
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/26 00:38:34


1.When we were little kids,
2.they spent a lot of time teaching us how to use the spoon,chopsticks,and how to eat,
3.teaching us how to dress,fasten shoe laces,and button up,
4.teaching us how to wash our faces,and comb the hair,
5.teaching us to be good citizens.
6.Do you still remember how you asked them where we came from until you get an answer?
他们给我们的爱 一直都是最多和最无私的...
7.The love they gave us has always been the most and generous.
8.Years later,when you were old enough to take care of yourself,they were getting old,and would need your caring for them.
9.So when one day they're too old to take care of themselves,it's our turn to repay them.
10.when they start to forget to button up or fasten their shoe laces,
11.when they start to soil their clothes during dinner,
12.when their hands start to shake when combing hair
13.Please do not urge them,let alone blaming them.
因为我们在慢慢的长大 而他们却在慢慢的变老...
14.This is because we grow up slowly,while they are growing old slowly.
他们需要的并不多 只要我们经常的在他们身边...
16.They do not need much.In fact,all they need is for us to keep them company as much as we can.
17.Then they will be content.They will feel warm (inside).
如果有一天 当他们站也站不稳 走也走不动的时候...
18.If one day when they cannot stand still and their walking becomes shaky,
19.all we need to do is to take their hands and accompany finish their walk.
just like when they took our hands as we started to walk years back
All their life,the love our father and mother gave us was always selfless.So when they get old,we should follow their example by taking good care of them,the same way they cared for us when we were little.This is not just paying back,it's more about responsibility,something we should all do and do well with heart.

1.when we were boys...
2.It takes so much time for them..
3.to teach us how to use scoop.

When we were young, They spent a lot of time teaching us use with spoon.

When we are very small,they spent a lot of time teaching us how to use spoons.

When we are kids, they spent a long time teaching us how to use spoon.

when we were still kids^^^^^^^^^^^they spent much time in teaching us using spoons

当我们很小的时候。。。。。。 他们花了很多时间、教我们用勺子、
When we are young... They spent a lot of time, teach us with spoons,

他们给我们的爱 一直都是最多和最无私的。。。


他们给我们的爱 一直都是最多和最无私的。。。
因为我们在慢慢的长大 而他们却在慢慢的变老。。。。。。
他们需要的并不多 只要我们经常的在他们身边。。。。。。
如果有一天 当他们站也站不稳 走也走不动的时候。。。。。。
When we very young. . . . . .
They spent a lot of time to teach us with a spoon, chopsticks, eat. . . . . .
Taught us to dress, tie shoelaces, Department of buttons. . .
Teach us to wash your face, teach us hair. . . . . .
Teach us the truth in life. . . . . .
Do you remember the often pressed them, we come from?
They give our love has always been the largest and most unselfish. . .
A few years later, when you can take care of themselves when they have already started need your care. . . . . .
So one day when they grow old. . . . . . Our time has come to return. . . . . .
When they started to forget the Department of buttons, tie shoelaces. . . . . .
When they started eating dirty clothes. . . . . .
When they began to comb the hand and shaken. . . . . .
Please do not rush them, can not blame them. . . . . .
As we slowly grow up and they were slowly getting old. . . . . .
They do not need much as long as we are often at their side. . . . . .
Their hearts will be very warm. . . . . .
If the station is also the day when they can walk staggered when walking. . . . . .
We must firmly hold their hands to accompany them slowly. . . . . .
Like. . . Just as they hold us. . . . . .
Father and mother in their lifetime, the love poured on us has always been selfless, so when they are old then, we should take care of us like them, like a child, take care of them, support their parents (old), not only a return, an obligation, it is a responsibility!


When we very young. . . . . . They spent a lot of time to teach us with a spoon, chopsticks, eat. . . . . . Taught us to dress, tie shoelaces, Department of buttons. . . Teach us to wash your face, te...


When we very young. . . . . . They spent a lot of time to teach us with a spoon, chopsticks, eat. . . . . . Taught us to dress, tie shoelaces, Department of buttons. . . Teach us to wash your face, teach us hair. . . . . . Teach us the truth in life. . . . . . Do you remember the often pressed them, we come from? They give our love has always been the largest and most unselfish. . . A few years later, when you can take care of themselves when they have already started need your care. . . . . . So one day when they grow old. . . . . . Our time has come to return. . . . . . When they started to forget the Department of buttons, tie shoelaces. . . . . . When they started eating dirty clothes. . . . . . When they began to comb the hand and shaken. . . . . . Please do not rush them, can not blame them. . . . . . As we slowly grow up and they were slowly getting old. . . . . . They do not need much as long as we are often at their side. . . . . . Their hearts will be very warm. . . . . . If the station is also the day when they can walk staggered when walking. . . . . . We must firmly hold their hands to accompany them slowly. . . . . . Like. . . Just as they hold us. . . . . . Father and mother in their lifetime, the love poured on us has always been selfless, so when they are old then, we should take care of us like them, like a child, take care of them, support their parents (old), not only a return, an obligation, it is a responsibility!


When we are young... They spent a lot of time, teach us with spoons

when we were young...
they had spent lots of time teaching us how to use spoons, chopsticks, and how to eat with them...
they taught us how to dress up ourselves, how to tie our shoe laces and...


when we were young...
they had spent lots of time teaching us how to use spoons, chopsticks, and how to eat with them...
they taught us how to dress up ourselves, how to tie our shoe laces and how to button up our clothes...
taught us the characters and the personalities that we need to grow up...
i wonder if you can still remember the time when you kept on bothering them with the question of where do we come from?
the love that we have received from them, has always been that much and that unselfished...
many years later, when we have already been able to take care of ourselves, they have aged and begun to rely on us and need our help and care...
hence, this should be the time for us to take our turn to look after them...
when they begin to forget closing up their buttons and tying up their shoe laces...
when they begin to stain their dresses while eating...
when they begin to comb their hairs with a trembling hand...
please do not push them, do not blame them...
because as we are growing up, they have been slowly becoming old...
they do not expect much from us but live with their children by their side...
and this will slowly warm their heart...
if one day, when they could not stand up or walk like how they used to do before...
they would need us to hold their hands tight and walk with them slowly and carefully...
like...how they had done to us...
dear parents, they have been spending most of their life wholeheartedly on us, gave us all the love they have ever had, without expecting any thing in return, so when they are old, we should just do the same like how they did to us when we were still children, taking care of our parents is not just about paying back but an obligation, a responsibility that we should never forget and avoid to take.
