wales Wales location east of England, south of Bristol Channel, north and west bordering the Irish Sea, the land area of 20.72 thousand square kilometers, the capital of Cardiff. Wales access to European markets, the traffic is very convenient, but also railways, highways directly to the English Channel Tunnel, the new European rail freight station are also located in Cardiff.
3. Wales (also translated into Welsh, English: Wales, Welsh: Cymru) is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland a kingdom, is located southwest of Great Britain, the East sector of England, west to St. George Strait, south of Brisbane Thor Strait, the north Irish Sea. Wales called the Welsh principality (in English: Principality of Wales, Welsh: 'ywysogaeth Cymru), but the current Prince of Wales (Prince of Wales, which is Britain's Prince Charles) only monarch in name only, may not have a practical political rights. Cardiff is the capital and largest city of Wales.


英语翻译任选其中一段,哪一段都可以:1.相对于英格兰的繁荣与都市化,威尔士在自然景致、风土民情及语言文化就显得纯朴与乡村化.威尔士拥有不受污染的自然美景以及千变万化的地理景 氨基酸序列分析,ncbi上哪里可以分析一段基因序列哪一段是内含子? 《彩色的翅膀》课文中的一段谈感悟随便哪一段都可以 感悟要这样谈:1、抓住关键词来谈 2、联系实际,联系上下文运用排比的修辞方法来谈 可以快点吗 急用的哦 谢谢 错过 刘心武 最后一段让我们想起哪一段名言 荆江是长江的一段吗?是哪一段? 黄河梯级开发最密集的一段是哪一段? 赏析100字任选第一段或第二段或第三段赏析,100就够, 夏感阅读答案1.文章第一段在文中起有什么作用?2.第④段中,对棉苗、高粱和玉米、瓜秧的描写,像一个个情趣盎然的大特写,其中,“挑”“举”“匍匐”极为精妙,请你任选一词加以品味.3.第⑤ 连词成段,从下面提供的词语中任选三个,发挥联想写一段话(50字左右),其中至少有一个比喻句.涓涓细流 雄鹰 铤而走险 渴望 微风 妙不可言 段意每一段都要 英语翻译推荐一部英语翻译的软件,要求是那个软件可以在一段句子后,可以将那段句子保存,以便以后翻看用,是英译汉一段句子 人教版14课《秋》,用散文写出来!一段就行,要散文的,任选一段有3段! 英语翻译问题有点多.能答其中一个都可以... 连词成段(50字左右)1.遥望 闪烁 静谧 稀疏 2.阳光 鲜花 微笑能写哪一段就写哪一段~都要50字左右~ 英语翻译有4段,不止一段!不止一段! 逼上梁山、铤而走险、劫富济贫、逆来顺受、哀鸿遍野、官逼民反 请你任选其中三个成语写一段通顺连贯的话. ▲┏语文连词组段┑●1.连词组段.请从下面词语中任选4个写一段话.(要求:内容集中,语意连贯,恰当地运用修辞手法) 涟漪 繁盛 婆娑 嬉闹 姹紫嫣红 温声细语 姥姥的剪纸段意!老大们,我还20分钟就去上课 不是每一节都有意思吗,我要的是哪一节到哪一节是一段,