求英国浪漫主义、超验主义和自然主义的英文定义这是几个外国文学写作手法--english romanticism,transcendentalism,naturelism谁能给一下english definition?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/19 15:13:56

求英国浪漫主义、超验主义和自然主义的英文定义这是几个外国文学写作手法--english romanticism,transcendentalism,naturelism谁能给一下english definition?
english romanticism,transcendentalism,naturelism
谁能给一下english definition?

求英国浪漫主义、超验主义和自然主义的英文定义这是几个外国文学写作手法--english romanticism,transcendentalism,naturelism谁能给一下english definition?
romanticism is a movement prevailing the 19th centure in Weasterm World in literature,art music and philosophy beginning as a reaction and protest against the bondage of rules and customs of neo-classicism.It was marked and is always marked by a story reaction .It returned to nature and plain humanity for material.Itbrought about a renewed interest in medieval literature.It was also marked by sympathy for poor people and thus a deep understanding toward common people.It was a movement expression of indivdual orignality and different poets realized their variety.A dream of golden age is established against stern realities .Imagination is the key point.
transcendentalism;Emerson said "What is popular called transcendentalism among us is idealism"relies on the intuition and the conscrience sponsored in American cheifly by Emerso ,it became a literary movement as well as philosophic conseption.
naturelism is a literary trend prevailing in the second half of the 19th century in Europe,especially France and Germany.Naturalism is an attempt to achieve fidelity to nature by rejecting idealized protrayals of lices.In literature,it can be further defined as a technique of objective view of man or a mood with frankness and accuracy.According to naturalists writes,man is shaped by hehedity and environment,over which they cannot control.They tend to show "true-to-life'description without selection.They show man'struggling for survival.

求英国浪漫主义、超验主义和自然主义的英文定义这是几个外国文学写作手法--english romanticism,transcendentalism,naturelism谁能给一下english definition? 美国现实主义和意象派的英文解释,名词解释那种还有清教注意,浪漫主义,超验主义,现实主义,地方特色主义,自然主义,现代主义以及意象派,最好是英文滴~ 19世纪后期欧洲主要的文学潮流哪些?A超现实主义 B象征主义 C唯美主义 D自然主义 E浪漫主义 文学里面浪漫主义,印象派,自然主义,现实主义是什么!每一个主义只要简单的特点!自然主义一方面排斥浪漫主义的想象、夸张、抒情等主观因素,另一方面轻视现实主义对现实生活的典型概括. 文学词语解释寓言典故原型黑色幽默古典主义存在主义表现主义形式主义意象主义反讽迷惘的一代暗喻现代主义自然主义新古典主义后现代主义现实主义浪漫主义象征主义 “法国启蒙主义文学”和“英国浪漫主义文学”用英语怎么讲? 现实主义 浪漫主义 自然主义的主要区别在哪 急需清教主义、浪漫主义、启蒙运动的名词解释(中文和英文都要)!越详细越好, 浪漫主义和唯美主义各是什么意思? 关于英国的重商主义和重金主义? 求对英国浪漫主义的分析特点,几句就形. 中国浪漫主义诗歌与现实主义诗歌的特点和不同浪漫主义诗歌以为代表,实主义诗歌以为代表. 十九世纪英国浪漫主义和批判现实主义的小说代表 浪漫主义和唯美主义的区别新月派虽有唯美主义倾向,但主要倾向任是浪漫主义的,这两个有啥区别? 英国浪漫主义和美国浪漫主义有什么不同? 谁给提供一下浪漫主义与现实主义,现实主义与自然主义的不同之处.要法语版的. 卢梭自然主义的教育理论 (求简述) 英国18世纪浪漫主义诗人的共同 异同之处Blake和Buron 三个积极浪漫主义byran shelley keats 三个消极wordsworth coleridge scothey 老师上课提的问题,说是王佐良好像研究过这个问题.说要联系到启蒙主义