
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/23 03:28:20


The main ceremony of quaering name is exchanging for names,date of birth and the eight characters of a horoscope each other.It is a way to know the history of the two families and to measure whether the wedlock is suitable or not.The procedure of quaering name is,firstly send a “GengTie” of the woman to man by MeiShuo,and the man will put it on the desk before divinity and his ancestor to divine auspicious and ill luck,and then the man will send his “GengTie” to the woman within three days if there is nothing unlucky happened.The woman can divine astrology or agree with the marriage immediately after receiving the “GengTie” of the man.



Q name is both sides exchange main ceremony is NianGeng, name, birth horoscope. Is the origin of the two families understand each other, measure the marriages whether "equal". Its procedures MeiShuo send her first by the GengTie "to the" man's family will CiTie at home, before god, BuJi desk and ancestors. Within 3 days if home safe, will the man GengTie NvGu, after receipt of the NvGu sent, or WenBu in astrology, or consent and marriage. Discussion at the beginning of the marriage, or have female MeiShuo please put forward a german-born GengTie family man, as "snoop" evidence. The woman such as think appropriate and auspicious, the upcoming gender was co-written a spectrum, offered to such-and-such family, otherwise the original returned do only." Order, namely settle appropriately. The ritual that wen set union set, also called small hire, also is the present book wedding. Send ZeJi day, set by the family, NvGu prepared to send dowry. MeiShuo and accompanied by parents or their relatives family to. For most of NvGu accept dowry, 12 pieces back. Courtesy bread is as friends and relatives dispense engagement notice. The recipient shall give royal family, in the future the wedding gift. NaCai and finish on levy two ritual called employer, or respond hire. Ask me never so much dowry, HunShu, with content such as headgear, department of NvGu on currency, NvGu also worship to with weight and return. The employer, accompanied by such gifts to NvGu matchmaker. NvGu dowry to burn incense, fathers, gods, cannon fire you the giver's family festivities. To the woman MeiShuo HunShu delivery. Family, which brought by its breed gift YuanFeng part or received from back.

Asked a main ceremony is the bilateral exchange is precisely the name, the date of birth, the birthday is caret-shaped.Is each other understood two families the origins, weigh this marriage whether “is properly matched”.Its procedure first delivers the bride's side from the matchmaker “the age placard” to the groom's family family, the groom's family pastes this puts in front of on the god and the ancestor table-top, divination lucky.In 3rd like in family all is well, then delivers the groom's family age placard the bride's family, after the bride's family receives, either asked divination in starlike image, either is the agreement exchange of eight horoscopic characters before a wedding.Discusses at the beginning of the marriage, or has the bride's family to hold the matchmaker to ask the groom's family to propose the age placard, the achievement “eavesdrops on” groom's family's evidence.The bride's side like thinks suitably moreover propitious, soon the male female student age gathers writes a spectrum, delivers with the groom's family, otherwise only returns the original part does.Subscribes, namely final decision.Decides ritual of the pledge to be called the article to decide, also called slightly hires, also is the present subscribes the wedding ceremony.Delivers decides, picks an auspicious day Japan, prepares to send by the groom's family betrothal gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family to the bride's family.The matchmaker and the groom's family parents or his/her relative accompanies goes.The bride's family accepts betrothal gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family majority of, prepares 12 to make a return gift.Then the ritual cake the minute presents as a gift the relative the friend, informs as the engagement.Will be presented as a gift the relatives and friends, will have to present as a gift in the future celebrates the marriage gift.The offering of presents to the parents of the bride and the request to marry and the sending of the trousseau two rituals are called hire, or called hires greatly.Has the marriage certificate, the betrothal gift of money, thing and so on jewelry, bureau respect of the sending of the trousseau escorts to the bride's family, the bride's family also repays along with the weight.Hires the gift and so on to be invited along by the matchmaker, escorts to the bride's family.Betrothal gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family to, the bride's family burns incense to shoot off firecrackers, respectfully informs the gods ancestor, the joyful banquet groom's family gives a present the human.Pays the matchmaker by the bride's side marriage certificate.The groom's family sends the gift, presses its variety to accept part of or the intact jade generally returns.


英语翻译问名主要的仪式是双方交换正是姓名、年庚、生辰八字。是彼此了解两个家族的来历,衡量一下这宗婚姻是否“门当户对”。其手续先由媒妁送女方的“庚帖”到男方家,男家将此 英语翻译非货币性资产交换,是指交易双方主要以存货、固定资产、无形资产和长期股权投资等非货币性资产进行的交换.该交换不涉及或只涉及少量的货币性资产.非货币性资产交换准则中存 英语翻译主要是 酒名 如何沟通如何交换双方的意思? 商品是用来交换的劳动产品.用来交换的交换物是不是双方同时支付才叫做商品?地租不是商品是不是因为双方没有同时支付,是农民在收成之后,才将地租交给地主? 换客是一种 交换,技能交换是一种 交换,商品流通与物物交换的主要区别在于 英语中姓名是怎么样分开姓和名的? 2009国庆作文主要写的是有关阅兵仪式 的 字数700左右 解读材料作文题目标题:狼与羊在长达千年的争斗之后,狼和羊终于握手言和了,这对双方来说都是求之不得的.为了促使信任,双方交换了人质,羊交出了牧羊狗,狼交出了狼崽.仪式进行的十分隆 近代史题目在长达千年的争斗之后,狼和羊终于握手言和了,这对双方来说都是求之不得的.为了促使信任,双方交换了人质,羊交出了牧羊狗,狼交出了狼崽.仪式进行的十分隆重,并且有公证人大 白金汉宫换兵仪式的英语翻译 英语翻译:举行盛大的节目仪式 英语翻译在筹建期间发生的相关费用,由合营双方自己承担各自的支出.主要是后面半句怎么说好呢? 蝗虫腹部的哪里是气体交换的主要场所 英文中 姓 是family name,名 怎么说?我主要是想问写英文简历是,姓名这一栏怎么写? 解放战争时期国共双方主要的军事力量 结拜兄弟仪式的流程是什么?可是这样的仪式我觉得只是几个人的事儿,我是想让双方的家庭都知道 英语翻译古时夫妻结婚拜堂仪式简介:男方接新娘到达男家后,随即举行拜堂仪式.拜堂又称为“拜天地”,它近似于古代庙见之礼.不过,庙见是对宗庙的先人灵位行礼,而拜堂则主要是对现世的