
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 01:23:23

1、自本协议书签订之日起7个工作日内,采取一切必要措施,撤销并终止所有针对迈特发公司和(或)丙方提出的未决仲裁、诉讼及其他法律程序和行动,包括但不限于甲方法定代表人及乙方因以往供职于迈特发公司而提出的仲裁、诉讼、执行或其他法律程序.丙方与迈特发公司签订的《和解协议》附后,作为本协议书附件(1)并与本协议书具有相同的法律效力.Within 7 working days after signing this agreement,take all the necessary measures,recall and terminate all the pending arbitration,lawsuit and other legal procedure and actions which is submitted by Maitefa company and (or) Party C.
Include but not limit to the arbitration,lawsuit,performance or other legal procedure.Which submitted by legal representative of Party A and Party B when they were served in Maitefa company.The “Joint settlement agreement” signed by Party C and Maitefa company,as the attachment (1),together with the agreement,are equally authentic.
2、自本协议书签订之日起,放弃以迈特发公司投资者、董事、管理者或劳动者身份向丙方和(或)迈特发公司提出的任何诉讼、仲裁以及其他法律程序和行动,包括但不限于甲方法定代表人及乙方因以往供职于迈特发公司而提出的仲裁、诉讼或其他法律程序.From the date of signing this agreement,give up any arbitration,lawsuit or other legal procedure to Party C and(or) Maitefa company as the investor,director,supervisor or labor of Maitefa company .include but not limit to the arbitration,lawsuit,performance or other legal procedure.Which submitted by legal representative of Party A and Party B when they were served in Maitefa company.

1 .this agreement, since the date of signing of 7 workdays, take all necessary measures, revocation and terminate all matt hair company and (or) c the pending litigation and arbitration, his legal procedures and operations, including but not limited to party a and party b the legal representative for ever worked for matt hair company of arbitration and litigation, or other legal proceedings. C and matt hair company sign "reconciliation agreement attached, as this agreement accessories (1) with the agreement and shall have the same legal effect. Within does not be signing their working and doing, regardless of the each will terminate recall measures, both the arbitration and lawsuit pending, procedure and legal they -- which is by our company. Maitefa webmasters (or) Party C.
Include but not limit to arbitration, performance, or legal lawsuit procedure, Which they are legal representative of webmasters by Party A and Party B when served up in our company. Maitefa settlement has ", "by each Party C Maitefa refer to the attachment (1), paintings, up each authentic better.
2.From this agreement, the date of signing up with matt hair company directors, managers and investors, employee identity to c and (or) matt hair company any lawsuit and arbitration and other legal procedures and operations, including but not limited to party a and party b the legal representative for ever worked for matt hair company of arbitration and lawsuit or other legal proceedings. Regardless of the date of signing each affiliate, lawsuit or arbitration, that they are legal procedure to Party C (or) Maitefa investor director, will the supervisor, or STH. Maitefa will include of arbitration and limit your pains, lawsuit legal procedure, the performance they or legal representative, by Which webmasters of Party A and Party B to be served in Maitefa in our company.

英语翻译中译英:1、自本协议书签订之日起7个工作日内,采取一切必要措施,撤销并终止所有针对迈特发公司和(或)丙方提出的未决仲裁、诉讼及其他法律程序和行动,包括但不限于甲方法 英语翻译UCS TRADING CO.LTD&PARK,KYUNG GEUN:我司就与贵司签订纳米喷镀韩国独家代理合同提出如下意见:1. 我司与贵司于2007年9月8日签订之代理协议书中规定,贵司须于2007年9月13日前支付第一次 英语翻译自本授权书签署之日起,作者同意将该论文的著作权在全世界范围内授权《*****》杂志 英语翻译“本协议书(包括协议书附件)经协商可进行书面修改或补充,经修改或补充的书面补充协议为本协议书不可分割之部分,与本协议书具有同等法律效力.” 英语翻译1.此合同自签订之日起生效.如发生纠纷,由双方协商解决或者由甲方所在地法院解决.2.此合同一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份. 本协议自签署之日起生效 用英文怎么说如题 英语翻译1、制定并实施办事处管理制度和奖惩措施2、本委托书自签署并交付委托人之日起生效 这两句话怎么翻译准确啊、大家过来帮帮忙, 翻译成英文甲方于本合同签订之日起 10 日内以 电汇 形式,向乙方指定账户支付人民币陆万元整 翻译成英文:“本合同书自三方代表签字并盖章之日起生效,一式三份,三方各持一份.” 英语翻译1,本法经2004年8月28日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议通过,自2005年4月1日起施行.2,本办法自2009年3月31日起施行,2005年2月8日发布的《电子认证服务管理办法》同时废 英语翻译为此,立约双方代表在本协议上各自签字并加盖公章以资证明,并自签字之日起生效.机器翻译的就不劳您大驾了 英语翻译签订时间精双方协商同意 按照《中华人民共和国合同法》签订本合同,并严格遵守履行.1,时间,标的,金额,及数量:自双方签字日起至来年的当日期止 数量为以每次的订单明细为准.2. 英语翻译XXX财务部经理:本公司根据与XXX签定的租赁协议,于2007年5月14日向贵公司提出核算XXXX营业分成,但自提出之日起至今,贵公司财务部总是以各种理由推三阻四,以致今日未有结果,影响本 本协议签字之日起生效 英文怎么说 英语翻译1 付款 合同项下的金额分期付款.每期支付的时间和金额如下:1)本合同签定之日起60天内支付本合同金额的30%的预付款,共计15,000美元;2)第一期付款在合同签定之日起90天内支付 下列关于股份有限公司股份转让限制的表述中符合《公司法》规定的有(多选题)A.公司发起人持有的本公司股份自公司成立之日起1年内不得转让B公司董事持有的本公司股份自公司股票上市 中译英合同.协议的生效、修改或终止(一)本协议自双方签字、盖章之日起生效.有效期为壹年,协议期满日之前,若双方未接获对方书面异议,协议将自动顺延壹年.(二)本协议未尽事宜,经双 英语翻译原句为:本合同书的有效期限为:自合同签字生效之日起至2011年3月31日止