来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/07 10:31:07
文章阐述了M石油化工企业在对知识型员工的管理中存在论资排辈、传统认识管理模式存在限制了知识型员工作用的发挥、缺乏对知识型员工的职业生涯规划、忽视对知识型员工的培训教育和开发,这些问题的存在使得M公司知识型员工流失严重.而知识经济时代,企业对知识型人才的争夺日益激烈.从我国石油化工企业的实际情况看来,外企和民企用高薪、培训、发展空间等诱惑到大型国有企业挖人,出现人才大量从国企流向外企和民营企业.可以说,知识型员工的流失成为一个热点问题.为了对知识型员工进行激励,促进企业持续发展.从企业上,文章认为应从四个方面着手,分别是 制定适合知识型员工特点和要求的激励机制、转变管理模式建立现代人力资源管理制度、做好知识型员工的职业生涯规划、加强适合于知识型员工需要的培训与教育等.从中国国有企业整体来讲,文章认为实施“人本管理”,为知识型员工创造更多的成长和发展空间,建立动态的绩效评估体系,“物质性”激励与“精神性”激励并举和培育独特的企业文化.营造和谐的团体氛围.
Paper describes M petrochemical enterprises in the management of knowledge workers exist in seniority, the traditional understanding of management mode limiting the role of knowledge workers play, lack of knowledge workers career planning, neglect of training and education of knowledge workers and development, these problems make the M company a serious loss of knowledge workers. The knowledge economy, knowledge-based enterprises increasingly fierce competition for talent. Petrochemical enterprises from China's actual situation seems foreign and private enterprises with high salaries, training and development of large state-owned enterprises such as the temptation to dig people, there a lot of talent from the state-owned enterprises the flow of foreign and private enterprises. can be said that the loss of knowledge workers become a hot issue. In order to motivate knowledge workers to promote the sustainable development of enterprises. from the enterprise, the article that should be four aspects, namely, to develop appropriate knowledge characteristics and requirements of staff incentives, change management establishment of a modern human resources management system, good knowledge worker's career planning and strengthen the knowledge workers needed for training and education. From the Chinese state-owned enterprises as a whole is concerned, the article that the implementation of the "people management" for knowledge workers to create more growth and development, to create dynamic performance measurement system, "material" incentives and "spirit" of both incentives and nurturing a unique corporate culture. Groups to create a harmonious atmosphere