
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/18 14:01:08


About question four, I reconfirmed with Mr. Lin. He currently doen't have plan to appy for green card.
Since we are not familiar with tax return in the US, please mark on the documents wherever Mr. Lin's signatures are required.
Please give us the information of your bank account for payment. Mr. Lin might want to pay the bill from Hong Kong.

About the question 4, I again and Mr. Lin confirmation once, he now do not apply for a green card going to the United States
Because we don't have a very good understanding of the United States d...


About the question 4, I again and Mr. Lin confirmation once, he now do not apply for a green card going to the United States
Because we don't have a very good understanding of the United States declare dutiable goods, need to Mr. Lin signature file please send us your signature in its mark
Need to make payment, please send your account to the us, Mr. Lin may in Hong Kong remittance to you


On question 4, I confirmed with Mr. Lin, and he did not now intend to apply for a U.S. green card
Since we do not fully understand the U.S. tax return, you need a document signed by Mr. Lin grate...


On question 4, I confirmed with Mr. Lin, and he did not now intend to apply for a U.S. green card
Since we do not fully understand the U.S. tax return, you need a document signed by Mr. Lin grateful if your office to mark the signing
The need for payment, please send your account to give to us, Mr. Lin will give you money in Hong Kong


As to question No.4: I reconfirm with Mr. Lin that he has canceled his intention to apply for American green card.
Due to our lack of information about American tax-decleration, please specify t...


As to question No.4: I reconfirm with Mr. Lin that he has canceled his intention to apply for American green card.
Due to our lack of information about American tax-decleration, please specify the place(s) for Mr.Lin's singature on the documents.
Please provide us with your A/C No. when payment is needed. And Mr.Lin might be in Hong Kong to effect the payment.
By the way, Mr. Lin now has the residence certificate issued by Hong Kong. Do you think that Mr. Lin has the necissity to apply for American green card? And will the application of American green card have any influence on Mr.Lin's tax-declaration in America?


英语翻译关于问题4,我又与林先生确认了一下,他现在没有申请美国绿卡的打算了由于我们对美国报税不很了解,需要林先生签字的文件烦请您在签字处进行标注需要进行付款时,请将您的帐号 3dmax关于在长方体上挖圆洞的问题,我知道要用布尔运算,但是之后又出现了别的问题圆柱与长方体的结合,要在长方体上挖洞,用布尔去圆柱,但是问题来了:1.拾取完操作对象B后应怎么做来确认 英语翻译原文:我已经打电话告诉您父亲,并与他确认了邮寄地址准确无误. 英语翻译翻译:我有个问题需要确认一下. 英语翻译Dear,我已经打电话与王先生确认了,明天上午9点半,梁先生会接您去他们公司,等你们谈完,他会送您到我们公司.我已经把我们公司的详细地址,手机传信息给他.您来我们公司后,开完会, 我已经和陈先生的秘书确认这了,你将与他在7月31日下午3点开会. 英语翻译我们会对此问题负责,我很理解你的处境,但是我觉得这种处理的方法不是很合理,首先,在确认样品时,由于蝴蝶与蜻蜓的配件你们说太薄了,于是我们最后的解决方案是把两个重叠在一 关于金属Na与CO2 反应的计算问题我今天中考化学 感觉做的不错 就是最后一题我不确认 我国科学家认为CO2是重要资源 在一定条件下 4Na+CO2=(等于号上有“一定条件4个字”)C(金刚石)+2Na2O 麻烦帮我解决下 藤野先生 一课中的3个问题.1.文中写了鲁迅与藤野先生的哪几件事,反映了藤野先生什么?2.鲁迅告别藤野先生的原因以及情节.3.理出文章线索(一明一暗). 英语翻译我寄了一箱东西给他,可是他的地址是邮箱地址,不能上门,所以我就催他尽快去邮局提货,然后他就回我这句话.我就是想确认他究竟拿货了没.我是被那句话的时态搞糊涂了,又being又过 关于 藤野先生 一课中的问题1.文章所记叙的内容变换了几个地点?2.课文是以什么为中心记叙的?主要写了作者与藤野先生相处的哪几件事?3.课文除了写藤野先生外,还写了什么内容?这些材料是 藤野先生围绕 这一中心,并按 顺序组织材料.明线是 ,暗线是 .文章记叙我与藤野先生4件事:第一件 ,表现了藤野先生 ;二件 ,表现了藤野先生 ;三 ,表现了藤野先生 ;四 ,表现了 关于鲁迅先生所写的风筝一文回答问题.1、送他风筝,赞成他放,劝他放,我和他一同放.我们嚷着,跑着,笑着.这句话运用了什么修辞方法,分析这种修辞方法的作用.2、课文最后一自然段与第2自然 请帮忙中译英到目前为止,还有王先生和李先生没有更新客户信息表,其余的我已经确认了 读了《我的伯父鲁迅先生》后回答问题.为什么“我”听了伯父的话会“又羞愧,又悔恨,比挨打还难受”? 关于《藤野先生》语文问题1.作者把丢失藤野先生的讲义说成是“不幸”的原因是什么?2.文中“我”的“良心”是指什么?3.文段中表达了作者对藤野先生怎样的感情? 读了我的伯父鲁迅先生有什么问题 关于医学机能实验的问题做小白鼠缺氧试验,其中一个是注射KCN致死试验,但我们组操作的时候出了差错,把KCN注入了一只已经注射了NaNO2(亚硝酸钠)的小鼠腹腔里面(我确认没有注射到肠腔里面