
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/24 04:47:09


The price of this contract in accordance with the agreement the U.S.dollar and the RMB exchange rate 1:6.67,
The buyer paid the day when the Bank of China to be with reference to the U.S.dollar and the RMB exchange rate announced by the central parity,
In case of central parity rate within the specified date of the price of ± 1%,
Zeyi payment amount shall be the date of payment multiplied by (1 + percentage of exchange rate changes) for the actual payment amount.

The contract price is RMB $1. According to the prescribed rates of 6.67,
The buyer at the time of payment to the bank of China announced to the dollar renminbi exchange rate and the price,
In ...


The contract price is RMB $1. According to the prescribed rates of 6.67,
The buyer at the time of payment to the bank of China announced to the dollar renminbi exchange rate and the price,
In case the contract rate than the price of ± 1%,
In payment of accounts payable amount multiplied by (1 + rate of change of the actual percentage) for payment.


The price of this contract in accordance with the agreement the U.S. dollar and the RMB exchange rate 1:6.67,
Payment is required with reference to the buyer the same day the Bank of China announ...


The price of this contract in accordance with the agreement the U.S. dollar and the RMB exchange rate 1:6.67,
Payment is required with reference to the buyer the same day the Bank of China announced central parity of the dollar and the RMB exchange rate,
In case of central parity rate within the specified date of the price of ± 1%,
Zeyi payment amount shall be the date of payment multiplied by (1 + percentage of exchange rate changes) for the actual payment amount.


The price of this contract in accordance with the agreement the U.S. dollar and the RMB exchange rate 1:6.67,
The buyer paid the day when the Bank of China to be with reference to the U.S. dollar...


The price of this contract in accordance with the agreement the U.S. dollar and the RMB exchange rate 1:6.67,
The buyer paid the day when the Bank of China to be with reference to the U.S. dollar and the RMB exchange rate announced by the central parity,
In case of central parity rate within the specified date of the price of ± 1%,
Zeyi payment amount shall be the date of payment multiplied by (1 + percentage of exchange rate changes) for the actual payment amount.


英语翻译本合同的价格是按照美元与人民币1:6.67的约定汇率计算的,买方在付款时需参照中国银行当日公布的美元与人民币汇率的中间价,如遇当日汇率中间价超过约定价格的±1%,则以付款当日 后面接的价格是美元还是人民币?如MSRP:500后面的500应该算做人民币还是美元? 英语翻译由于人民币换美元持续升值,我们不能保持去年的价格给你. 设一年前美元兑人民币的汇率是1美元等于8.2345元人民币,假设美国的物价比前一年上升8%,中国的物价上升10%,则美元与人民币之间的理论汇率为多少? 英语翻译HP公司指定要住喜来登酒店,另外他们总部之前有询问过我们迪拜同事,我们的最初报价是500人民币,如果能按照500人民币的价格,他们会确定与我们合作. 凡凡去美国留学,妈妈到银行用19500元人民币兑换了3000美元.人民币与美元的总换比率是():1, 按照1美元对换人民币6.75元计算,小明的爸爸用900元人民币大约能兑换多少美元?(结果保留两位小数) 美元与人民币的换算率 目前我国人民币与美元的汇价状况? 金融学计算题紧急求助!1.假定某种商品的出口成本为8元人民币,在美国市场的价格为1.5美元,则当美元与人民币的汇率从1:8变为1:10时,若出口数量是原来的2倍,问出口商利润率上升了多少?2. 人民币与美元兑换率 美元与人民币兑换率 炒外汇,美元兑换人民币 盈利按美元计算比如是用美元炒人民币,人民币8元兑换1美元 资金100万美元 杠杆是1:100 美元 请问我的盈利?怎么计算的人民币8元兑换1美元 升到人民币6元兑换1美元 一道政治有关汇率的计算题08年1月28日人民币与美元的兑换比率是1美元:7.2元人民币.若6年后人民币升值20%,美元贬值10%,那么6年后,1美元可兑换( )人民币A 5.4 D 6.6 某出口企业,向美元区进口设备,当美元和人民币的比价为1比7时,每出口一套价格为12万美元的设备,可获利36万民币.当美元与人民币的比价为1比6.5时 在成本不变的情况下,此时该企业每出口一 英语翻译1 付款 合同项下的金额分期付款.每期支付的时间和金额如下:1)本合同签定之日起60天内支付本合同金额的30%的预付款,共计15,000美元;2)第一期付款在合同签定之日起90天内支付 按照最新人民币对美元的汇率,2008年我国人均GDP超过多少美元 折算率与汇率的区别为什么1人民币对美元折算率是14点几,而1人民币对美元汇率是6点几请知道的朋友解答下,