
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 10:12:43


九寨沟JiuZhai Channel
I love China’s key point of interest(风景名胜) very much.So I'm going to the JiuZhai Channel(九寨沟).It's usually a little cold.You can go there by bus,by train,by plane.There is so much place and so much funnny things to do.If you go there,you can go to see a hot well(温泉)called WaRu hot well(瓦汝温泉).
泰山Taishan Mountain
Taishan Mountain is located in the central of Shandong Province. In ancient time, it was called Mt. Daishan or Mt.Daizong and was renamed Taishan Mountain during the Spring and Autumn Period, that was 770-476B.C.. Taishan Mountain was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1987. The total area of the mountain is 426 square kilometers with a circumference of 80 kilometers.
The main peak, Jade Emperor Peak, rising 1,545 meters above sea level, is at the north of Tai'an city. The mountain is an early birthplace of China's ancient civilization and the area around was one of ancient China's political, economic and cultural centers. In history, there were total 72 emperors from Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties who built temples on it. After Qin Shihuang (246-209 B.C.), numerous emperors and scholars from various historical periods went to Taishan Mountain, which accounts for the large quantity of precious cultural relics.
Taishan Mountain has 72 majestic peaks, magnificent waterfalls, centuries-old pines and cypresses and fascinating rocks. There are five tourist zones and two routes up the mountain-one in the east and one in the west. They meet at Zhongtian Gate and there are 6,293 steps in the nine kilometers leading to the top. Scenic spots include Longtan Reservoir, Zhongtian Gate, Five-Doctor Pine, Duansong Hill, 18 Turns, South Gate to Heaven, Bixia Tekmple, Zhanglu Terrace, Sun-Watching Peak, Moon-Watching Peak. The four wonders of the mountain are Sun Rises from the East, Golden Belt Along the Yellow River, Beautiful Sunset and the Sea of Clouds. Other attractive spots are the Rare Rock Dock, Fan Cliff, Aolai Peak, Black Dragon Pool, Longevity Bridge, and the Dragon Pool Waterfall.
Running from Songshan Valley to the South Gate to Heaven, on the top of Danshan Hill, is a path with 18 turns called Ladder to Heaven. Although the path is little more than one kilometer long it rises 400 meters. The steps along the path are made of Tianshan schist. There is now a cable car from Zhongtian Gate to the top of Wangfu Hill.
Taishan Mountain is one of China's mountain parks and is a natural museum of history and art. Along its axis there are 1,800 stone sculptures including famous ones such as the Carved Road from the Qin dynasty, the Buddhist Diamond Sutra in Sutra Stone Valley, the Wordless Stone Tablet and the Scripture of Taishan Mountain History carved on Tangmo Cliff. Tiankuang Hall in the Daimiao Temple which is also on Taishan Mountain is one of the three great halls of China (the other two are the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City, Beijing , and Dacheng Hall in Qufu). The 40 statues of arhat in the Thousand-Buddha Hall of the Lingyan Temple date to the Song Dynasty
and are prized for their individuality and expressiveness.
日月潭Sun Moon Lake
The Sun Moon Lake in the mountains of central Taiwan is a truly delightful place for rest and relaxation. Also it is a favorite honeymoon spot. The poetically named lake, situated lake, situated at an elevation of 2,500 feet, is a year-round resort with many beautiful surroundings. The lake is a good base for hiking, also for visiting the highest pagoda and the biggest temple in Taiwan, an aborigine settlement and other places of interest
故宫 the Imperial Palace (这个我在网上没找到,但以前我翻译过一小段,给你看看好了..)
The Imperial Palace is also called Forbidden City,it was first started building in 1407,and cost two hundred thousand workers for fourteen years,and,completed in 1420.All its palaces consist of 9999 rooms."9" is recognized as a favorable number in China.
These days,the Imperial Palace opens to chinese students freely on Tuesdays.There are treasures which have more than five thousand years' history.You can take a look if you are doubting.




The Forbidden Palace is called the "Forbidden City" too, because most Chinese were forbidden to enter - "Royalty-Only-Please". It was built in the early 1400’s. It is comprised of 800 building...


The Forbidden Palace is called the "Forbidden City" too, because most Chinese were forbidden to enter - "Royalty-Only-Please". It was built in the early 1400’s. It is comprised of 800 buildings, 9000 rooms, and is 720,000,000 square meters.
Ancient Chinese people fully displayed their wisdom in building the Forbidden City. Take the grand red city wall for example, the ladder shaped wall has an 8.6 meter wide bottom and a 6.66 meter wide top. The shape of the city wall totally frustrate attempt to climb onto the wall. The bricks of the wall are said to be made from white lime and glutinous rice while the cement is made from glutinous rice and egg whites, and these incredible materials make the wall extraordinarily strong.
Since yellow is the symbol of the royal family, it is the dominant color in the Forbidden City. Roofs are built with yellow glazed tiles; decorations in the palace are painted yellow; and even the bricks on the ground are made yellow in special process. However, there is one exception. Wenyuange, the royal library, has a black roof. The reason is that it was believed black represented water and then could extinguish fire.
Today, the Forbidden Palace is opened to the public. Splendid paintings on the royal architecture, grand and deluxe halls, and surprisingly magnificent treasures will be displayed before you.
Taishan lies in Tai'an county in the middle of the Shandong Province, encompassing an area of 426 square kilometers. Its summit, 1546 meters above sea level, has a vertical height of over 1200 meters above the ground. Magnificent ancient architecture and historical and cultural sites can be found over hill and dale, and along the mountain passages. UNESCO has listed Mount Tai as " A World Cultural and Natural Heritage."
The temple of Taishan
With the Hall of Celestial Gifts as its main structure and axis, and encircled by a corridor, it covers an area of 96,500 square meters. With the Drum Tower and the Bell Tower as its two wings facing each other, the crenellated Temple has yellow glazed-tile roofs and red ridges, and a pavilion at each of the four corners. Old sky-piercing cypresses and steles spread all over the place, in addition to the cultural relics like the cast-iron pavilions and towers.
The Hall of Celestial Gifts
The yellow glazed-tile roofed and double-eaved Hall, 22.3 meters in height, consists of 9 rooms stretching 48.7 meters long east to west, and 19.8 meters wide. It has a stone terrace with carved parapets. The mural on the wall of the Hall measuring 62 meters long and 3.3 meters high, depicts the God of Mount Tai on an inspection tour. The eastern part of the mural illustrates " Setting Off on the Tour", while the western part, "Returning to His Palace". The main contents are descriptions of the ceremonious processions on the tour, interspersed with rare and precious birds and animals, while mountains, rivers, forests, towers, pavilions, halls are used as backgrounds. The mural is grand in scale, well-knit in layout and smooth in brush work.
The Gate to Mid-heaven
It's located at the mid-point of the mountain path to the top, where one has a splendid view of the vertical steps to the summit, the Wen River like a ribbon in the south, Zhongxi Mountain in the east, and the Fenghuang Ridge in the west.
Eighteen Bends
In barely one kilometer length, the perilous trail has to elevate itself to a vertical height of 400 meters. One has to scale 1594 stone steps to reach Shengxianfang (Archway) meaning a person passing through the Archway will immediately become a celestial being. Beyond the Archway, the passage winds along craggy cliffs and grotesque rocks. Ascending to the South Gate to Heaven, one sees the Eighteen Bends merely as a vertical stairway hanging in the air, upon which the climbers are moving up like little ants. It's a model in Chinese architecture on the mountains, utilizing scenery to enhance their brilliancy.
Jiuzhaigou Valley is situated in Nanping county, Sichuan Province, and encompasses an area of 720 square kilometers. It abounds in virgin forests and rare flowers and grasses. A place named "Haizi" is dotted with lakes and pools of various sizes filled with crystal clear waters. The valley, a fairy land gifted by nature, is the haunt of golden monkeys, white geese, pandas and other rare and precious animals.
Magic Mirror Cliff
It's a gigantic cliff rising 800 metres from the level ground. Its surface is as smooth and slippery as a mirror. Capped with pines and China firs, the cliff top resembles a human head with cropped short hair and curly beard, which in local mythology, was left over by Zhayiga, the Ancester of mountains to keep the evil spirit under control.
Penjinghai Lake (Miniature Landscape Lake)
On the Lake's shallows, a few dozens of miniature-potted-landscape-like bushes of azalea, poplar, metasequoia etc. scatter about. They assume various forms: some in the shape of a fierce spread eagle, and some, of a galloping steed.
Luweihai (Reed Marshes)
It is 1375 metre long and over-grown with reeds. A clear brook zigzags its way through the marshes, where waterfowls are seen hovering overhead. When the season turns, the green meandering brook presents a striking contrast with the yellow spread of reeds.
Huohahai (sparkling Lake)
The west hill commands a spectacular view of the sparkling reflections of bright sunlight upon the Lake's deep blue surface. Lying Dragon Lake: In the middle of the lake, submerges a dimly visible yellowish "Lying Dragon" in some 20 metre deep water. When a gentle wind from the mountain whips up ripples on the Lake's clear surface, it looks as if the "Dragon" were stretching herself, and once the wind increases intensity, the "Dragon" begins to shake her head and wag her tail, as if poising for a take off.
Shuzheng Group of Lakes
It consists of some 40 large and small inter-connected lakes stretching as long as ten Li. The waters overflow the inter-lake banks of calcic soil over-grown with willows, pines and cypresses and become a succession of waterfalls. The nearby Shuzheng stockaded village still preserves two primitive stone mills and one wooden bridge, They are simple and rough, but very charming.
Nuorilang waterfalls
A massive water current washing over a cliff top over-grown with willows, drops some 30 metre down and form spectacular waterfalls of various size and shape. Some waters fall straight down to the ground. Some dash against protruding rocks midway and explode into millions of colorful tiny beads.
Pearl Shoal
A stream rushes down a 20 degree slope into the Shoal splashing water about like millions of bouncing silver pearls and then goes on down to form fantastic waterfalls of various shape with thunderous roars echoed by the deep valley.
Wuhua Hai (Five Flower Lake)
Due to different water depths and silts on the bottom, the Lake's waters assume a variety of colors, such as light yellow, dark green, deep blue, jadeite, under the sun light, they are as colorful and beautiful as a peacock's feathers.
Panda Lake Waterfall
It consists of 3 waterfalls with sizes of 5x19m., 2x24 m., and 14x19 m., respectively. Three separate streams rush down a precipice and form waterfalls with multiple sections of 65 m, in total height.
Swan Lake
It's 2250 m. long and 125 m. wide (at maximum) encompassing an area of 142.8 mu . The surface is domed with weeds and wild flowers. It's a tranquil and secluded place frenquented by swans and wild ducks.
Hanging Dagger Spring
Overlooking the Swan Lake is a solitary Lofty peak, 500 metre high and resembling a dagger piercing through the sky. From the halfway down the peak, voluminous waters gash out and drop some thousand feet like a white chain hanging in the air.
Five Color Pool
Filled with crystal-clear waters the pool looks colorful, radiant and fascinating.
Long Lake
It's the largest lake in Jiuzhaigou Valley, covering an area of 7.5 km, long and 0.375 km. wide. It is 3103 metres above sea level, with a maximum depth of 103 metres. The melted snow from the South Peak and the waters of surrounding mountain streams and brooks all find their way into the Lade which has no exit. The excess water either vapours or seeps into the earth. The waters never spill over the banks in spite of downpours in summer and autumn. The Lake won't dry up either in spring and winter, even there's a long dry spell. In spring, Jiuzhaigou Valley is radiant and enchanting. The air is filled with fragrance of wild blossoms. In summer, the beautiful trees are luxuriantly green. In autumn, the breeze is intoxicating, while tree leaves turn crimson. In winter, the mountains and valleys are wrapped in snow and ice.


2004-08-26 23:17:55 中摩协网



2004-08-26 23:17:55 中摩协网

Jiuzhaigou, reputed as a "fairyland", is situated in the central south part of the Jiuzhaigou county of the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, China, being a tributary of the Baishuihe River on the Jialingjiang River of the Changjiang water system. It is so named because the scenic area consists of nine Tibetan villages , namely, the Heye Village, the Shuzheng Village and the Zezhawa Village. With an elevation of 2000-3100m above sea level, the scenic area enjoys pleasant climate and beautiful colours all the year round, being one of the world's famous scenic areas with the best tourist environment.
The Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area was listed into the world Nature Heritage Catalog in 1992, approved as a man-and-biosphere reserve in the world in 1997,evaluated as one of the first 4A state level sceneries in China in 2000, and awarded the certificate of Sustainable 21st Century Tourism in February, 2001.It Is one of the excellent scenic spots in China, one of the 40 best scenic spots in the country, a provincial and prefectural civilized unit and the advanced unit in comprehensive management, and the head of the 3 tourist creams in Sichuan province.
The winning of the certificate of the “Green Globe 21” has proved that Jiuzhaigou is taking a strategy of sustainable development in ecological tourism. At present when resources are short, Jiuzhaigou, with its concept of green tourism and daily perfected service facilities, has become a splendid pearl of world tourism. Jiuzhaigou, the fairyland filled with poetic dreams, is the paradise of mankind endowed by nature, and our spiritual home in return to nature.


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Jiuzhaigou, reputed as a "fairyland", is situated in the central south part of the Jiuzhaigou county of the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, China, being a trib...


Jiuzhaigou, reputed as a "fairyland", is situated in the central south part of the Jiuzhaigou county of the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, China, being a tributary of the Baishuihe River on the Jialingjiang River of the Changjiang water system. It is so named because the scenic area consists of nine Tibetan villages , namely, the Heye Village, the Shuzheng Village and the Zezhawa Village. With an elevation of 2000-3100m above sea level, the scenic area enjoys pleasant climate and beautiful colours all the year round, being one of the world's famous scenic areas with the best tourist environment.
The Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area was listed into the world Nature Heritage Catalog in 1992, approved as a man-and-biosphere reserve in the world in 1997,evaluated as one of the first 4A state level sceneries in China in 2000, and awarded the certificate of Sustainable 21st Century Tourism in February, 2001.It Is one of the excellent scenic spots in China, one of the 40 best scenic spots in the country, a provincial and prefectural civilized unit and the advanced unit in comprehensive management, and the head of the 3 tourist creams in Sichuan province.
The winning of the certificate of the “Green Globe 21” has proved that Jiuzhaigou is taking a strategy of sustainable development in ecological tourism. At present when resources are short, Jiuzhaigou, with its concept of green tourism and daily perfected service facilities, has become a splendid pearl of world tourism. Jiuzhaigou, the fairyland filled with poetic dreams, is the paradise of mankind endowed by nature, and our spiritual home in return to nature.



Jiuzhaigou, reputed as a "fairyland", is situated in the central south part of the Jiuzhaigou county of the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, Chi...


Jiuzhaigou, reputed as a "fairyland", is situated in the central south part of the Jiuzhaigou county of the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, China, being a tributary of the Baishuihe River on the Jialingjiang River of the Changjiang water system. It is so named because the scenic area consists of nine Tibetan villages , namely, the Heye Village, the Shuzheng Village and the Zezhawa Village. With an elevation of 2000-3100m above sea level, the scenic area enjoys pleasant climate and beautiful colours all the year round, being one of the world's famous scenic areas with the best tourist environment.
The Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area was listed into the world Nature Heritage Catalog in 1992, approved as a man-and-biosphere reserve in the world in 1997,evaluated as one of the first 4A state level sceneries in China in 2000, and awarded the certificate of Sustainable 21st Century Tourism in February, 2001.It Is one of the excellent scenic spots in China, one of the 40 best scenic spots in the country, a provincial and prefectural civilized unit and the advanced unit in comprehensive management, and the head of the 3 tourist creams in Sichuan province.
The winning of the certificate of the “Green Globe 21” has proved that Jiuzhaigou is taking a strategy of sustainable development in ecological tourism. At present when resources are short, Jiuzhaigou, with its concept of green tourism and daily perfected service facilities, has become a splendid pearl of world tourism. Jiuzhaigou, the fairyland filled with poetic dreams, is the par