英语翻译The wastage occurring through storage,conveyance anddistribution ultimately results in delivery of 30–35% of storedwater for plant uptake (Patil,1988; Anbumozhi et al.,2001).The traditional flood or ridge and furrow method of irrigating

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英语翻译The wastage occurring through storage,conveyance anddistribution ultimately results in delivery of 30–35% of storedwater for plant uptake (Patil,1988; Anbumozhi et al.,2001).The traditional flood or ridge and furrow method of irrigating
The wastage occurring through storage,conveyance and
distribution ultimately results in delivery of 30–35% of stored
water for plant uptake (Patil,1988; Anbumozhi et al.,2001).The traditional flood or ridge and furrow method of irrigating fields suffers from numerous problems such as considerable seepage (Moolman,1985; Hodgson et al.,1990; Kahlown and Kemper,2004),conveyance and evaporation loss (Rijo and Almeida,1993; Singh et al.,2006); higher energy cost; lower water productivity; irrigation-induced soil erosion (Ferna´ndez- Go´mez et al.,2004),and leaching of costly agricultural inputs causing subsurface water pollution (Humphreys et al.,1989).Moreover,this method is supply driven rather than crop-demand driven causing mismatch between need of the crop and the quantity of water supplied.The decrease in the availability of water for agriculture,coupled with the requirement for the higher agricultural productivity,means that there is no option but to improve the water use efficiency.This has to include an efficient utilization of available water which otherwise would evaporate or percolate from the root zone of the soil.
The recent advances in irrigation technology have made inroads in the cultivation of vegetables and horticultural crops.The frontier technology of micro-irrigation system (MIS) not only provides higher water productivity but also minimizes the problems associated with the traditional irrigation system.The Hill and Mountain agro-ecosystem is characterized by very little irrigated land and difficult terrain.The prevailing terrace cultivation in the region provides ample scope for gravity-fed MIS (Bhatnagar and Srivastava,2003).This minimizes the fuel-based energy or electricity requirement in operation of MIS which further increases profitability.
Based on the diversified range of great altitudinal variations,the hill region of NW Himalaya can be distinctly categorized under tropical,sub-tropical,temperate and alpine zones.The climate of the hills varies greatly depending on altitude and slope aspect.Enhancing and sustaining the productivity of hill agriculture is a major challenge as agriculture is practiced under ecologically fragile environments.
Cultivation is carried out under dramatic altitudinal,climatic and topographical variations and these factors lead to a multitude of socio-economic and physical problems.The present study envisaged the scope of water resources development and its utilization in crop production through gravityfed MIS by enhancing water use in the mid-hill and high hill conditions of NW Himalaya.

英语翻译The wastage occurring through storage,conveyance anddistribution ultimately results in delivery of 30–35% of storedwater for plant uptake (Patil,1988; Anbumozhi et al.,2001).The traditional flood or ridge and furrow method of irrigating
植物吸收水,1988年,Anbumozhi帕蒂尔(2001):《.传统的洪水或脊和皱纹的灌溉领域的方法等问题,患有众多,1985年Moolman渗流(相当;诺等,1990;Kahlown和Kemper,2004年)、运输、蒸发损失(Rijo和Almeida,1993,辛格等,2006年);更高的能源成本,降低水的生产力;(Ferna irrigation-induced土壤侵蚀之ndez -去之mez等,2004年)、浸出奢华的农业投入引起地下水水质污染(汉弗雷斯等,1989年9月初版.而且,这种方法是供给推动的,而不是crop-demand驱动导致不相匹配的需要和水量供给.减少对农业的要求,结合高等农业生产率,意味着没有选择,只能提高水分利用效率.这包括一个有效利用现有水资源的,否则会蒸发掉或percolate从根区土壤.

英语翻译The wastage occurring through storage,conveyance anddistribution ultimately results in delivery of 30–35% of storedwater for plant uptake (Patil,1988; Anbumozhi et al.,2001).The traditional flood or ridge and furrow method of irrigating 英语翻译Evidences of wastage of public funds abound in the form of inflated contract prices,in unexecuted but paid contracts or in the criminal acts of using diverse methods and loopholes to exhaust funds voted for ministries and governmental dep 英语翻译ballast line,which directly led to leak wastage.The company reserves the right to recover from you all cost and/or losses incurred,which would not have arisen had you fulfilled your tenure.The shipowner may do what is reasonable to mainta 英语翻译A word type is the form or spelling of the word independently of its specific occurences in a text --that is,the word considered as a unique item of vocabulary.帮我翻译一下哈.spelling of the word independently of its specific occu 满意的加送200分 人工英语翻译 急~~~~~But the aim of the government and its technocrats is to curtail and destroy those movements. Ministers and advisers use their prestige and experience from 1968 against the movements. When students occu 英语翻译The elevator has three is tiring event2、设备损坏 8起Equipment damage eight times3、 漏水 6 起Six is leaking 4、 违反安全规定 4 起Safety violations four times5、 客人 6 起About the guest a total of six incindets occu thw manager says he needs an assistant that he can count on to deal with the problems that may occu怎么翻译 Reflection about the Occupy Wall Street .Reflection about the Occupy Wall Street It was on September17,in 2011 that a demonstration,named occupy wall street,broke out in New York,America.Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Manhattan trying to occu the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen by more than 30 percent inthe last 250 years with the half of this increase occuring since 1960 这句是高三课本中的一句 想知道后半句也就是 with the half of this increase occu (1)_______,scientists say,there would not be too much wastage in such a journeyA.Apparently B.Noticeably C.Notably D.Distinctly 想问下 1.这句话怎么翻译2.A.B.C.D 四个选项都表示显然,明显.有什么区别呢?(2)the _____ issu 英语翻译the 英语翻译-----the----- 英语翻译the-----the---- 英语翻译the more the more 英语翻译the broom behind the 英语翻译The death 英语翻译source of the 英语翻译( )( )( )the zoo