
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 10:43:53


At school
Shan Po and Ying Tai met each other in Lin-Yuan Senior High School.
Su Chiu:『Hey, you guys are new here?』
Ying Tai:『Oh! Yah, yah.』
Su Chiu:『Great. My name is Su Chiu.』
Ying Tai:『”Su Chiu”, good name. My name is Ying Tai.』
Yin Shin:『And my name is Jay…….Jay……Jay Chou (周杰伦).』(Music.)
Ying Tai:『Yes, Jay Chou. You know, the very famous singer. However,
they happen to have the same name.』
Su Chiu :『Ah~Ha, ha!』
Ying Tai and Yin Shin:『Ha, ha. Buddy, buddy』(There San Po came.)
Su Chiu:『My lord!I got two new friends.』 (to Ying Tai and Yin Shin)
San Po:『Nice to meet you.』(Shake hands with Ying Tai and Yin Shin.)(As
San Po and Ying Tai shook hands, they felt the heart of each other
and suddenly fainted.)
Ying Tai and San Po:『Oh, my goodness!』(The bell rang. All people went into the classroom.)(At this time the teacher was entering the classroom.)
Teacher:『Well……Even though everybody come to this school, I hope everyone has to work hard to achieve success, acquire fame and glorify your forbears, you know?OK!At first, we are talking about the greatest poet- Li Po today. First, let’s look at his poem “In the Quiet Night” and repeat after me. (Every student followed the teacher reading the poem.)
“So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed--
Could there have been a frost already?
Lifting myself to look, I found that it was moonlight.
Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.”
Then, I ask all of you to hand in the report about Li Po tomorrow.』
人物 科林(一个爱尔兰懂事的孩子) 科林妈妈 达菲(灯塔看守人)
场景 圣诞节前夜,爱尔兰的一个小渔村,科林的家中.
科林 妈妈,今天是几号?
妈妈 (低着头继续拣菜)明天是圣诞节,你不记得吗?
科林 哦,我知道.(有些懊悔)爸爸答应圣诞节前给我从谢特兰群岛带回一条小牧羊犬,今天都是圣诞节前夜了,别说牧羊犬了,爸爸也没回来,唉!(叹了口气)
妈妈 科林,你爸爸走了几天?
科林 7天了.他该回来了吧.
妈妈 (抬头看看外面漆黑的夜色,很担忧地)听说浓雾在海上还要持续几天,灯塔上电线短路,没有灯光为船只导航,真让人着急呀!
科林 (抬起头,盯着妈妈)灯塔亮了,船就能找到方向,爸爸那只船就回来了,对吗?
妈妈 那当然了,孩子,有了灯塔的亮光,爸爸很快就回来了,你的牧羊犬也就回来了.
科林 (若有所思地点点头)哦.
妈妈 好的,科林,好孩子,别为你爸爸担心了,他会平安回来的,炉子里的火快灭了,我们也该点上圣诞蜡烛了.
科林 妈妈,我不想点,我想等爸爸回来一起点.
妈妈 科林,我的心情和你一样,但在我们家乡每个人在圣诞前夜都要点一根蜡烛,甚至当家里遇到了伤心的事也必须点上蜡烛,来吧,这里有两支蜡烛,我们一人一根(说这递给科林一支蜡烛).科林,你再去挖些泥炭来吧,我们一会儿就可以开饭了.(说完转身进了厨房)
科林 (砰砰地使劲敲门)开门,开门.
达菲先生 (打开一条门缝)哎,年轻人,你把我这个老头子吓了一跳.圣诞节前夜应该是平安、宁静、祥和的,你这么着急有什么事吗?
科林 (气喘吁吁)达菲先生,你能把灯塔点亮吗?我爸爸出海一个多星期了,还没有回来,一定是海上迷了路,你点亮灯塔,有了光亮,我爸爸的船就会回来了.
达菲 (爱怜的抚摩着科林的头)好孩子,你真懂事,可电线烧坏了,附近又买不到那样的电线,真的没法让灯塔亮起来.
科林 那在没有电之前,您是怎样点亮灯塔的?
达菲 噢,没电时,我用地窖里那盏大油灯,可现在我这儿没有油.
科林 (打断他的话)用煤油点灯行吗?
达菲 (思考了片刻)我看行,可点它需要很多油,现在村子里谁家有那么多油,大家都买不起,只能挖煤炭来生火,孩子.
科林 (再次用力砸门)达菲先生,我回来了,快开门呐.
达菲 (打开门,看到科林拎了满满两桶油,他吃惊地瞪大了眼,惊奇地)孩子,你.
科林 (用手擦擦汗)我到村里每一户人家去要煤油,爱尔兰人在圣诞节前夜都会尽量满足别人的要求的.这些油能点亮那盏灯了,对吧!
达菲 (高兴地)够点上大半夜了,啊,我这就去搬那盏大油灯.
妈妈 (关心地)科林,你干什么去了,真叫人担心,你没有吃晚饭,也没有点蜡烛,为什么?
科林 妈妈,我已经点亮了一根大大的蜡烛,你看,(说着拉着妈妈的手来到了窗前正对着灯塔的方向)看到了吗?妈妈,你看,这不是根大蜡烛吗?
妈妈 (看着灯塔上熊熊燃烧的大油灯,眼里含满了泪)好孩子,我明白了,这是一支大蜡烛,是一支希望的蜡烛啊.
科林 (把头偎在妈妈的怀里)妈妈,爸爸就会回来的,对吗?
妈妈 (坚定地)会的,孩子,一定会的.

人物: Narrator: It’s Christmas time. B is rehearsing Christmas songs in the yard for his School Chorus.
A---在睡觉, B---在窗外唱歌.他后来引来众人.
场景: A在屋里.(摆张桌子,和椅子,趴在桌子上睡)
B: (clear his throat, starts...


人物: Narrator: It’s Christmas time. B is rehearsing Christmas songs in the yard for his School Chorus.
A---在睡觉, B---在窗外唱歌.他后来引来众人.
场景: A在屋里.(摆张桌子,和椅子,趴在桌子上睡)
B: (clear his throat, starts singing) I wish you Merry Christmas , I wish you Merry Christmas, I wish you Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I wish…
A: (wakes up) what is that noise? (Pretends to open the window)
B: What did you say? I can not hear you and sing at the same time?
A: I want to sleep. I don’t want any singing.
B: What did you say? You want more singing? I will find a friend.
Narrator: B calls a friend C to join him.
B and C:
Jingle bells
jingle bells
jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh……
A: (shouts) I want you to stop singing! You are giving more!(go back to sleep)
B: What did you say? You want more singing? We will find another friend.
Narrator: So B and C call for another friend D.
B and C and D: Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Play in any reindeer games…..
A: (shouts and shakes one hand) you must stop singing. I am tired. I can not take much more. (Sleeps)
B: What did you say? You want much more singing? We will find many friends.
Narrator: So B and C and D found more friends to join them.
B and C and D and a group of friends: Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus,
Right down Santa Claus lane
Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer
Pullin' on the reins
Bells are ringin', children singin'
All is merry and bright….
A: (shouts and shakes two hands) Stop! Your singing is too loud!
B: loud? Yes, We can sing loud.
Narrator: So they sing very loud.
All the children: O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree!
How are thy leaves so verdant!
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How are thy leaves so verdant!
Not only in the summertime,
But even in winter is thy prime.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How are thy leaves so verdant!
A: (shouts) Please! I want to sleep! I wish that you would all go away!
B: Go away? Why didn’t you say so in the first place?
Narrator: so the children go away and they will sing in another place.
All the children bow to the audience and leave the stage.
A: (goes back to sleep)
The end


人物: Narrator: It’s Christmas time. B is rehearsing Christmas songs in the yard for his School Chorus.
A---在睡觉, B---在窗外唱歌.他后来引来众人.
场景: A在屋里.(摆张桌子,和椅子,趴在桌子上睡)
B: (clear his throat, starts...


人物: Narrator: It’s Christmas time. B is rehearsing Christmas songs in the yard for his School Chorus.
A---在睡觉, B---在窗外唱歌.他后来引来众人.
场景: A在屋里.(摆张桌子,和椅子,趴在桌子上睡)
B: (clear his throat, starts singing) I wish you Merry Christmas , I wish you Merry Christmas, I wish you Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I wish…
A: (wakes up) what is that noise? (Pretends to open the window)
B: What did you say? I can not hear you and sing at the same time?
A: I want to sleep. I don’t want any singing.
B: What did you say? You want more singing? I will find a friend.
Narrator: B calls a friend C to join him.
B and C:
Jingle bells
jingle bells
jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh……
A: (shouts) I want you to stop singing! You are giving more!(go back to sleep)
B: What did you say? You want more singing? We will find another friend.
Narrator: So B and C call for another friend D.
B and C and D: Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Play in any reindeer games…..
A: (shouts and shakes one hand) you must stop singing. I am tired. I can not take much more. (Sleeps)
B: What did you say? You want much more singing? We will find many friends.
Narrator: So B and C and D found more friends to join them.
B and C and D and a group of friends: Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus,
Right down Santa Claus lane
Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer
Pullin' on the reins
Bells are ringin', children singin'
All is merry and bright….
A: (shouts and shakes two hands) Stop! Your singing is too loud!
B: loud? Yes, We can sing loud.
Narrator: So they sing very loud.
All the children: O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree!
How are thy leaves so verdant!
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How are thy leaves so verdant!
Not only in the summertime,
But even in winter is thy prime.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How are thy leaves so verdant!
A: (shouts) Please! I want to sleep! I wish that you would all go away!
B: Go away? Why didn’t you say so in the first place?
Narrator: so the children go away and they will sing in another place.
All the children bow to the audience and leave the stage.
A: (goes back to sleep)
The end
