He must have seen the film yesterday,__________he?A.mustn't B.haven't C.hasn't D.didn't

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/07 23:12:40

He must have seen the film yesterday,__________he?A.mustn't B.haven't C.hasn't D.didn't
He must have seen the film yesterday,__________he?
A.mustn't B.haven't C.hasn't D.didn't

He must have seen the film yesterday,__________he?A.mustn't B.haven't C.hasn't D.didn't
答案D 此题考查反意疑问句:must+have+done所在的句子,如时间状语为点的时间,则反意疑问句用didn't.如时间状语为段的时间则用haven't/hasn't,如:He must have waited for you for a long time. hasn't he? 查看原帖>>

问英语反义疑问句英语高手来He must be Peter Lee,_________?He must have seen the movie,__________?He must have seen the movie yesterday,_______?It is unfair,________?注明下原因 He must have seen the film yesterday,__________he?A.mustn't B.haven't C.hasn't D.didn't you must have seen her yesterday 改为反义疑问句 i saw Mike in the library yesterdayyou___him;he is still abroadA.must not see B.musn't have seen c.could not see D.can't have seen请问C与D的区别是什么谢谢! He must have been caught in the rain,as can be seen from his wet coat.这里用AS对么,为什么 语法题目请分析为什么不选A谢谢“Have u seen David recently?No.I guess he ( )away on vacation.A.must has beenB.must beC.might have been D.may has been he must be in his bedroom now(改为反义疑问句)he said to me Have you seen the film yet?(改为间接引语)it is time for class but he can't find his textbook he is really( ) --I haven't seen Mike for some time,what---to him?--He's got crazy and has ---hospitalA,should have happened,come inB,can have happened,ended inC,could have happened,come inD,must have happened,likely选哪个?为什么? It is not like Jack to be unfriendly,so he ___ you when you calledA/can't have seenB/should not have seenC/must not have seenD/need not have seen为什么选择A?怎么翻译? he claimed to have seen the puma .to have seen这不定式做啥成分. she must be looking forward as much to his return as he himself is to her A see B have seen C seeshe must be looking forward as much to his return as he himself is to her A see B have seen C seeing D be seeing 翻译并说明选得答案的原因 He must have done nothing but ____ He was seen to have entered the room.啥意识 never ()a man as happy as he i had seen had i seen i have see He looks tired,he _______ too little sleep.A must have had B must have C must have been 高中英语语法问题三道,请资深者进一.为什么第3句是用didn't反问?我看和上两句没区别啊.(是因为yesterday吗?)I think taht he must have seen it,hasn't he?They must have gone to the cinema,haven't he?Wang 选择题要解析“Have you seen the film?he asked me.==>He asked me()A had I seen the filmB whether I had seen the filmC if I have seen the filmD have I seen the film 英文单选题the man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ___whether he was going in the .the man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ___whether he was going in the right dictection.A seeing B having seen C th have seen D to see