英语翻译麻婆豆腐 材料:嫩豆腐600克,猪瘦肉末60克,调味料:1、辣椒粉少许,姜末1/2茶匙 2、四川豆瓣酱2大匙,米酒1/2茶匙,蒜泥1茶匙,酱油1茶匙.3、白糖1/2茶匙,高汤1 1/2杯.4、花椒粉少许,葱花2

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 14:58:02

英语翻译麻婆豆腐 材料:嫩豆腐600克,猪瘦肉末60克,调味料:1、辣椒粉少许,姜末1/2茶匙 2、四川豆瓣酱2大匙,米酒1/2茶匙,蒜泥1茶匙,酱油1茶匙.3、白糖1/2茶匙,高汤1 1/2杯.4、花椒粉少许,葱花2
3、白糖1/2茶匙,高汤1 1/2杯.
5、太**水1大匙,麻油1 1/2茶匙
1 豆腐修去老皮,切为1厘米见方小块.
2 锅烧热后注入油少许,先入肉末炒干水分,续入调味料(1)炒至出味.
3 再将调味料(2)加入拌炒均匀后,放入豆腐与调味料(3)烧滚入味,再加入太**水勾芡,并淋上麻油即可

英语翻译麻婆豆腐 材料:嫩豆腐600克,猪瘦肉末60克,调味料:1、辣椒粉少许,姜末1/2茶匙 2、四川豆瓣酱2大匙,米酒1/2茶匙,蒜泥1茶匙,酱油1茶匙.3、白糖1/2茶匙,高汤1 1/2杯.4、花椒粉少许,葱花2
Mapo bean curd Material:Soft beancurd 600 grams,pig at the end of lean meat 60 grams,Seasoning:1st,chili powder little,at the end of ginger 1/2 teaspoon 2nd,Sichuan thick bean sauce 2 big spoons,rice wine 1/2teaspoon,crushed garlic 1 teaspoon,soy sauce 1 teaspoon.3rd,white sugar 1/2 teaspoon,soup stock 1 1/2 cup.4th,colored ground pepper little,minced green onion 2.5th,too ** water 1 big spoon,sesame oil 1 1/2 teaspoon Procedure:1 bean curd repairs Lao Pi,cuts is 1 centimeter square scrap.After 2 sautes the heat to pour into the oil little,first enters themince meat to fry does the moisture content,continues 入调 theflavorings (1) to fry to leaves the taste.After 3 (2) joins again the seasoning mixes fries evenly,puts in thebean curd and the seasoning (3) the fever rolls 入味,again joinstoo the ** water to thicken soup,and drenches the sesame oil then

Ma-po tofu Ingredients : 600 grams of tender tofu, pork and the end of 60 grams seasonings : ...


Ma-po tofu Ingredients : 600 grams of tender tofu, pork and the end of 60 grams seasonings : 1, a little chili powder, two half teaspoon ginger root. 2, tablespoon of soy bean paste, Sichuan, half teaspoon rice wine, 1 teaspoon of mashed garlic, 1 teaspoon soy sauce. 3, half teaspoon of sugar, half a cup vegetable soup. 4,pepper powder little chopped3 two. 5, too ** 1 tablespoon water, a half teaspoon of sesame oil practices : 1, an amendment to the old tofu skin, cut a small square centimeters. 2 After pot burns heat oil injection, a first-in-minced meat speculation dry moisture, continued into the seasonings (1) stir up flavor. 3 further seasoning (2) by adding heat evenly, Add the tofu and seasonings (3) Blanch tasty. ** add too much water to make a paste and sesame oil can




英语翻译麻婆豆腐 材料:嫩豆腐600克,猪瘦肉末60克,调味料:1、辣椒粉少许,姜末1/2茶匙 2、四川豆瓣酱2大匙,米酒1/2茶匙,蒜泥1茶匙,酱油1茶匙.3、白糖1/2茶匙,高汤1 1/2杯.4、花椒粉少许,葱花2 英语翻译西湖醋鱼,麻婆豆腐,宫保鸡丁怎么翻译千万不要按字面翻译,前几天我看到一个地方把麻婆豆腐翻译成“一个老妇女做的辣的豆腐”,我需要正版的, 英语翻译西葫芦炒鸡蛋 醋溜藕片 辣炒豆腐皮 西红柿炒鸡蛋 丝瓜炒鸡蛋 麻辣豆腐 家常豆腐 宫保鸡丁 辣子鸡丁鱼香茄子 干煸芸豆 麻婆豆腐 水煮肉片 香辣酥元宝虾 香辣肉丝土豆丝 姜汁大 英语翻译麻婆豆腐红烧茄子付竹炒肉等越多越好! 英语翻译糖醋鲈鱼 :红烧鲈鱼:水煮鲈鱼片:糖醋炒排骨:红烧猪腩肉:四川回锅肉:酸菜猪肚:肉碎炸豆腐:麻婆豆腐:芥兰炒牛肉:水煮牛肉片:孜然炒牛肉:荷豆xo带子:干煸四季豆 做豆腐需要哪些材料 英语翻译脆皮豆腐 麻婆豆腐由来 英语翻译关于麻婆豆腐的起源有很多说法,比较流行的一种说法是清同治初年成都市北郊万福桥一家小饭店店主陈森富之妻刘氏所创制.刘氏面部有麻点,人称陈麻婆.她创制的烧豆腐,则被称为 英语翻译爆炒甘蓝小葱炒粉 海米西荷山林小炒椒菜四季豆农家小豆腐木耳西兰花酱炒鸡蛋素炒菌王香辣肉筋水煮肉片鱼香肉丝麻婆豆腐干煸鱿鱼香辣牛肉宫爆鸡丁火爆腰花回锅猪心歌乐山辣 英语翻译水煮肉片,一锅香,一桶天下,香麻茄球,香菠古老肉,金针鸭血,尖椒豆腐皮,尖椒鸭血,蒜片草菇,麻婆豆腐,地三鲜,脆烧茄子,家常豆腐,葱蒜木耳,大葱炒闷子,香辣玉米粒,草菇炒海螺,红烧 故乡嫩豆腐怎么样 麻婆豆腐用英语怎么说? 麻婆豆腐的来历 麻婆豆腐怎么做 用黄豆做豆腐步骤怎样?材料的比例应该多少?做豆腐需要哪些设备? 英语翻译神仙鸭子麻婆豆腐 叫化鸡回锅肉 白煮肉开水白菜西湖莼菜汤 八仙过海闹罗汉 鼎湖上素用英语怎么说 英语翻译回锅肉、夫妻肺片、水煮肉片、酸菜鱼、宫保鸡丁、开水白菜、鱼香肉丝、糖醋排骨、麻婆豆腐