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The object of lexicology
The reason that lexicology is and independent discipline is that its study object is unique:words.Phonetics just examines sounds,semantics just examines the meaning of words,but words are not a simple coming together of sound and meaning,they are an entity of sound and meaning.Isolated study of sound and meaning can't solve essential word issues.It can't replace
lexicology.So,the independent character of lexicology should not be abolished.Syntax has the word as its basis and starting point.It is a learning that examines sentences formed by words,and can not be replaced by lexicology.
The importance of lexicology comes from the importance of its object of study.Words are humanity's most precious treasure.Words permeate our lives at every moment.Words are intertwined with every part of our lives.Words are a key element in the scholarship of humanities.Words are essential elements that are paid close attention to in many disciplines,such as philosophy,
psychology,logic,history,anthropology,folkloristics,aesthetics,literature and art,sociology etc..But only lexicology pays attention to the word in itself.
Western scholars say the following about the study object of lexicology :lexicology is sometimes referred to as the study of the whole vocabulary of a language (including its history); psycholinguistics of the meaning of words (such as the linguistic expression of spatial relationships) is
called psycho-lexicology.Lexicology is distinguished from lexicography in that the latter is the science and skill of compiling a dictionary.Lexicography therefore may be regarded as a branch of "applied-lexicology".The term "lexicologists" is not often used; people who are interested in vocabulary are usually called semantic scholars.

英语翻译【特殊词汇查不到的请标出来空着,词汇学的对象词汇学之所以是一门独立的学科,因为它拥有独特的研究对象——词.语音学只研究语音,语义学只研究语义,但是词不是语音和语义的 英语翻译【特殊词汇有困难请标出来空着,北京大学徐通锵在他的巨著《语言论》(东北师范大学出版社,1997年)中,明确主张用“字”代替“词”,那么,就理所当然地叫做“字汇、字汇学”了?徐 英语翻译【特殊词汇有困难请标出来空着,词汇学语言学的一个分支,研究、分析语言词项及词义和词汇系统.词汇学是研究词的学问.但是只研究某一两个词,还不能够叫做词汇学.词汇学研究语 英语翻译网上查不到词典查不到. 英语翻译查不到. 英语翻译,谢谢你的协助,下列的集装箱都查不到资料,也请帮忙查证. 英语翻译金山词霸 查不到呀 英语翻译我上网查不到, 英语翻译情.但查不到 英语翻译我很喜欢麦当娜唱的Hung Up这首歌,但查不到它的翻译,请各位有心人士帮帮忙. 北外的英语翻译资格还能考吗,我查不到 英语翻译是不是的,怎么我字典上查不到呢? 英语翻译不信查不到,可真正是查不到 初中英语作文常用词句,一定要带中文意思如果有特殊用法,最好请写出来,或标出来也可以,我自己去查,感激不尽! 英语翻译Phyllostachys viridiglaucescens是关于木材结构方面的词,查了好多地方查不到. 英语翻译经济金融方面的术语 查了半天都查不到~ 我的2010年六级成绩查不到,请大家帮忙查一下吧,准考证号是410171101200514 Social Committee 查了半天 查不到知道的 请告诉