英语翻译Similar results were obtained in banana chips using superheated steam puffing,Tabtiang et al.(2012) reported that the higher shrinkage of the osmotically treated banana could be explained by the fact that the hydroxyl group (OH-group) of
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 11:18:11
英语翻译Similar results were obtained in banana chips using superheated steam puffing,Tabtiang et al.(2012) reported that the higher shrinkage of the osmotically treated banana could be explained by the fact that the hydroxyl group (OH-group) of
Similar results were obtained in banana chips using superheated steam puffing,Tabtiang et al.(2012) reported that the higher shrinkage of the osmotically treated banana could be explained by the fact that the hydroxyl group (OH-group) of n-C6H12O6 in the solution may interact withthe hydroxyl group in the banana tissue by hydrogen bonding,which made the tissue rigid and limited the expansion of the
cellular structure during puffing.
英语翻译Similar results were obtained in banana chips using superheated steam puffing,Tabtiang et al.(2012) reported that the higher shrinkage of the osmotically treated banana could be explained by the fact that the hydroxyl group (OH-group) of