
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 22:08:52


Military,was born from the castle,to the prosperity has been the demise of the main line running through the castle's development has always been.The birth of the castle,from which its political environment,in general,the castle is a political division,a product of the separatist forces.Such as the Middle Ages in Europe,as the fief of the implementation of the system,making the ownership of land was distributed among the nobility that,in the hands of the Cavaliers,politically divided and the Empire,the Kingdom,Monaco,Knight territory,and so diverse,large and small feudal political entities Everywhere.No one has a clear border between them,and no one can fully sort out a clear link between them.The level of the feudal aristocracy among various reasons,often caused by the outbreak of war,they always prepare,often taking part in the war.All of the aristocracy are the equivalent of high-ranking military officers and their client will constitute its own officers and men at all levels.It is these all over Europe every corner of the size of the war,making the castle to highlight the role of defense.For example in Germany,only the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany,the existing ancient castle have 15,000 fully reflected Germany's medieval feudal state torn apart.Another war in the Middle Ages and the technical concept of war has also decided to war in the Middle Ages is a defensive war,at the time,the castle is the most reliable way of defense,the Rangers quickly enough to ward off attacks,will be the surprise-Su Juezhan into a war of attrition.As a result lords are widely repair the castle in order to ensure that their estate and property shall be inviolable.
So the castle is to protect the personal property of the Territory and the birth of the defensive architecture.Castle of the role of the military,has been around a castle.In general,the authority's view that it is of the view that the castle is a major development during the 9th century AD from the mound - the castle wall-14th century to the emergence of gunpowder weapons and the emergence of a period of time,it was also a period of time in the Middle Ages military experts known as the "castle period ."

Purpose of castles
Castles were built not only as a defensive measure from hostile enemies, but as an offensive weapon. This article in general discusses castles as a defensive fortress, while thi...


Purpose of castles
Castles were built not only as a defensive measure from hostile enemies, but as an offensive weapon. This article in general discusses castles as a defensive fortress, while this section examines the role of castles as an offensive weapon during the middle ages.
During the Middle Ages, in particular the High Middle Ages (the height of castle building in Europe), lords and kings often built castles for offensive reasons: territorial expansion and control of a region. A castle was a stronghold from which a lord or baron could control surrounding territory. The story of Hugh of Abbeville in the last decades of the 10th century illustrates this:
Because [Hugh of Abbeville's peers] were not all lords of castles, [he] became more powerful than the rest of his peers. For he could do what he liked without fear, relying on the protection of the castle, while others, if they tried anything, were easily overcome as they had no refuge.(Hariulf, Gesta ecclesiae Centulensis)
In the wake of the Norman Conquest, Norman lords constructed castles across England to control and conquer. During the Investiture Controversy in Germany during the 11th century, and the resulting decline of the German kingdom, castle building exploded as local warlords staked claims to minor kingdoms from behind newly-built castles. It is for this reason that so many castles were built throughout Europe: they were an offensive weapon that any warlord with ambitions could employ to control and conquer regional territory.


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