
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 00:13:19

大家不要拿翻译软件翻译哈 我这是要做毕业设计用的 挺重要的东西 可是我自己的英语真的是很烂 没办法了 现在真的好急


Title Design: "charm" - creative sculpture
The design departure from the geometry, the use of human creative women decorative sculptures, reflect female charm.
Designed with in...


Title Design: "charm" - creative sculpture
The design departure from the geometry, the use of human creative women decorative sculptures, reflect female charm.
Designed with inverted triangle, Polygon, round, and other geometric patterns for two-and three-dimensional space of a mix, people will think of to see some objects. Abstract female body shapes and patterns that are emerging from the conscious objective standard form of constraint so that the objective inherent to the shape of an exaggeration, distortion, the subjective spirit bear strong colors, to give new, unique, unique visual experience. In addition, the choice of tableware to the plate this element to reflect the level of female life, think of their toil and their hard-working, kind-hearted, the spirit of selfless dedication and deepen people's concern to women.
Can be used for pedestrian street, plaza and other public environmental theme decoration, a city regulation color, adjusting the crowd mentality and the role of visual experience, so that everyone entering the environment where the people are immersed in the thick atmosphere of culture and the arts, resonate. Can also be used for home decoration or art collections, and so on.
Key words: charm, sculpture, geometry, the female body


Title Design: "charm" - creative sculpture
The design departure from the geometry, the use of human creative women decorative sculptures, reflect female charm.
Designed with inve...


Title Design: "charm" - creative sculpture
The design departure from the geometry, the use of human creative women decorative sculptures, reflect female charm.
Designed with inverted triangle, Polygon, round, and other geometric patterns for two-and three-dimensional space of a mix, people will think of to see some objects.
Abstract female body shapes and patterns that are emerging from the conscious objective standard form of constraint so that the objective inherent to the shape of an exaggeration, distortion, the subjective spirit bear strong colors, to give new, unique, unique visual experience.
In addition, selected cutlery plate for the female element to reflect the level of life, reminds them of their hard work and hard-working, kind-hearted, the spirit of selfless dedication and deepen people's concern to women.
Can be used for pedestrian street, plaza and other public environmental theme decoration, a city regulation color, adjusting the crowd mentality and the role of visual experience, so that everyone entering the environment where the people are immersed in the thick atmosphere of culture and the arts, resonate. Can also be used for home decoration or art collections, and so on.



英语翻译《魅力》--雕塑创作摘要本设计从几何形态出发,借用女性人体创作装饰性雕塑,体现女性魅力.设计采用倒三角、多边形、圆等几何形态进行二维与三维空间的构成组合,使人看后会联 英语翻译从“摘要”开始翻译. 英语翻译多媒体创作系统的设计与实现 英语翻译论故事创作的选材方法与设计思路 英语翻译这本书体现了中国古典文学的魅力. 雕塑设计说明怎么写 英语翻译论文设计摘要摘要 本设计的课题为多儿水电站工程拦河大坝设计总体布置,课题的重点是多儿水电站引水枢纽工程拦河坝、泄洪排沙洞,溢洪道和引水发电建筑物组成.本工程以发电 英语翻译摘要:沈从文的创作风格趋向浪漫主义,他的小说朴实而又传神,具有浓郁的地方色彩,凸显出湘西人性特有的风韵和神彩.《边城》创作于1934年,是一首人性美的颂歌.沈从文所着力表现 英语翻译面向网络化制造的CRM后台管理系统的设计与实现摘要:本设计是江西教育厅科技项目“面向网络化制造的客户关系管理系统研究“研究内容的一部分.在网络化制造环境下,处于同一 英语翻译智能饮水机控制系统设计摘要:本论文主要介绍了利用AT89C52制作一简易饮水机智能控制系统的软硬件设计过程,由温度传感器DS18B20检测温度,并用液晶显示器LCD1602显示实时水温.只有 英语翻译这是一段论文摘要,希望大神帮我翻译成英文的‘!年产5.4万吨丙烯精馏塔的工艺设计专业名 化学工程与工艺学生 王大鹏 指导老师 徐晓辉[摘要] 本设计任务为设计一个精馏塔来进行 英语翻译摘要:论文评论了“五四”运动、大革命时期到三十、四十年代叶圣陶的小说创作.重点评论了短篇小说创作最高峰《夜》及长篇主要代表作《倪焕之》的创作.他的作品有深厚的社 敲铜雕塑、铸铜雕塑制作中的除锈防腐方案:| 分类:默认分类 | 标签:四川雕塑 成都雕塑 雕塑设计制作 玻璃钢雕塑 不锈钢雕塑 | 敲铜雕塑、铸铜雕塑制作中的除锈防腐方案:1、初磨:用 英语翻译会计电算化系统的设计与实现——财务管理子系统摘要本系统是以会计学的基本理论为基础,我国会计电算化的管理体制为约束,结合中小企业的财务管理需求进行开发的.为实现会计 植物雕塑园设计 翻译英文 英语翻译本设计介绍创作一款新的乒乓球全自动发球控制器,能够实现乒乓球发球方向任意、出球转速可控、发球速率可调.系统采用AT89C51单片机为主控制芯片,LCD1602作为显示器件,配合H桥电机 英语翻译现代装饰材料在礼服中的应用与设计还有一段摘要,我 email 给你 雕塑