英语翻译5.Orphan PagesMake sure that all pages include a clear indication of what web site they belong to since users may access pages directly without coming in through your home page.For the same reason,every page should have a link up to your

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 23:20:47

英语翻译5.Orphan PagesMake sure that all pages include a clear indication of what web site they belong to since users may access pages directly without coming in through your home page.For the same reason,every page should have a link up to your
5.Orphan Pages
Make sure that all pages include a clear indication of what web site they belong to since users may access pages directly without coming in through your home page.For the same reason,every page should have a link up to your home page as well as some indication of where they fit within the structure of your information space.
6.Long Scrolling Pages
Only 10% of users scroll beyond the information that is visible on the screen when a page comes up.All critical content and navigation options should be on the top part of the page.(So why is this page long:because it is a leaf node that is only read by people with special interests - but I should have been briefer!)
7.Lack of Navigation Support
Don't assume that users know as much about your site as you do.They always have difficulty finding information,so they need support in the form of a strong sense of structure and place.Start your design with a good understanding of the structure of the information space and communicate this structure explicitly to the user.Provide a site map and let users know where they are and where they can go.Also,you will need a good search feature since even the best navigation support will never be enough.
8.Non-Standard Link Colors
Links to pages that have not been seen by the user are blue; links to previously seen pages are purple or red.Don't mess with these colors since the ability to understand what links have been followed is one of the few navigational aides that is standard in most web browsers.Consistency is key to teaching users what the link colors mean.
9.Outdated Information
Budget to hire a web gardener as part of your team.You need somebody to root out the weeds and replant the flowers as the website changes but most people would rather spend their time creating new content than on maintenance.In practice,maintenance is a cheap way of enhancing the content on your website since many old pages keep their relevance and should be linked into the new pages.Of course,some pages are better off being removed completely from the server after their expiration date.
10.Overly Long Download Times
I am placing this issue last because most people already know about it; not because it is the least important.Traditional human factors guidelines indicate 10 seconds as the maximum response time before users lose interest.On the web,users have been trained to endure so much suffering that it may be acceptable to increase this limit to 15 seconds for a few pages.
Even websites with high-end users need to consider download times:we have found that many of our customers access Sun's website from home computers in the evening because they are too busy to surf the web during working hours.Bandwidth is getting worse,not better,as the Internet adds users faster than the infrastructure can keep up.

英语翻译5.Orphan PagesMake sure that all pages include a clear indication of what web site they belong to since users may access pages directly without coming in through your home page.For the same reason,every page should have a link up to your

5 . 孤儿页面确保所有页面包括明确说明什么网站,它们都属于自用户 可进入页面后直接前来,通过你的主页. 出于同样的原因, 每一页都应该有一个连接到你的主页以及一些迹象显示那里适合 在结构,你的信息空间. 6 . 长期滚动页面只有10%的用户卷以外的资料,是大家有目共睹的,当屏幕上一个页面 起来. 所有重要内容和导航选项应放在开头部分的页面. (所以为什么这页长: 因为它是一个叶节点,只是看过的人...


5 . 孤儿页面确保所有页面包括明确说明什么网站,它们都属于自用户 可进入页面后直接前来,通过你的主页. 出于同样的原因, 每一页都应该有一个连接到你的主页以及一些迹象显示那里适合 在结构,你的信息空间. 6 . 长期滚动页面只有10%的用户卷以外的资料,是大家有目共睹的,当屏幕上一个页面 起来. 所有重要内容和导航选项应放在开头部分的页面. (所以为什么这页长: 因为它是一个叶节点,只是看过的人的特殊利益,但我也应该有 被精简!! ) 7 . 缺乏导航支持不以为用户知道更多关于您的站点作为你. 他们始终难以找到的资料, 因此,他们需要支持,形成了很强的结构和地点. 启动你的设计提供了良好的认识结构的信息空间和沟通,这种结构明确 用户. 提供一个网站地图,让用户知道他们在哪里,他们可以去. 另外,你将需要一个好的搜索功能,因为即使是最好的导航支持是永远不够的. 8 . 非标准连接颜色,链接的网页,还没有看过的用户是蓝色; 联系到以前看到的页面是紫色或红色. 不要乱用这些色彩,因为有能力理解哪些环节已其次是少数 航行助手,是标准的大部分Web浏览器. 一致性是关键,教学用什么连接颜色的意思. 9 . 过时信息预算聘请园丁网作为你的团队. 你需要有人来铲除杂草,补种鲜花,因为网站的变动,但大多数人会 而消磨时间创造新的内容,而不是维修. 在实践中, 维修是一种廉价的方式加强内容在你的网站上,因为许多老页面保持其相关性和 应连成的新页. 当然,有些页面较佳被遣送彻底从服务器后到期. 10 . 过于漫长的下载时间,我把这一问题上,因为大部分人已知道; 不仅因为它是最重要的. 传统人为因素的指引,显示10秒的最大响应时间,然后用户失去兴趣. 在网站上, 用户已经练就承受这么多的苦难,它是可以接受的幅度限制提高至15岁 秒几页. 甚至网站与高端用户需要考虑的下载时间: 我们已经发现许多顾客进入太阳的网页从家用电脑在傍晚,因为他们是 太忙浏览网站,在工作时间内. 带宽越来越坏,而不是更好,因为互联网用户增加速度比基础设施能跟得上.


英语翻译把 an orphan看成her的宾语补足语 把an orphan看成her的直接宾语? 英语翻译the couple died in the earthquake ,leavingtheir children an orphan 主要是后面的,an orphan tsunami 怎么翻译 英语翻译Harry is not just another orphan,but an orphan wrenched as dramatically as can be imagined from parental care.哈利不是一个普通的孤儿,而是一个失去双亲关爱的可怜孤儿!怎么翻译的我看不懂啊, 英语翻译5.Orphan PagesMake sure that all pages include a clear indication of what web site they belong to since users may access pages directly without coming in through your home page.For the same reason,every page should have a link up to your 英语翻译she has finally processed her plight as orphan and will be empowered by her ownnarration and by her renewed self. 英语翻译plot :A moving story about an 189327-old orphan .jamal malik ,who comes from the slums of mumbai and in the end becomes a millionaire 英语翻译The students are on the playground,_(sing)and _(dance)2.——(tell)many times ,he still repeated the same mistakes3.Her parents died,_(leave)her an orphan. Not if i kill you first,orphan bitch! 翻译:he is an orphan brought up by his uncle. Her parents died in the earthquake,leaving her an orphan.可以变成leaving her as an orphan么? 英语翻译There is a wonderful fable about a young orphan girl who had no family and no one to love her.One day,feeling exceptionally sad and lonely,she was walking through a meadow when she noticed a small butterfly caught unmercifully in a thorn 英语翻译From Augustina James Urgent Attention from an Orphan child after going through your profile,I was convinced and I feel I should tell you about this.I am Ms.Augustina James,After the death of my mother,my father took over the family busine 英语翻译She came ahead of a South African Aids orphan,a six-year-old girl who survived a kidnapping and a young Parisian pop singer to win the Mon Quotidien award.Tilly had studied tsunamis with her geography teacher,Andrew Kearney,shortly before 英语翻译The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist,an orphan,who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime.He suffered enormous pain,such as hunger,thirst,beating and abuse.While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver,I was shoc 英语翻译Post Decision Activity On January 6,2010,we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE,FIANCE(E),OR ORPHAN.Please follow any instructions on the notice.If you move before you receive the notice,cal 英语翻译1很显然大家都知道他错了.(it is evident for sb that)2每次我都试图说服他,但都失败了.(attempt to do)3他的观点很守旧.(be conventional in...)4他们决定收养一名地震灾区的孤儿(orphan)(adopt 英语翻译1.We got on the school bus and which took us straight to the People's Park.2.From what l have seen and heard,l msut say Chinese people are living happily,3.Oliver Twist,the hero of the story,he was an orphan,4.The pen is missing,for we ca