
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 01:31:47


RE:Yi Li’s application for admission for the undergraduate study
To Whom It May Concern:
The purpose of this letter is to support the application of Mr.Yi Li for the undergraduate study in your college.Yi is a student in my high school physics class.I have known Yi for three years,and we often had chances to discuss many topics of mutual interests,such as …,and so on.I endorse his application wholeheartedly and without reservation.This is based on his solid background in physics that has been obtained from his study in this field for several years.
Mr.Yi Li is also well trained and skillful in dealing with several computer systems,including Windows and Linux.This allows him to be always ready to process and analyze any data of his interests.
Mr.Yi Li takes as well the main responsibility for constructing the new generation of database for our school.This is an extra work assigned to him in addition to his study.He conducted intensive research and experiment and database,together with the necessary computer technique.Now,the database is nearly completed,and the test shows very good performance.Both my colleagues and I am impressed with the achievement he made and the thoroughness of his work.
Considering his performance I know and the program that is offered to lead to a degree in your department,I believe that Mr.Yi Li has found the right place to get undergraduate study,to show his talent in study,and to achieve his academic goals.I therefore trust that Mr.Yi Li’s application for the admission for undergraduate study in your college will be considered with the due seriousness and deliberation it deserves.If I can be any assistance in furthering this consideration please feel free to contact me.
Sincerely Yours,
Dawei Jiang

求写一封关于到美国上大学的英文推荐信!我要参加新东方组织的美国游学冬令营,要在洛杉矶的语言学校学习半个月的英语,我想要语言学校的老师给我写一封推荐信,以便用于我申请美国的大 谁能帮我写一封英文推荐信(简单点的)到某公司业务部搞社会实践活动的推荐信 英文推荐信一般都字数多少?请教师帮忙签的留学推荐信,申请的是国外的大学,我目前写了一百多词(英文),感觉没的写了. 求一篇关于美国大学的介绍(英文的,) 大学的推荐信应该去哪儿翻译? 写一封英文的推荐信谢谢了, 我将请我的导师为我写推荐信.(reference) 翻译成英文 “福建省福州市福建农林大学”地址的英文写法是?美国寄信到福州,一定要正确哦,要不我朋友就收不到我的礼物了. 关于美国普林斯顿大学? 谁能帮我找一下关于美国的英文文章 “我要去美国读大学”英文怎么说? 我在这里上的大学英文怎么翻译? 我老师的推荐信和推荐信的翻译在附件中.怎么翻译 英文个人陈述,推荐信的字数一般是多少? 要给一个在我们夏令营工作的孩子写一封英文推荐信!没什么经验!哪位亲能教教我? 奥运会志愿者英文推荐信有关推荐朋友为奥运会志愿者的英文推荐信.泪……是考试作文 跪求一篇关于推荐信的英语作文 给教授的一封很重要的英文信最近在找美国的博士后位置,前不久联系了一个教授,感觉不错,他也向我要了推荐信,并说收到推荐信后会安排电话面试.3天之内,推荐信就都发了过去(内容还挺好