这篇文章的重点词组For the first time in history,there is auniversal language—English.Perhaps half the world will speak it in the year2050.  English is not easy to learn—most common verbs are irregular(不规则的)and it has a large

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/10 15:30:29

这篇文章的重点词组For the first time in history,there is auniversal language—English.Perhaps half the world will speak it in the year2050.  English is not easy to learn—most common verbs are irregular(不规则的)and it has a large
For the first time in history,there is auniversal language—English.Perhaps half the world will speak it in the year2050.
  English is not easy to learn—most common verbs are irregular(不规则的)and it has a large vocabulary—at least200,000words.Howyou pronounce and write a word can also be very different.
  However,verbs are less complicated than other languages and there is only one formto speak to someone directly—“you.”
  English is very flexible—there are different versions(形式)of English in Africa,Asia and the Caribbean(加勒比海地区).
  Most airlines and shipping companies use a simple formof English to make communication easier.
  It is also the first language of technology and education.Eighty percent of the information on the Internet is in English.Almost all schoolchildren in Europe study it as a first foreign language.
  About25,000newwords enter the English language every year.A lot of people tweet(在推特上发微博)or use other social media.But what is m-commerce?It’s e-commerce(电子商务)on a mobile phone,of course!
  What is the future of English as a global language?Will another language ever replace it?Many people think not—it is already too popular.

这篇文章的重点词组For the first time in history,there is auniversal language—English.Perhaps half the world will speak it in the year2050.  English is not easy to learn—most common verbs are irregular(不规则的)and it has a large
For the first time
a universal language
be not easy to .
at least
less complicated than.
different versions
to make communication easier
Eighty percent of
A lot of .
of course
What is the future of .
it is too .

这篇文章的重点词组For the first time in history,there is auniversal language—English.Perhaps half the world will speak it in the year2050.  English is not easy to learn—most common verbs are irregular(不规则的)and it has a large FIR的 《劳动开端》这篇文章的重点 重点词组 初一英语下学期的第九单元的中的重点词组造句visit spstudy for the testWhat abouthave a partyspend doing sthstay do some readingtalk showIt is time togo for a walkhaddidat homeanythingNo DSP实验:FIR滤波器的设计与实现,用matlab语言实现The truncation method of FIR design:a.Follow the math from Lecture #22 to design linear-phase lowpass filters with the cutoff-frequency ωc = π/3 using the truncation method for filter 求解一个DSP关于FIR filter的题目,如下:The window method of FIR design:a.Design linear-phase lowpass filters with the cutoff-frequency ωc = π/3 using the window method with a Dolph-Chebyshev window for filter orders M = 20,50 and 150.The 九年级一至三单元的重点词组,句子 初一至初三英语的重点词组 for the time being的近义词组 这篇文章哪些是重点词组D o you know what is the world’s highest waterfall?You may say that it is Niagara Falls(尼亚加拉大瀑布).Niagara Falls is very beautiful and spectacular(壮观  的).But in terms of height,the most incredi 初中英语重点初中英语的重点单词和句型,还有词组,一定要重点哦! 关于Helping and Learning这篇文章的重点,短语什么的 英译汉 一句Extensions of the frequency-sampling and least-squared-error design for the FIR filter are developed for the IIR filter. I think he”s the same size as Brian 重点是什么有什么词组,句型结构,某一个词的重点意思等 老师要 帮忙根据这篇文章提几个问题我这里有篇英语阅读文章..我们作duty 需要问五个问题.看在我这么费力的打字份上...文章:No matter how often we are told not to feel embarrassed,right at the moment,it seems,the fir 带有for的动词词组 for的固定词组所有