谁有远大前程中那个逃犯马格韦契的性格分析,要长,最好是英文的.要长,最好是英 文的最好是中英语对照的!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 15:14:01

谁有远大前程中那个逃犯马格韦契的性格分析,要长,最好是英文的.要长,最好是英 文的最好是中英语对照的!
要长,最好是英 文的

谁有远大前程中那个逃犯马格韦契的性格分析,要长,最好是英文的.要长,最好是英 文的最好是中英语对照的!
杩欎綅Abel Magwitch鍙?槸閰嶈?,缃戜笂璧勬枡涓嶅?,鎴戝彧鎵惧埌杩欎簺,宸插敖鍔涗簡,浣犱笖鐪嬬湅鍚?甯屾湜瀵逛綘澶氬皯鏈夌偣甯?姪.:)
Abel Magwitch is a fictional character from Charles Dickens鈥 novel Great Expectations.
Early Life
In the story,Magwitch doesn鈥檛 know where or when he was born.However,Pip estimates him to be around 60 when they meet in around 1829,which would place his date of birth at about 1769.
His first memory was stealing turnips in Essex for a living,having been abandoned by a tinker.Magwitch had been imprisoned since his early childhood,never given the chance to lead an honest life.Prison visitors were told he was a hardened one; they pitied him "and they measured my head 鈥 they had better measured my stomach 鈥 and others on 鈥榚m giv me tracks what I couldn鈥檛 read,and made me speeches what I couldn鈥檛 unnerstand." Magwitch worked in every honest job he could find.He was taught to read and write by a deserting soldier and a "travelling giant".
Adult Life
Around 1805,Magwitch met a man by the name of Compeyson at the Epsom Races.Compeyson had been brought up in a boarding school and was a good-looking and set up gentleman.He is a proficient con-man and uses his upbringing as an asset in their partnership by swindling,forging and passing stolen banknotes.Compeyson had a partner called Arthur,with whom,he "had been in a bad thing with a rich lady some years afore and they鈥檇 made a pot of money by it".Arthur goes insane,driven to madness by the remembrance of this story,always seeing the rich lady coming to kill him.He eventually dies,but Compeyson doesn鈥檛 show any regret.Magwitch said in the story that he should have taken Arthur as a warning.
Magwitch married a woman named Molly and was married to her for about five years.Molly was tried for the murder of a rival for Magwitch's affections (an older,stronger woman).Mr.Jaggers,Molly's attorney,managed to persuade the jury that she was too weak to have strangled the woman.Jaggers did well,Molly was acquitted and became (unknown to Magwitch) Jaggers鈥 maidservant.Molly had given birth to Magwitch's female child who was about two or three years old at the time of Molly's trial.Molly told Magwitch that she'd destroyed the child and as far as Magwitch knew,his daughter had indeed died.
Magwitch and Compeyson were accused of a felony (charged with putting stolen notes in circulation).Compeyson said they would have separate defences and no communication.At the trial,Compeyson appeared as a gentleman.Magwitch had to sell his clothes to be able to pay for Jaggers.The prosecution placed most of the guilt on Magwitch,who realized that Compeyson had always intended to scapegoat him should they be caught.
Compeyson's attorney hammers the point home:
"My lord and gentleman,here you has afore you,side by side,two persons as your eyes can separate wide; one,the younger,well brought up,who will be spoke to as such; one,the older,ill brought up,who will be spoke to as such; one,the younger,seldom if ever seen in these here transactions,and only suspected; t鈥檕ther,the elder,always seen in 鈥榚m and always with his guilt brought home.Can you doubt,if there is but one in it,which is the one,and if there is two in it,which is much the worst one?"
In the end,Magwitch is condemned to fourteen years imprisonment,while Compeyson receives seven.Magwitch and Compeyson are imprisoned on the same prison-ship.Magwitch attempts to kill Compeyson.He is taken to the black-hole (a solitary confinement cell) after landing his first punch,but he manages to escape sometime around Christmas of 1812.
In the marshes ashore,he meets young Pip at a graveyard.He tricks the seven-year-old boy into believing that he has an accomplice who is a terrible young man who would tear out and eat Pip's heart and liver if Pip didn鈥檛 help them.Pip,terrified,steals a savory pork pie,brandy and a file from his house and brings them to Magwitch the next morning.On his way he encounters another convict,bruised in the face,who he initially thought was Magwitch and then believes to be the young man Magwitch had told him about.Magwitch,upon hearing about the other escapee,realises that Compeyson has also escaped and,after having eaten,drunk,and filed his leg iron off,he sets off to search for him.He finds him and decides,not caring for his own fate,to take him back to the Hulks.The pair are still struggling when soldiers find and seize them.
Compeyson argued that his escape was due to being terrorized by Magwitch.Consequently,his punishment was light,whereas Magwitch was put in irons,retried,and deported to New South Wales for life.Magwitch had a number of jobs in Australia,including that of a sheep farmer and stock breeder.He never forgot Pip鈥檚 kindness to him and decided to do something for the boy,in part because he reminded him of his lost daughter,who would have been about the same age as Pip.Magwitch sent money to Mr.Jaggers,who passed it to Pip and sought to make the boy a gentleman.Jaggers is not permitted to let Pip know whom his benefactor is.
In about 1829,when Pip is around 23 years of age,Magwitch secretly returns to England under the name of Provis.When he reveals himself to Pip,both have disappointment.Pip doesn鈥檛 feel gratitude towards Provis but rather disgust and repulsion as he discovers where his money came from (partly because he had thought Miss Havisham had been assisting him in wooing her protegee Estella) and his feelings are thinly veiled.However,Pip鈥檚 feelings towards Magwitch improve as he learns the convict's history.He decides nonetheless that he doesn鈥檛 want to accept more money from Provis.
The situation grows dangerous:Magwitch,as a deported criminal,would be without doubt sentenced to death if recognized by the authorities.Wemmick and Herbert (during one of Pip鈥檚 stays at the country) discover that they are being watched and lodge Magwitch (who is to go by the name of Mr.Campbell) in the house of Herbert鈥檚 fianc茅e.An escape for Magwitch from England is prepared.Magwitch is to be put aboard a steamer bound for Hamburg.As it is not possible to board at a port due to Magwitch's wanted status,they try to row to the steamer from the banks of the Thames in Essex after the steamer has left the port of London.Unusually,a well manned boat comes out to intercept them as they aim for the steamer.Magwitch recognizes Compeyson on this boat and goes for him.They both end up in the water where Compeyson is drowned.Magwitch is immediately arrested and clapped in irons,having suffered a bad chest wound during these events.
Pip now considers Magwitch a friend.He makes frequent visits to the ailing Magwitch and holds his hand throughout Magwitch's new trial,where Magwitch receives a death sentence.Magwitch is declining in health and is being held in the infirmary when Pip at last tells him that his child,Estella,is alive.Pip goes on to tell him that she鈥檚 a beautiful lady and that he,Pip,was in love with her.Pip has found this information out,as Wemmick told him Molly鈥檚 story and he recognized her to be Estella鈥檚 mother.With a last pressure on Pip鈥檚 hand,Magwitch dies a good and very content man.

小说评论:Great Expectations is an outstanding, classic, fictional novel which recounts the narrative of Philip Pirrip, a young boy who over the course of the novel transforms into a gentleman with the hel...


小说评论:Great Expectations is an outstanding, classic, fictional novel which recounts the narrative of Philip Pirrip, a young boy who over the course of the novel transforms into a gentleman with the help of a secret benefactor, while struggling through battles of his morality and love on the way. Great Expectations is a prime example for an excellent novel; the novel contains suspense, love, mystery, and excellent diction, in addition it conveys a lesson relevant to mid-nineteenth century England and even modern day. First of all, this book is hard to put down, due to the fact that Dicken抯 has a great ability to weave in imagery throughout the novel to illustrate a descriptive image in one抯 mind of characters and setting. I agree with the July 20, 1861 edition of the Spectator: Dicken抯 ability to portray the essence of human character in the poor characters is far surpassed in excellence than his ability to portray the wealthy in his novel. I believe that this is due to the fact that Charles Dickens was raised in indigence, and can therefore convey his life experiences of poverty to his fictional characters?lives. Also, the untruth and improbability in all the incidents and characters obliterates the novel to some extent. Although there are a number of flaws in the novel, the lesson extracted from this novel is incredibly ethical; although there were prejudgments in nineteenth century England (and even today): the poor are immoral, uneducated people, Dickens, through his principled characters, exemplifies that wealth does not constitute moral standing. In addition, Pip抯 struggle to win over Estella抯 love, throughout the novel, leaves the reader captivated to Dicken抯 work of fiction out of curiosity. Finally, as a result of the ambiguity at the novel抯 end, Dickens allows the reader to ponder numerous questions, leaving the reader in a state of suspense and mystery. Even though there are some flaws in this book, Charles Dicken抯 novel sill defines a great work of English literature. The figurative language and moral lessons which are intertwined together to form Great Expectation, makes this novel superior and worth while to read.
电影评论:The movie deals about an orphan child called Pip(Anthony Wager and grown-up John Mills) meets on the dark moor an escaped convict(Finlay Currie) and help him.At a musty mansion he knows to an old woman ,Miss Havershan(Martita Hunt)an a beautiful girl called Stella(Jean Simmons and grown-up,Valerie Hobson).Pit suddenly converts at a gentleman with the support of an unknown benefactor and his advocate(Francis L. Sullivan).He befriends of Herbert Pocket,Alec Guinness,in his debut picture as Pip's likable flatmate.
The film is an Charles Dickens's novel adaptation very fine directed by the classic director David Lean.In the movie there are drama,love story,humor,tragedies and is pretty enjoyable. Impressive black and white cinematography is by Guy Green;David Lean,in fact has only utilized four cameramen throughout his career,the others have been Freddie Young,Jack Hyldyard and Ronald Neame who besides is producer and screenwriter film;everybody famed photographers specialists.The motion picture is considered the greatest version of the Charles Dickens novel,the recent rendition featured by Ethan Hawke as Pit,Gwyneth Paltrow as Stella and Anne Bancroft as Miss Havershan is deemed average.John Mills acting as the starring is first rate,he's romantic,sympathetic ,attractive but also vulnerable and memorable. Alec Guinness as the agreeable friend is top notch, and secondary cast,Bernard Miles,Freda Jackson,Finlay Currie are excellent. Rating:Above Average.Well worth seeing for the classic cinema lovers.
