
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 15:00:56

成功的预算周期通常遵循以下过程:·编制总预算.总预算会为整个组织以及组织的各个子单位设定绩效计划..确立标准或具体的预期,可将实际成果与这些标准或预期进行比较.·检查实际成果与计划成果间的差异,必要时采取纠正性措施.·制定持续改进计划,考虑到条件的改变及对计划的反馈.在比较实际成果与计划成果时,管理人员要关心营运效率(efficiency )和达成组织目标的效益(effectiveness)."效率"是指为恃定资源设定的预算额度或标准,该预算额度或标准被用来与实际资源耗用作对比.效率度量中常用的资源类别有直接材料、直接人工和间接制造费用.例如,如果单位成本的预估值为$2,某项营运最终会销售1000单位产品,则有效率的营运其成本应小于或等于$2000元效率的营运其成本将大于$2000."效益"衡量的是公司能在多大程度上达成其目标.如果总预算要求净营运收入达到$3亿,那么有效益的营运所获得的净营运收入应大于或等于$3亿,元效益的营运所获得的净营运收入将小于$3亿.某项营运可能有效率但无效益,也可能有效益但无效率.一个有效益但无效率的营运是指公司达成了主要目标,但成本超支.为使营运既有效率又有效益,很重要的一点是应了解该项营运当前的绩效情况以及目标绩效情况.要确定一项营运的绩效如何,必须实施标准成本法,然而标准成本法只有与差异分析相结合,才能用于判断实际营运行为的绩效,标准成本法不可能单独发挥作用.至于如何确定具体营运的目标绩效,这取决于选择合适的基准以及设定适度严格的基准指标.例如,在实施渐进改善时,不断提高目标要求;在实施目标成本法时,设立明确的标准;等等.用以评估"效益"的一个主要手段就是量度营运收入差异,即预算营运收入与实际营运收入之间的差异.这种量度比较的是报表最后一行的数据即营运收入数据.除此之外,也可以采用逐行比较实际成果与计划成果的办法来评估效益.

A successful budget cycle general1y follows a process of
Creating a master budget that sets out plans for the
performance of the organization as a whole as well as for
each subunit.
Establishing standards or specific expectations against
which actual results can be compared.
Investigating variatious from plans and taking corrective
action,if necessary.
Planning for continuous irnprovernent, taking into
consideration feedback and changed conditions.
When cornparing actual to planned results, managers are
concerned with the efficiency of the operation and its
effectiveness in meeting organizaUonal gods.
Efficiency is the budgeted arnounts or standards set for
a particular resource compared to the actual resources
consurned. Typical1y, the resources are categonzed
into direct material, direct labor, and manufacturing
overhead. For example if a cost is estimated to be $2 per
unit, an efficient operation that sells 1,000 units
should have a cost of $2,000 or less. An inefficient
operation would incur costs in excess of that amount.
Effectiveness is measured by how well a firm attains its
goals. If the master budget calls for net operating
income to be $300 million, an effective operation would
have earned that amount or more, and an ineffective
operation would have earned less than that amount. An
operation can be effective but not efficient, or
efficient but not effective. An inefficient but effective
operation is one that meets its primary goals even though
it had cost overruns.
In order to attain both of these objectives,it is
important to know how an operation is performing and how
it should be performing.Determining how an operation is
doing involves standard costing,but such methods will not
alleviate any issue unless combined with variance
analysis to determine actual operational behavior.
Determining how the operation should perform depends on
selecting appropriate bepchmarks with an appropriate
level of stringency, for example,whether to use
kaizern with continually increasing goals, target costing
with specific types of standards, etc. in the measure.
A primary means of assessing effectiveness is through the
operating income variance, or the difference between
budgeted operating income and actual operating income.
Such a measure looks at the bottom line of operations. A
secondary means of assessing effectiveness is to do a
line-by-line comparison of actual to planned results.

翻一下以下文章,中译英成功的预算周期通常遵循以下过程:·编制总预算.总预算会为整个组织以及组织的各个子单位设定绩效计划..确立标准或具体的预期,可将实际成果与这些标准或预期进 英语翻译以下是我想翻成中文的问题请帮我翻一下 > 飞鸟与鱼(以下文章翻译成英文,不要软件翻译的!) 滚动预算的预算期通常以1年为固定长度,即使终是1月起至12月止的会计年度这句话是否正确? 文章小标题的作用通常是什么 英语与美式英语的区别购车预算:5万以下不知道 想买个入门的天文望远镜,预算500以下,给推荐个吧 庞大的近义词购车预算:5万以下主要用途:家用车型偏好:微型车 三厢 增光 推荐一两台天狼牌折射式天文望远镜,我的预算是3000元或以下带准APO、赤道仪、口径80MM或以上、焦距800MM或以上,就以上主要条件请推荐,超过预算的也可以推荐,让我参考一下,或比准APO更先进 帮老外修改中文文章请帮我修改老外翻译的文章.以下的中文是由美国人从英文翻译过来的.最下是英文原文.别把中文翻译成英文,把中文修改一下就好了.感觉不快乐吗?英国的莱斯特大学的研 翻译成英文:我一定会成功的! 成功的“成”翻译成英文是什么? 英语翻译并说一下文章中像这样的句子怎么翻以此句为例 紧急 请帮我写的小文章 中翻英 翻越简单易懂越好 以下句子 请帮我翻通顺 可以帮我把一些不必要的句子删简掉尽量翻的意思越简单越好 另外我第一段 好像有点少了什麼 请帮我改一下 IntroT 我有以下作文题目,1.我的梦2.我的财富3.“成功与勤奋”为话题4.“足迹”为话题我要整篇的文章, 关于游泳自救成功的事例文章 关于成功方面的英语文章 成功 等待着你的具体文章