Matlab中出现了Matrix must be square.>> syms x y z X Yx=-5:0.1:5; y=x;[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y);x^2.*z^3+9.*y^2.*z^3/80==(x^2+9.*y^2/4+z^2-1)^3;surf(X,Y,z)Error using ==> mpowerMatrix must be square.这个是什么问题?系统把x y z X Y当成了矩

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 19:01:47

Matlab中出现了Matrix must be square.>> syms x y z X Yx=-5:0.1:5; y=x;[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y);x^2.*z^3+9.*y^2.*z^3/80==(x^2+9.*y^2/4+z^2-1)^3;surf(X,Y,z)Error using ==> mpowerMatrix must be square.这个是什么问题?系统把x y z X Y当成了矩
Matlab中出现了Matrix must be square.
>> syms x y z X Y
x=-5:0.1:5; y=x;
Error using ==> mpower
Matrix must be square.
这个是什么问题?系统把x y z X Y当成了矩阵?

Matlab中出现了Matrix must be square.>> syms x y z X Yx=-5:0.1:5; y=x;[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y);x^2.*z^3+9.*y^2.*z^3/80==(x^2+9.*y^2/4+z^2-1)^3;surf(X,Y,z)Error using ==> mpowerMatrix must be square.这个是什么问题?系统把x y z X Y当成了矩

matlab中出现了这个问题, 请问如何在matlab中画函数图形 r=cosh(t)*exp(-t/100) 为什么会出现 Inner matrix dimensions must agree.如何画 程序代码 matlab出现Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled是怎么回事? matlab中y=x*cos(x)怎么输入>> x=[-6:0.1:6];>> y=x* cos(x);回车会出现如下问题? Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree.xcos(x)是没问题了,但x^2cos(x)又出现这个问题>> x=[-6:0.1:6];>> y=x^2.*cos(x);? Err 如何用matlab表示z= - x^2/10+y^2/10 我改了好多遍了,出现了如下问题:z= - x^2/10+y^2/10 Error using ==> ^Matrix must be square.>> z= - x.^2/10+y.^2/10Error using ==> +Matrix dimensions must agree. x=4*sin(2*pi*0.01*t).*sin(2*pi*3*t)+2*cos(pi*t*t/4);在matlab中怎样表达运行出现错误:Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree. Matlab中出现?Error using ==> mtimes Inner matrix dimensions must agree.程序如下x=3:0.1:20;y=x*(cos(x))^3.*(sin(x))^2+x^2.*(sin(x*8))^3-9*x^4.*cos(x); MATLAB程序,这个程序不知道为什么出现?Error using ==> mpower Matrix must be square. MATLAB 出现了这个问题 ATLAB matlab Matrix must be square什么情况?A为一个1119*2的数组当我输入A1=inv(A)时出现matlab Matrix must be square 为什么啊? Matlab中出现了Matrix must be square.>> syms x y z X Yx=-5:0.1:5; y=x;[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y);x^2.*z^3+9.*y^2.*z^3/80==(x^2+9.*y^2/4+z^2-1)^3;surf(X,Y,z)Error using ==> mpowerMatrix must be square.这个是什么问题?系统把x y z X Y当成了矩 Matlab计算Index exceeds matrix dimensions.为什么?... MATLAB矩阵min已知matrix是一个二维矩阵,请问大虾:matrix=min(matrix,matrix.');是什么含义 matlab 迭代我使用matlab中的fsolve函数解方程组,老是出现exitflag=0,我查了下是说迭代超过最大值,我想问下解决办法,谢谢!我已经改过了,但是显示超过矩阵的维数,Index exceeds matrix dimensions.运算 在matlab中输入表达式的问题x=0:0.01:8;表达式为:(sqrt(16*cos(x)*cos(x)+240)-4*cos(x))/2时出现错误:? Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree.表达式为:(sqrt(16*cos(x)^2+240)-4*cos(x))/2时,出现错误:? Er matrix 在matlab中 出现1.0e+003 matlab中绘制三维图形时,z [x,y] = meshgrid(0:0.01:1);z=x+y;if x=0.5z = x-3*x-y+x.*y;end mesh(x,y,z);如上,if else 不起作用,而我需要利用一个包含多个判断语句的函数计算z.另外执行时会出现Warning:Matrix is singular