
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/03 07:40:28


The movie described a miserable history,at that time,the German Nazi Party killed extensive
Jew from aii the world,they prosecuted the policy for genocide .when I wrote here,my hands chills.the war was oppressive,I rejoiced that I can live in peacetime and enjoy the good life and the happy livelihood

The movie describes a stretch of tragic history, in that stretch of history, Gemanic Nazi Party massacred Jew from many places extensively and carried out the policy of genocide.
When I write here, I feel that my hands is shivery.War is cruel, I am grateful that I can live in a peaceful world and enjoy the happy life.

Description of the film is a tragic history, the history, the German Nazi party to make large parts of the Jewish Holocaust, the Jewish genocide Z policy.
I write to you, my hands trembling.
War is brutal, I am glad that I can live in peace, enjoying the good life and happy life.

The movie is about a tragic history, in its history, the German Nazi party to make large-scale massacre all the jews, for the jews of genocide Z strategy. Write here, my hands are shaking. War is crue...


The movie is about a tragic history, in its history, the German Nazi party to make large-scale massacre all the jews, for the jews of genocide Z strategy. Write here, my hands are shaking. War is cruel, and I am glad he can live in peace, enjoying the s the goodness of life and happy life.
The movie is about a tragic history, in its history, the German Nazi party to make large-scale massacre all the jews, for the jews of genocide Z strategy. Write here, my hands are shaking. War is cruel, and I am glad he can live in peace, enjoying the s the goodness of life and happy life.
The movie is about a tragic history, in its history, the German Nazi party to make large-scale massacre all the jews, for the jews of genocide Z strategy. Write here, my hands are shaking. War is cruel, and I am glad he can live in peace, enjoying the s the goodness of life and happy life.


英语翻译电影描写的是一段悲惨的历史,在那段历史中,德国纳粹党对各地犹太人做出大规模的大屠杀,对犹太人实行种族灭绝Z策.写到这里,我的手在发抖.战争是残酷的,我庆幸自己能生活在和 黑人原本生活在非洲,他们是怎样到达美洲大陆的?其中可有一段悲惨的历史,悲惨的历史是什么?具体点! 求有关黑奴的悲惨生活的电影或电视剧,主要描写黑人奴隶的悲惨生活状况 黑人是怎样到达美洲大陆的 其中一段悲惨的历史要稍短一点的 也不要太短 描写悲惨的词语急 一部讲述一个女人在日本的悲惨生活的电影讲述一个女人被骗到日本后的悲惨生活,在那段时间饱受折磨,后来和一个姐妹一起逃亡的电影,结局是他们两个都被打死了~ 悲惨的反义词是 奴隶的悲惨生活表现在那三个方面? 欧洲历史中有非常悲惨的时候吗?众所周知,自16世纪后,欧洲开始横扫世界,所向无敌.那之前欧洲人有非常悲惨的历史吗? 黑人原本生活在非州,他们是怎样到达美洲大陆的?这其中的悲惨历史? 写一段话,40个字,没有火,人类的生活多么悲惨那!开头 描写命运悲惨的词语20个 描写学徒生活悲惨的成语急越多越好 描写国家分裂,人民生活悲惨的诗, 描写中华历史的一段话 找几首描写悲惨爱情的诗最好是那种描写爱人死去的诗 历史题 歌曲《松花江上》的歌词“从那个悲惨的时候”指的是? 那部悲伤的电影是我非常难过 英语翻译