至少10句,必须要有中英文对照!标明出处,内容是关于identity and belonging的就是讲了身份与归属感,个人与集体的名言,一定要中英对照,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/11 03:18:42

至少10句,必须要有中英文对照!标明出处,内容是关于identity and belonging的就是讲了身份与归属感,个人与集体的名言,一定要中英对照,
至少10句,必须要有中英文对照!标明出处,内容是关于identity and belonging的

至少10句,必须要有中英文对照!标明出处,内容是关于identity and belonging的就是讲了身份与归属感,个人与集体的名言,一定要中英对照,
1,people,force than cows,horses,and if not go for horses by what also?\x05
Yue:one can group,he can't group also.\x05
—— 荀况?\x05
2,surmount,the labor.\x05
-" the mandarin · weeks language \x05
3,many hands are better than one,to make it all by yourself.\x05
4,people together can make a single person can make career; gradually\x05
智慧、双手、力量结合在一起 ,几乎是万能的.\x05
Wisdom,power,both hands together,is almost everything.\x05
——美.韦伯勘探特   5、个性和集体融合起来,不会失去个性,相反,只有在集体中,个性才能得到高度 的觉醒和完善.\x05
-beauty.Webb,5,personality and exploration collective fusion up,not lose character,instead,only in the collective,individual character can be highly awakening and perfect.\x05
——法.巴比塞   6、单独一个人可能灭亡的地方,两个人在一起可能得救.\x05
-law.Bobby plug 6,alone a man may perish place,with the two may be saved.\x05
——法.巴尔扎克   7、事实上我们全都是些集体性人物,不管我们愿意把自己摆在什么地方.\x05
-law 7,in fact.Balzac we are all some collective,whether we are willing to put people in their where.\x05
—— 德.歌德   8、谁若与集体脱离,谁的命运就要悲哀.\x05
-DE 8,who if.Goethe and collective from the fate of,who will mourn.\x05
——苏联.奥斯特洛夫斯基   9、个人之于社会等于身体的细胞,要一个人身体健全,不用说必须每个细胞都健全.\x05
-the Soviet union.AoSiTeLuoFuSiJi 9,individual to society is equal to the cells of the body,to a body,not to mention sound must be every cell sound.\x05
——闻一多   10、一滴水只有放进大海里才永远不会干涸,一个人只有当他把自己和集体事业融 合在一起的时候,才能最有力量.\x05
-10,a drop of wen yiduo's only into the sea will never dried up,a person only when he put his and collective enterprise melt together,to the most power.\x05
——雷锋   11、一堆沙子是松散的,可是它和水泥、石子、水混合以后,比花岗石还坚韧.\x05
-lei feng 11,a pile of sand is loose,but it and cement,stone,the water mix than granite is tough,after.\x05
——王杰   12、树立高度的集体主义思想,即国家利益和人民利益高于一切的思想.\x05
-12,set up the height of the wangjie collectivism thought,that is,the interests of the state and the people's benefit is higher than all thoughts.\x05
——陶 铸   13、个人的幸福只能包括在集体的胜利中,因为个人不过是大海中的一滴水,谁能从 苦海中捞出一滴甜水?\x05
-ceramic cast 13,the happiness of the individual can include only in the collective victory,because individual is but a drop in the ocean,who can get out a drop in suffering from either?\x05
——吴运铎   14、单人是软弱无力的,就象漂泊的鲁滨逊一样,只有同别人在一起,他才能完成 许多事业.\x05
-WuYunDuo 14,single is weak,like wandering,only with others like Robinson in together,he can complete many career.\x05
——叔本华   15、人不可能孤独地生活,他需要社会.\x05
-Schopenhauer 15,people may not live alone,he needs to society.\x05
——歌德   16、人只有在人们中间才能认识自己.\x05
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-16,only people to know yourself.Among