
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/13 01:46:19

1)Since women were tied down by the "inside"work,men gained a monopoly of not only the new agriculture and crafts but also the new positions in the state.They became the leaders in the assemblies,the courts,and the armies.Thus men ended up with a monopoly of economic power,political power,and military power.Women became dependent and submissive--the "weaker sex",as they came to be called.It was not accidental that when the Europeans beagan their overseas expansion in the fifteeth century,they discovered that women in food-gathering societies such as the Montagnais-Naskapi Indians of the Labrador enjoyed a diconcerting degree of equality with men.
2) It is well known that there were individual exceptions to this overall pattern of female subordination.Outstanding among them were the ambitious Egyptian Queen Cleopatra,who charmed both Julius Caesar and Mark Antony and sought to use them to restore real power to the Egyptian throne; Aspasia,who was known throughout Greece as the learned,witty,and beautiful mistress of Pericles; the masterful Empress Irene who dethroned her son and became the first female ruler of the Byzantine Empire,although in deference to tradition she was referred to in official documents as "Iren,the faithful emperor"; and also Empress Wu Chao,who dethroned her son to become not only the first and only female ruler of China but also one of the most capable and enlightened.These illustrious personalities stand out prominently in the annals of history by virtue of their remarkable talents and achievements.Yet despite their fame,it cannot be said that their careers improved to any significant degree the daily lives of hteir less exalted sisters

B Shangwang done a little later, although he did not like his brother Pangeng, for the rejuvenation of the Shang Dynasty continue to make an effective contribution, but his attention to the need to keep先王were founded under the Jiangshan, we must attach importance to the training of the next generation, He is the cultivation of wu DING is under a lot of effort. Following the small-B, wu DING is a 20-year-old youth. He clever studious, ambitious aspirations, won the small B favorite. Small B to investigate people's attitude to the Shang Dynasty, observation诸侯, Uncle Fang's movements, but also enable wu DING can learn more skills, so that he can following the death of a Shangwang, assigned to the put-wu DING Have a place other than a boost.
Generation dynasty of the establishment, consolidation and development is bound to experience all kinds of internal and external struggle. The way the struggle has a variety of forms, Yi Yin imprisoned Taijia, within the ruling clique is a way of resolving contradictions, but also play a due role, since Taijia after the Shang Dynasty in the consolidation period. In ancient books are also contrary to the records, Yi Yin said that in order to usurp political power, it will be imprisoned in the Tai Jia Tong Palace, his seven-year-done, not support, Tai Jia Tong flew from the Palace have escaped back to Wang and killing By Yi Yin, resumed the throne
1 )由于妇女被束缚,由“内”的工作,赢得了官兵的垄断地位,不仅新的农业和手工业,而且新的职位,在国家.他们成为领袖,在议会,法院,军队.因此,男子结束了与垄断的经济实力,政治权力和军事权力.妇女成为依赖和顺从-“弱势性别” ,因为他们来到被称为.这是不是偶然的,当欧洲人beagan他们的海外扩张,在fifteeth世纪,他们发现,妇女在粮食收集社团如蒙太格尼斯- naskapi印度人的拉布拉多享有diconcerting程度的与男子平等的.
2 ) ,这是众所周知的有个别例外,这总体格局女性从属地位.杰出其中有雄心勃勃的埃及女王克利奥帕特拉,谁魅力都凯撒和马克安东尼,并要求使用它们来还原真正的权力,向埃及宝座;阿斯帕西娅,谁被称为整个希腊作为教训,风趣,和美丽的情妇伯里克利; masterful皇后伊雷娜谁dethroned她的儿子,并成为第一位统治者,拜占庭帝国,虽然在听从传统,她提到在正式文件中,作为“ iren ,忠于天皇” ;皇后还和吴超,谁dethroned她儿子不仅成为第一个也是唯一的女性统治者,中国,而且其中一个最能干的和开明的.这些杰出人士站出来,突出在载入史册凭借其卓越的人才和成就.然而,尽管他们的知名度,但不能说他们的职业改善,以任何重大程度的日常生活hteir少崇高的姐妹

这虽然是假期作业 但是老师说以后就用那个复习了 所以一定要具体 没分了 , 中翻英,英翻中,小乙做了商王以后,虽然没有像他哥哥盘庚一样,为复兴商王朝继续作出有成效的贡献,但他注意了要保住先王们创立下的江山,必须重视对下一代的培养,所以他对武丁的培养很是 烧干锅后的铝锅有没有毒烧水时,不小心烧干锅了,铝锅虽然没漏,但是我担心高温加热铝以后使用会不会有毒? 矿泉水烧开了以后有没有毒 车没了汽油,以后怎么办 无色硅胶干燥剂为什么变色我把硅胶干燥剂泡水里以后把水笔笔芯插进水里,水就变成淡紫色的了虽然是红笔笔芯,但是已经没水了谁知道为什么 为什么我的数学学不好啊?而且一到上数学课就想睡觉上别的课都不会想睡觉一想睡觉就没心思听了虽然现在是暑假不用上课但是以后怎么办啊?5555555 虽然心还是会很痛,但以后有你们就足够了,用英语怎么说? 全球气温变暖 会不会导致以后再也没冬天了? 逆转录完了以后RNA模板就没了吗 为什么recovery卡刷了一次以后就没有了? psp reset 我点了以后没什么事吧 我因为前一段感情失败而使我对现在的生活失去信心与激情,该怎么办?很郁闷,很失落,这段感情过去十年了,她都结婚当母亲了,我虽然放下了,可是我对以后的路很迷茫,没有学历,也是农村人,没 林彪为什么叛逃呢?他虽然和毛闹的僵了,毛让他认错,做检讨.他认个错,然后忍几年,反正毛快死了,以后当老大不就可以了吗?他一跑什么都没了.难道还有隐情? 窗外风雨虽然多这歌词是什么歌名?窗外风雨虽然多,我们多来都不怕.饭没了秀第100期小朋友在深圳地王大厦找到妈妈时的插曲. 英语翻译虽然没悬赏分, 25.他中风以后,虽然还能说话,但已没有人听得懂他在说些什么.汉译英 准备了一个月后第一次去考托福才60分,现在是初二,上90大概要多长时间如题,虽然预计也就60来分了,但还是不太满意之前是没怎么准备的,所以来问一下突击的话两个月以后上90有没有可能