请中翻英一段话:简 介 硅化木又称“木化石”.主要化学成份是二氧化硅,矿物 名称为石英岩,质地坚硬致密.在中国,硅化木的分布时代集 中在 1 亿 5 千万年前的中生代,即恐龙时代;多数是侏

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 05:01:34

请中翻英一段话:简 介 硅化木又称“木化石”.主要化学成份是二氧化硅,矿物 名称为石英岩,质地坚硬致密.在中国,硅化木的分布时代集 中在 1 亿 5 千万年前的中生代,即恐龙时代;多数是侏
简 介
中在 1 亿 5 千万年前的中生代,即恐龙时代;多数是侏罗纪和白

请中翻英一段话:简 介 硅化木又称“木化石”.主要化学成份是二氧化硅,矿物 名称为石英岩,质地坚硬致密.在中国,硅化木的分布时代集 中在 1 亿 5 千万年前的中生代,即恐龙时代;多数是侏
Silicified wood is also named as fossil wood.Its chemical constituents are silicon dioxide and mineral substances.
名称为石英岩,质地坚硬致密.Name:quartzite,with rigid and compact texture.
在中国,硅化木的分布时代集中在 1 亿 5 千万年前的中生代,即恐龙时代;多数是侏罗纪和白垩纪 的植物,也是被子植物出现时期的植被类型.地理分布主要在新疆自治区、四川等地.
In China,the distribution epoch of silicified wood concentrated in Mesozoic,also named as Dinosaur age 150 million years ago.Most of them formed with the plants in Jurassic and Cretaceous period which was a vegetation form when the angiosperm emerged.The geological distribution is In Sinkiang Autonomous Region,Szechwan Province etc.
Silicified wood
fossil wood
chemical constituents
silicon dioxide
mineral substances
distribution epoch
dinosaur age
Jurassic Period
Cretaceous Period
vegetation form
geological distribution

Petrified wood also known as the "wood." Silica is the main chemical composition, mineral
The name of quartzite, hard dense. In China, the distribution of petrified wood collect...


Petrified wood also known as the "wood." Silica is the main chemical composition, mineral
The name of quartzite, hard dense. In China, the distribution of petrified wood collection times
Of the 100 million Mesozoic 5 million years ago, that is the dinosaur age; Most of the Jurassic and white
Chalkiness Ji plants, there is also the period of angiosperm vegetation types. The geographic distribution
In Xinjiang, Sichuan, and other places.


Brief Introduction
Silicified wood, in other name “fossil wood”, the main chemical constituent is silicon dioxide, the mineral name is quartzite, the texture is hard and dense. In China, silicifie...


Brief Introduction
Silicified wood, in other name “fossil wood”, the main chemical constituent is silicon dioxide, the mineral name is quartzite, the texture is hard and dense. In China, silicified wood was mainly distributed in Mesozoic Era of 150 million years ago, namely dinosaur era; It was mainly the vegetataion form of the plant of Jurassic Period, Cretaceous period as well as Angiosperm, distributed geographically in Xinjiang, Sichuan and so on.


请中翻英一段话:简 介 硅化木又称“木化石”.主要化学成份是二氧化硅,矿物 名称为石英岩,质地坚硬致密.在中国,硅化木的分布时代集 中在 1 亿 5 千万年前的中生代,即恐龙时代;多数是侏 《老子》又称《 》, 嗜盐菌又称 又称什么? 新闻又称 王维世称【 】又称【 】 差异成本如何计算?《物业经营管理》一书中186页 有这样一段话【差异成本.是指不同经营管理方案间成本之差异,又称增量成本或减量成本.在数量上,差异成本等于不同方案之间增加或缩小单 选择学校的一种树木,查阅资料,按按名称、外形特征和作用三个方面写一段话如:银杏树 我们学校里有几棵银杏树,我非常喜欢它们.银杏树又名白果树,古又称鸭脚树或公孙树.它是古代银杏类 会计书上有这么一段话日利率万分之2.5又称日息二厘五毫,表示本金100元,日利息为2角5分.我是这样理解的1万元利息2.5元那么100元日利息是2分5厘,1元日利息是2毫5是不是书上错了 还原铁粉灰色或黑色粉末又称双吸剂能够吸收空气中的水分和氧气使用一段后是否仍有效化学方法为 第一段写邱少云是个“年轻的战士”,为什么第二段又称他是“伟大的战士”呢!选自语文S版 上册 14课《我的战友邱少云》练习册 故宫为何又称紫禁城? 为什么山东省又称“齐鲁大地”? 惰性气体为什么又称稀有气体 汉世祖刘秀为什么又称光武帝? 比例尺又称什么 地球为什么又称水球 拔罐法古代又称为什么?