期末口语考试试题已出,随机抽取一题回答1分钟,求答案,字数至少要能讲1分钟,答得好重赏!1. What do you think was or is the happiest time for you at university? Why?2. Are you satisfied with your present accommodations? I

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 17:46:32

期末口语考试试题已出,随机抽取一题回答1分钟,求答案,字数至少要能讲1分钟,答得好重赏!1. What do you think was or is the happiest time for you at university? Why?2. Are you satisfied with your present accommodations? I
1. What do you think was or is the happiest time for you at university? Why?
2. Are you satisfied with your present accommodations? If not, what kind of accommodations would you like to have?
3. What kind of activities do you take part in during your holidays?
4. In what way is Beijing different from other big cities in China?
5. Is there a place that you particularly want to visit? Why?
6. Where do you prefer to shop, in department stores, the supermarkets or in small shops?
7. What factors would you consider first if you were to find a job (even a part-time job)?
8. A lot of young people like fast food, esp. things like hamburgers and French fries. What is your attitude toward junk food?
9. What is the greatest challenge you’ve met since you entered university?
10. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: an apple a day can keep the doctor away? Use specific reasons to support your answer.

期末口语考试试题已出,随机抽取一题回答1分钟,求答案,字数至少要能讲1分钟,答得好重赏!1. What do you think was or is the happiest time for you at university? Why?2. Are you satisfied with your present accommodations? I
1.The happiest time for me at university is the time I spend in the library.Because I love reading and there are many useful books there.I can find some rare materials for my major study and also i can read some short stories for fun and relax.The environment is great.I love spending time in the library.That is the happiest time for me.
2.Sorry but i am not satisfied with the present accommodations.So first of all,I hope the dorm is not too far from the teaching building areas and the dining hall.Second,i hope we can choose to live alone or share the dorm with classmates.Third,the dorm is too hot in the summer.Maybe we can have a fan or airconditioner in the dorm.That maybe is too much to ask but i really think so.
3.There are many activities i like to take part in.For example,in the summer holiday,i will travel to the beach and have a good time there.I swim and play with the sand.As for winter holidays,i will go skiing.I love to ski,when i am skiiing i feel i was flying.Other activiies are to go to see a moive with friends or have a pinic in the part.That is great.
4.Beijing is differet from other big cities in China in many ways.First,Beijing is the capital of China.It is more political than other big cities.Second,Being is a very historical city,the forbidden city is in Beijing and also the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.The next,i think Beijing suffers traffic jam more that other cities ,it has so many people and the number is increasing quickly.I think there are many others things to make Beijing so unique.
5.Yes, i want to travel to Hainan Isand.The scenery is different from that here in my hometowm.I like sea and the beach.I have seen pictures of hainan and it is very beautiful.The blue sky and blue sea and the coconut tree.There are many great food there too.I want to have a taste of the coconut juice and some sea food.I could not wait to go there.One day i will go to with my family and take lots of pictures there too.
6.For those three, i choose to go to the supermarket to go shopping.First of all,the categories of good there can be enought for me to choose.Second,i feel free to choose myself and i don not like to listen to the introduction of the shop assistants. Third,usually the price there is not too high.Last,the environment is also good and some times they play music.
7.If i am going to find a job,the most important factors i think is the salary and working envirment and what i can learn from it.First,the salary is what i think of first.I hope i can be paid reasonably.Second,i would prefer to work in a clean and healty place.Last but not least,i want to learm something from the job.This is quite important and useful for my future.
8.I don't like junk food.First of all ,it is not my cup of tea.I don not like frid food.Second it is not healthy.It is said that if you eat lots of junk food ,you will get fat.But ,if my friends all plan to eat junk food,i will join them.I think if i don not eat oftem,it is not that harmful.If for myself,i won't eat junk food.
9.The greatest challenge i have met since i entged university is to take good care of myself and live by myself.Before i go to univeristy,my parents take care of me and everything is going great.But when i am here stand on my own feed and i am not used to living independently.I suffer a lot to learn to wash clothes and make bed.Now i can live independent and i am proud of myself.Even my parents cannot belive i learn so quick.That is the greatest challenge for me.
10.I disagree with the saying.First of all,this saying is too specific.An apple ,why an anpple and not an orrange.In fact,scientific data shows vegetables are more healty that fruits.Second, the quantity is a problem.I think the quantity should be different for children and adults.Third,certain people cannot eat fruit since it contains a mount of sugar.For example,people have obesity and diabetes.So i am not so agreed with this saying.

期末口语考试试题已出,随机抽取一题回答1分钟,求答案,字数至少要能讲1分钟,答得好重赏!1. What do you think was or is the happiest time for you at university? Why?2. Are you satisfied with your present accommodations? I 甲、乙两人参加口语测试,已知在备选的5道试题中,甲能答对其中3道题,乙答对每题的概率都0.8.规定每次考试都从备选题中随机抽取3题至少答对2题才算合格,求:1.乙合格的概率;2.求甲答对试 2011年初一历史上册期末试题可能出什么? 如何在excel随机抽取1~53中的一个数 一道概率题在一次抽奖活动中,有甲、乙等6人获得抽奖的机会.抽奖规则如下:主办方现从6人中随机抽取两人均获奖1000元,再从余下的4人中随机抽取一人获奖600元,最后还从这4人中随机抽取1人 设10件产品中有7件正品,三件次品.随机抽取3件,若已发现两件次品,则3件全是次品的概率如题~清晰的语言描述出来过程~不要只有一个关系式或者最后的答案.是不放回的抽取。题目就是这样出 在区间【0,1】中随机地抽取出两个数,则两数之和小于6/5的概率是多少? 高一必修一人教版地理期末试题 哪有地理必修一期末试题? 求一道高一概率题4男2女,随机抽取3人,至少有1个是女生的概率为多少 期末试题 期末试题 从{1,2,3,4}中随机抽取一个数为a,从{1,2,3}中随机选取一个数b,则|b-a| 答案已有但是没中间的公式,1.设有甲乙两个相同的口袋,甲袋中有3个白球5个黑球,乙袋中有8个白球2个黑球,在两个口袋中随机地抽取一个口袋,再从抽出的口袋中随机地取出一球,求此球是黑 甲乙同时参加测试,有10个题目,甲能答对6题,乙能答对8题,每次考试随机抽取3题,至少答对两题才能入...甲乙同时参加测试,有10个题目,甲能答对6题,乙能答对8题,每次考试随机抽取3题,至少答对 2010高一下学期期末怎么出试题 考试的的概率题,这一块真的不懂求帮助!在一批10个产品中有4个次品.如果一个接一个地随机抽取两个,下面的每个随机事件的在一批10个产品中有4个次品.如果一个接一个的随机抽取两个,下面 1~2000的整数中,随机地抽取一个数能被6整除的概率是多少?怎么算啊?