请英语好的朋友帮个忙能不能把下面的歌词(英文版玫瑰花的葬礼)按读音译成拼音,但最好是汉字.我英语不好不会读(更不用说唱了).而且要读音象一些leaving you with long long timeI’m returned hereto f

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 00:28:25

请英语好的朋友帮个忙能不能把下面的歌词(英文版玫瑰花的葬礼)按读音译成拼音,但最好是汉字.我英语不好不会读(更不用说唱了).而且要读音象一些leaving you with long long timeI’m returned hereto f
leaving you with long long time
I’m returned here
to found our loved evidence
Nobody was willing to raised rose past
today the theme was called recall
I known the love do not so much reason
formerly we together that I’m rebel
now only remain me to slying miss you
beried on about your recall
felt my hands palsy
I can’t doing to pulled my dear you
It was really fine that day’s firewokes
I remembering I said married with you
beried deeply loved you
remnant stopping breathe and into land
nobody’ll attention
a light small rainning and waited for dawn with me
I’ll used the last one minute to missing you
I am walking in the dark around park
that every steps all remain our stamp
attentived & considerated were still on my foot go round me
I had no time made a rose passed you
that love like rains and it left me
You said more than vivid love had faded in the end
beried on about your recall
felt my hands palsy
I can’t doing to pulled my dear you
It was really fine that day’s firewokes
I remembering I said married with you
beried deeply loved you
remnant stopping breathe and into land
nobody’ll attention
A light small rainning and waited for dawn with me
I’ll used the last one minute to missing you
It’s always recall famerly to blamed I
and always unknowingly to miss you
Now you become in the distant leaving me
You were staied on my mind
beried on about your recall
felt my hands palsy
I can’t doing to pulled my dear you
It was really fine that day’s firewokes
I remembering I said married with you
beried deeply loved you
remnant stopping breathe and into land
nobody’ll attention
A light small rainning and waited for dawn with me
I’ll used the last one minute to missing you
I’ll used the last one minute to missing you..

请英语好的朋友帮个忙能不能把下面的歌词(英文版玫瑰花的葬礼)按读音译成拼音,但最好是汉字.我英语不好不会读(更不用说唱了).而且要读音象一些leaving you with long long timeI’m returned hereto f
里wing 有 为四 郎 郎 太木
爱慕 瑞特恩德 hi尔
图 方的 啊我 啦舞的 爱为den四
no包dei 我死 为偶令 图瑞斯的 肉丝 怕死特
特dei 的 si木 我死 靠的 瑞靠
爱 no 的 啦舞 度 闹特 搜 吗吃 瑞怎
fao么累 wi 特该得 带特 爱慕 ruai(波偶)
闹 ong累 瑞梅恩 米 图 死来应 米斯 有
肉sei死 fiu偶肉
百瑞德 昂 额包特 摇 瑞靠
fai偶特 买 韩子 拍偶sei
爱 抗特 度应 图 普偶的 买 第尔 有
意特 我死 瑞偶累 饭 带特 dei死 fai尔我可思
爱 瑞慢波ring 爱 赛的 买瑞德 为四 有
肉sei死 fiu偶肉
百瑞德 第破累 啦舞的 有
ruai们特 死到平 不ruai死 按得 音图 蓝的
no包dei 偶 额谈神
额 来特 思茅 瑞宁 按得 为忒的 fao 到恩 为四 米
爱偶 有死的 的 啦死特 玩 米内特 图 米斯ing 有
爱慕 waoking 音 的 大可 额ruang的 怕可
带特 爱无瑞 死带破死 奥 瑞梅恩 啊我 死带木破
额谈忒舞的 按得 靠sei的瑞德 我 死地偶 昂 买 副特 够 ruang的 米
爱 还得 no 太木 美德 额 肉死 怕死的 有 
带特 啦舞 来客 瑞恩斯 按得 意特 来福特 米
有 赛的 毛 但 为为的 啦舞 还得 faidei的 音 dei 按得
意次 奥为四 瑞靠 fai么累 图 波累木得 爱
按得 奥为四 按no应累 图 米斯 有
闹 有 比卡姆 音 的 第四ten特 里wing 米
有 我 死dei的 昂 买 慢的
由于原词多段重复  我的顺序不是原词顺序 把所有不重复的都‘翻译’了,请尽情欣赏英文歌曲吧!对了,别忘了把分给我呦!

请英语好的朋友帮个忙能不能把下面的歌词(英文版玫瑰花的葬礼)按读音译成拼音,但最好是汉字.我英语不好不会读(更不用说唱了).而且要读音象一些leaving you with long long timeI’m returned hereto f 我在学一首英文歌.因为我是个英文白痴,但是为了爱人,我在学一首英文歌英语好点的朋友能不能帮我把那英文的歌词按拼音或者汉字的形式(最好的汉字)给我对照一下每句英文下面跟汉字 英语好的朋友请进来帮下忙!可以帮我翻译周杰伦《最长的电影》的歌词? 英语好的朋友请告诉我MissBeijing是什么意思? 请哪位广东的朋友把(旧欢如梦)这首哥用普通话歌词翻译一下? 能不能把你的朋友介绍给我认识?用英语怎么说 请英语好的朋友帮忙翻译下面的这一段话吧,非常感谢!我们还有一个0283的订单没有执行完,请问你们的货物现在是否生产完?能否按期发给我们?因为我们春节放假从2月7日到2月14日,所以能不能 a certain romanceA Certain Romance 北极猴子的歌曲 请帮忙把歌词翻译成中文版本歌词在下面 请英语好点的朋友,帮我翻译一下,急!谢谢!是大学做值日报告的,英语不好,用不着什么高级的语句,简单点,把下面的翻译过来就行了(可以稍做改动),谢谢…大家好,今天我给大家讲讲我的理想 高中文学名著《红楼梦》的考点及答案知道的朋友请先把类似的考题写出来.然后再下面再写答案,写的好的朋友我加分. 英语好的朋友来一下...翻译一下大家好..相信大家都会有知心的朋友.下面,我将带来一篇关于朋友的文章! 请在线的朋友,把下面的英语翻成汉语DO YOU KNOW YOU CAN ANSWER ,:YES SIR ,I KNOW YOU ARE VERY CLEVERI LIKE YOU Punch的《朋友》 歌词 请告诉我下面的英语句子你与你的朋友相处得好吗?_____you_____ ________yourfriends? Souhaite mon anniversaire joyeux!我英语不行,请英语好的朋友帮个忙,告诉下我意思! 能不能请高手们 给我一篇 英语介绍自己的文章 从 家庭 生活 朋友 爱情 未来的 又会说土耳其语的吗有个朋友要来广州,想找个翻译,他会点英语,土耳其语好,看看大家能不能给点帮助.有意思的请留言. 请文采好的朋友帮帮忙啊!.