我的一个香港客户问我们能不能满足PAH free standard,PAH free standard

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/20 19:19:58

我的一个香港客户问我们能不能满足PAH free standard,PAH free standard
我的一个香港客户问我们能不能满足PAH free standard,PAH free standard

我的一个香港客户问我们能不能满足PAH free standard,PAH free standard
PAHs are a group of chemicals that are formed the incomplete burning of coal,oil and gas,garbage,or other organic substances.
PAHs can be formed through natural processes or those related to human activies
There are more than 100 different PAHs.Most PAHs do occur alone in the environment.Rather they are found as mixtures of two or more PAHs
Thete can also be found substances such as crude oil,coal,creosote,and road/rooging tar
Although unmetabolized PAHs can have toxic effects,the major concern in animals is the ability of reactive metabolites to bind to proteins and DNA.
Four,five and six ring PAHs have greater carcinogenic potential than do two,three or seven ring PAHs.
K2:Suspected human carcinogen; Evidence from human and/or animal studies,Strength of evidence together woth additional considerations.Bwlow compounds are K2..
Benz[a]anthracene Chtysene Benzofluornthene Bdezo[k]fluoranthene Benzo[a]pyrene Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
The addition of alkyl groups to PAHs enhances the carcinogenic potential of these compounds.
PAHs in Products made of Rubber/caoutchouc/Plastic
They come from tar-oils,i.e.residues from oil refining,which are added to the rubber as p;asticizers,This has the following background:
During the manufacturing of caourchouk the addition of fillinf materials is profitable.lf a lot of filling marerial(usually calcium sulphate)is used,the rubber turns hard.The material becomes softer again,when mineral oils are added.
lf however instead of clean oils tar used,these ofien contain hidh amounts of polyaromatic hydrocarbons,which-as discussed before-are known to be carcinogenic.
Products that may also contain these oils are for example tools with rubber parts,personal safety equipment,wheels,furniture parts,decoration articles,etc.Especially on using the from recycled wheel
Limit of PAHs
Currently there are no specific legal limit values for the use of PAHs anf\d tar oils in products in EU
For extender oils for the manufacturing of tyres(Proposal for an EC-Directive…on the restriction of the use of certain PAHs in extender oils and tyres,13.02.2004) PAH amounts are already demanded to be less than 10 mg/kg.The limit value for oroducts with skin contact when used as intended,should in our opinion be even lower.
How to do next?
Use the purified or cleaned mineral oil,and not to use the Tar Oil as the additive of rubber.

我的一个香港客户问我们能不能满足PAH free standard,PAH free standard 我发送了外贸开发信,结果客户问我香港展会摊位,我们是有参展的,应该怎么回复客户呢?以下是我们的邮件Dear Krisada, It’s my great honour to write to you. I get your information from Hong Kong exhibition. First 英语翻译我们是做服装的,这是香港客户发过来的邮件中的一名话 PT.GLOBAL CHEM INTERNATIONAL 是我香港一客户的公司名称,我翻译不来. 他需要我们报价,只要能满足他们的需求即可,无论是A还是B,请尽快答复我们能不能做这单生意,客户催的比较急,另外,请问关于上次那个关于A的询价有结果了吗? 请帮我把下面这段话译成英文,重谢!客户事业的成功是我们最大的骄傲.从“客户为本”的角度出发,全心全意为客户提供有价值的服务模式,尽100%的努力满足客户不同产需要.“始于客户需求, 一个美女问我的.介词后面能不能加the “我们有一个健全的客户服务团队”英语怎么说? 中翻英:请问我们什么时候去客户那,我好安排与客户见面的时间, 5分中翻英:请问我们什么时候去客户那,我好安排与客户见面的时间, 香港 名字拼音李文洁--------求这个名字的香港拼音顺便问下另外一个名 王文达 英语翻译我们已经向客户解释过,但是他们还是坚持需要这个备件,我也向领导反映过此问题,尽量满足他们的要求. 请教一些化学缩写的含义TRPH、 PAH、TPH、 CY、HVOC、以及 Simtec Triad Ionate 和Keytones 还有一个TRPH 满足客户的实际要求,是我们一直努力的方向 用英语怎么翻译 有缘自会再相见吗?在出差的时候,遇到一个男孩子,见第一面的时候他跟我要名片,他给了我名片,后来我们又2次偶遇,他问我以后会不会去香港,他是香港人,还问我,我去一定要找他,我们要是还 FORM 10是什么做化工的,一个香港客户要求提供FORM 10请大侠们指点, 用这三种修辞手法各写一个句子1.香港,让我拉住你的手,倾听最后一分钟的风雨归程.2.所有礼炮都是世纪的钟声.3.香港,香港,我们的心! 关于汽车方面的一个英语单词.哪位大虾知道GSO认证是个什么东西啊?一个客户问我们有没有.