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Yuan Longping
Born in Peking,Yuan Longping graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in China in 1953,and then was assigned to teach crop genetics and breeding at an agricultural school in Hunan Province.He began his research in hybrid rice development in 1964 and subsequently was transferred to the Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1971 to serve as a research professor.It was there,two years later,that he achieved a major scientific breakthrough as he successfully developed the genetic materials essential for breeding high-yielding hybrid rice varieties.
Professor Yuan is widely acknowledged for the discovery of the genetic basis of heterosis in rice—a phenomenon in which the progeny of two distinctly different parents grow faster,yield more,and resist stress better than either parent.In developing his “three-line system” of hybrid rice,Professor Yuan and his team soon produced a commercial hybrid rice variety called Nan-you No.2,which was released in 1974.With yields 20 percent higher than previous varieties,Professor Yuan’s new crop immediately began to improve food availability in China.
In the three decades following his breakthrough achievement,planting of this new crop has spread so widely,so that now almost half of China’s rice production area is planted in hybrid rice with a 20 percent higher yield over previous varieties.This translates into food to feed approximately 60 million more people per year in China alone.Beyond this exceptional accomplishment,Professor Yuan has built an additional legacy of combating food shortages and hunger through his:
--Developing of a new technique for increasing hybrid seed yields through restriction of self-pollination;
--Facilitating the establishment of the hybrid rice seed production industry in China;
--Developing new strategies to further improve hybrid rice
--Developing a successful two-line system of hybrid rice;
--Developing higher yielding “super hybrid rice”;
--Spreading his techniques for hybrid rice throughout Asia and to Africa and the Americas; and
--Training thousands of scientists and researchers from over 25 countries.
Professor Yuan has shared his knowledge and technology with foreign scientists,providing them with crucial breeding materials for the commercial production of hybrid rice in their respective countries.Farmers in more than ten other countries besides China,including the United States,have thus benefited from his work,gaining access to a technology they may otherwise never have enjoyed.
Philippines President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo praised Professor Yuan Longping for “spurring the rapid development of hybrid rice in the Philippines and other Asian countries,such as Vietnam,India,Bangladesh,Myanmar,and Indonesia.”
developing countries in expanding hybrid rice production.
问题补充:Martin Aguirrezabala,lauded Professor Yuan for the training programs he conducted and for his valuable assistance to developing countries in expanding hybrid rice production.
Professor Yuan’s pioneering research has helped transform China from food deficiency to food security within three decades.His accomplishments and clear vision helped create a more abundant food supply and,through food security,a more stable world.Professor Yuan’s distinguished life’s work has caused many to call him the “Father of Hybrid Rice,” while his continuing research offers even more promise for world food security and adequate nutrition for the world’s poor.
Professor Yuan’s remarkable achievements in hybrid rice research have previously won him numerous awards and honors,including China’s State Supreme Science and Technology Award,the 2001 Magsaysay Award,the UN FAO Medal of Honor for Food Security,and the 2004 Wolf Prize in Agriculture.

Yuan Longping (born September 7, 1930) is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator, known for developing the
first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s. His "hybrid rice" has since been grown ...


Yuan Longping (born September 7, 1930) is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator, known for developing the
first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s. His "hybrid rice" has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa, America,
and Asia —providing a robust food source in high famine risk areas.
Mr. Yuan won the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award of China in 2000, the Wolf Prize in agriculture
and the World Food Prize in 2004. He is currently is DirectorGeneral of the China National Hybrid Rice R&D Center and
has been appointed as Professor at Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha. He is a member of the Chinese Academy
of Engineering, foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences (2006) and the 2006 CPPCC.
Mr. Yuan was born in Beijing, China. He loves playing Majong and the Erhu (Chinese violin), swimming and motorcycling.
袁隆平 (1930.9.7 -) 籍贯江西省九江市德安县,生于北京。我国杂交水稻研究创始人,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”、“当代神农”、“米神”等。 1953年毕业于西南农学院。1964年开始研究杂交水稻,1973年实现三系配套,1974年育成第一个杂交水稻强优组合南优2号,1975年研制成功杂交水稻制种技术,从而为大面积推广杂交水稻奠定了基础。1985年提出杂交水稻育种的战略设想,为杂交水稻的进一步发展指明了方向。1987年任863计划两系杂交稻专题的责任专家,1995年研制成功两系杂交水稻,1997年提出超级杂交稻育种技术路线,2000年实现了农业部制定的中国超级稻育种的第一期目标,2004年提前一年实现了超级稻第二期目标。1995年当选为中国工程院院士。先后获得“国家特等发明奖”、“首届最高科学技术奖”等多项国内奖项和联合国“科学奖”、“沃尔夫奖”、“世界粮食奖”等11项国际大奖。出版中、英文专著6部,发表论文60余篇,1995年当选为中国工程院院士。 毕业后,一直从事农业教育及杂交水稻研究。1980-1981年赴美任国际水稻研究所技术指导。1982年任全国杂交水稻专家顾问组副组长。1991年受聘联合国粮农组织国际首席顾问。1995年被选为中国工程院院士。1971年至今任湖南农业科学院研究员,并任湖南省政协副主席、全国政协常委、国家杂交水稻工程技术研究中心主任。


Yuan Longping (born September 7, 1930) is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator, known for developing the
first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s. His "hybrid rice" has since ...


Yuan Longping (born September 7, 1930) is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator, known for developing the
first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s. His "hybrid rice" has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa, America,
and Asia —providing a robust food source in high famine risk areas.
Mr. Yuan won the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award of China in 2000, the Wolf Prize in agriculture
and the World Food Prize in 2004. He is currently is DirectorGeneral of the China National Hybrid Rice R&D Center and
has been appointed as Professor at Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha. He is a member of the Chinese Academy
of Engineering, foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences (2006) and the 2006 CPPCC.
Mr. Yuan was born in Beijing, China. He loves playing Majong and the Erhu (Chinese violin), swimming and motorcycling.


袁隆平英文介绍(要语句通顺,挑主要的发,尽量控制在200字内) 用英文介绍中国的生活方式,80词,要求语句通顺 皮影戏的一份英文介绍,不要太难语句通顺,语法正确,不要百度翻译的急用!!! 求谁发现了什么或发明了什么的400字的作文,语句要通顺) 关于介绍自己的文章写一份简单的自我介绍,主要将自己的爱好 、优点介绍给别人语句通顺,用词准确.不少于100字. 写秋天的作文...语句要通顺 求英文版shopping online的优缺点.演讲用,急用!语句要通顺,不用很长 英语翻译字数大概几千字吧,有意翻译的英文高手请给我留个邮箱,我给您发过去,不要软件翻译的,语句要通顺。 求一篇英文的读了不起的盖茨比的读后感,要英文的,语句通顺优美. 在我身边景色很美要结合生活,主要写景.语句通顺.要写秋天的景.急. 有关世博会的英文演讲稿主要是写写世博会的有关知识,以及能为世博会做些什么,语句通顺,不能有语法错误! 英语翻译第二篇的,要语句通顺的 英语翻译不要工具翻译的,语句要通顺. 人教版小学四年级第二单元的作文,要语句通顺. 描写鹦鹉外貌的作文要200字左右 语句通顺 赞美柯南的句子 语句要优美通顺 求英文书评要一篇欧亨利《麦琪的礼物》的英文书评,250个词以上就行,不求深度,但要语句通顺. 赵云英文演讲,今天要.5分钟的演讲,就是关于赵云的生平和评价,要英文!最好语句通顺.