用英语介绍英国的节假日送分拉~如题 要英语 和中文翻译

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用英语介绍英国的节假日送分拉~如题 要英语 和中文翻译
送分拉~如题 要英语 和中文翻译

用英语介绍英国的节假日送分拉~如题 要英语 和中文翻译
2月14日 情人节 爱侣的节日.无国定假.
3月1日 圣大卫日 圣大卫是威尔士的守护圣徒.用传统风俗来庆祝,无国定假日.
3月17日 圣帕曲克日 爱尔兰的守护圣徒.爱尔兰传统风俗庆祝.无国定假日.
4月1日 愚人节 通常朋友或同事之间开些无伤大雅的玩笑,但必须是在中午12点以前.
4月2日 母亲节 送贺卡、鲜花或礼物以答谢母亲.
4月13日 星期五日 国定假日一天.基督教的宗教假日.
4月15日-16日 (耶稣)复活节 送给儿童巧克力做的复活彩蛋作为礼物.
4月23日 圣乔治日 英格兰的守护圣徒.传统风俗庆祝.无国定假日.
5月7日 五月公假日 放假一天.宗教假日.
5月28日 五月公假日 放假一天.宗教假日.
6月17日 父亲节 送贺卡、鲜花或礼物以答谢父亲.
8月27日 八月公假日 放假一天.宗教假日.
10月31日 鬼节(万圣节) 传统以南瓜灯、化妆舞会或游街来庆祝.孩子敲邻家的门讨零钱或糖果.无假日.
11月5日 盖夫克夜 (俗称柴火夜) 庆祝欲烧毁国会大楼的盖夫克被捕并处死.传统烧柴火放烟花庆 祝.无假日.
11月30日 圣安德鲁日 苏格兰的守护圣徒.传统风俗庆祝,无国定假日.
12月24日-26日 圣诞节 国定假日从圣诞日起两天, 但多数人一直休息到元旦过后.一般来说12月份下旬一直到1月上旬不宜安排到英国的商务旅行.
January 1 New Year's Day a national holiday the day. As usual, if the festival is the weekend, then Monday compensatory day.
February 14 Valentine's Day lover's holiday. No country will leave.
1 March St David's Day St. David is the patron saint of Wales. To celebrate the traditional customs, no national holiday.
March 17 St. Patrick Day Irish song grams guardian saint. Irish custom to celebrate. No national holiday.
Ireland's National Day - "St. Patrick song Krzysztof" (SaintPatrick'sDay), is to commemorate the one in the 5th century Ireland when Christianity's saints - St Patrick song grams. Legend is that he will snake out of Ireland, is he made over and over growth, "clover" has become a symbol of the country.
March 17 each year as a permanent change in the tradition of Irish Prime Minister will be away from their own country, on time and without error to the White House, presented a pot of Ireland to the U.S. president a "clover", with a Chinese an old man, called "loved ones during the festive season," and let in the United States 70 million Irish descent, did not forget their "roots." Irish sense of this ancient nation is proud of the former President of the United States, there is a lot of flow with their blood, Kennedy, Reagan, Nixon, Clinton is an outstanding representative.
1 April Fool's Day is usually open between friends or colleagues in some harmless joke, but it must be before 12 noon.
April 2 to send Mother's Day greeting cards, flowers or gifts to thank his mother.
Friday, April 13 a national holiday on the day. Christian religious holiday.
April 15 -16 days (Jesus) gave children chocolate Easter eggs as Easter gifts.
April 23 St. George's Day the guardian saint of England. Traditional customs and celebrations. No national holiday.
May 7 May public holiday day off. Religious holidays.
May 28 May public holiday day off. Religious holidays.
June 17 Father's Day to send greeting cards, flowers or gifts to thank his father.
August 27 August public holiday day off. Religious holidays.
October 31 Halloween (Halloween) The traditional pumpkin lights, make-up ball or parade to celebrate. Kids next door knocked the door of discussion change or candy. No holidays.
November 5 Gai Fuke night (commonly known as wood night) To celebrate the burning of the Capitol building Gai Fuke arrested and executed. Traditional wood-fired fireworks celebration. No holidays.
November 11 Day each year at 11 o'clock on the 11 November is to commemorate the sacrifices of World War II in the first and non-martyrs. Before and after almost all the stores are selling plastic or paper poppies made monuments. Most cities and towns will hold a small ceremony before the Martyrs Monument. Royal London members present or if they are overseas, you immediately silence for 2 minutes. No national holiday.
November 30 St. Andrew's Day a guardian saint of Scotland. Traditional customs and celebrations, not a national holiday.
December 24 -26 Christmas a national holiday on the date two days from Christmas, but most people have been to New Year's Day after the break. Generally speaking, in late December until early January is not appropriate to the UK business travel arrangements.