英语牛人团进!Manet’s canvas depicts a firing squad of Mexican soldiers executing Maximilian,an Austrian duke whom French emperor Napoleon III helped to install as the emperor of Mexico and then abandoned when civil war erupted in that country

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 10:06:26

英语牛人团进!Manet’s canvas depicts a firing squad of Mexican soldiers executing Maximilian,an Austrian duke whom French emperor Napoleon III helped to install as the emperor of Mexico and then abandoned when civil war erupted in that country
Manet’s canvas depicts a firing squad of Mexican soldiers executing Maximilian,an Austrian duke whom French emperor Napoleon III helped to install as the emperor of Mexico and then abandoned when civil war erupted in that country.Adapting Manet’s composition to their own political ends,the artist represent a firing squad of six identical,stocky figures of Mao,dressed in long-sleeved shirts,belted and cuffed trousers,and heavy shoes,leveling their bayoneted rifles at a frail Christ,naked save for a loin cloth,while in the rear a seventh,contemplative Mao (based on a similar figure in Manet’s painting),holds his rifle diagonally across his torso.

英语牛人团进!Manet’s canvas depicts a firing squad of Mexican soldiers executing Maximilian,an Austrian duke whom French emperor Napoleon III helped to install as the emperor of Mexico and then abandoned when civil war erupted in that country
Manet’s canvas depicts a firing squad of Mexican soldiers executing Maximilian,an Austrian duke whom French emperor Napoleon III helped to install as the emperor of Mexico and then abandoned when civil war erupted in that country.
Adapting Manet’s composition to their own political ends,the artist represent a firing squad of six identical,stocky figures of Mao,dressed in long-sleeved shirts,belted and cuffed trousers,and heavy shoes,leveling their bayoneted rifles at a frail Christ,naked save for a loin cloth,while in the rear a seventh,contemplative Mao (based on a similar figure in Manet’s painting),holds his rifle diagonally across his torso.
[1][Manet]马奈,爱多艾德:(1832-1883) 法国画家和印象派的先驱,他的作品包括《 Le Déjeuner sur l'Herbe 》(《草地上的午餐》 1862年),在当时引起极大争议.
[2][firing squad]行刑队,处决死刑犯的那些人.
[4][Napoleon III]Napoleon III 法国皇帝(1852-1871年),拿破仑一世的侄子,他领导波拿巴主义者反对路易·菲利普,并于1848年成为第二共和国总统.在1852年称帝后,他改革和重建巴黎.他成功的帝国主义冒险行动被墨西哥的失败战役(1861-1867年)所掩盖,法国-普鲁士战争(1870-1871年)最终导致他的退位.
[5][political end]政治目的、政治结局
[save for]除了...
另外,Mao,我在翻译的时候不能确定是什么因而保留,但经团内牛人andychewbj 指点,可以考虑为[Mexican army officer],供参考!如还有不足之处可以hi讨论哦~



